As of yesterday, 11/18, the KMART in Stockton, CA on Pacific Ave is closing and has all videogames currently marked down at 20% off.
There was a large assortment of games for all systems still.
I do not live that close to Stockton but was out that way for a visit and saw the store closing...
Cant remember the systems exactly, but more of them were Xbox. I think Timesplitters may have been PS2. There were 2 bins, one on either side of the table. One had a bunch of GBA games and the other PS2, Xbox, GC games. Plus the table had about a dozen different games. Wasnt interested in the...
Unfortunately Merced is over an hour from me. Sorry, I dont ever get down that direction. Maybe another Central Cali CAG is closer. Also CoC was $40, $20 at the register.
Merced, CA BB has a 50% off table w/a bunch of games, 75% off with purchase of system hardware. Most were between $20-$40, then half off at register. There were a couple of $10 or less games, though. Picked up the last ones of these:
Geist -$5
Sprung $1
Enthusia Racing $2.50
Some others were...
Went back over the weekend and found that most of the games are now marked down even more.
Picked up:
Arx Fatalis for 9.99
Star Fox Assault 14.99
Wave Race Blue Storm 4.99
Zoocube 4.99
Fatal Frame 2 9.99
KOTOR 2 12.50
Was in the Modesto, CA CompUSA and they are clearing, out way to many to list, games from all systems, Xbox,PS2,GC, GBA and DS.
They were listed at 50% off their CompUSA list price.