All we had was WOW:Cat, COD3, and SC2. I picked up the last SC2, Sims 3 pets(for the wife), and BF3.
*Found out the wife already has Sims 3 Pets. If any wants to trade it for Diablo 3 PM me*
I got it form my local BX yesterday. They have like 3 more copies. They also have Trails of the Sky for 20 which i'm going back for. But enough of that more hauls!!! This came in the mail today.
Got OP off of ebay He's a little dirty. So I've been cleaning him. Any suggestion on how to clean him would be great. Next item...
Got a Display frame for my planeswalker cards. I need to get a Jace Beleren to have the 5 original.
And the last thing
A Revoltech Dancouga. These figures are...
I just got two box of the base set off ebay. The other set are hard to find though. Licasguy I will PM later on. I'm NYC right now so I going to hurt around up here.
If you guys know anyone wanting to sell some or maybe give them away whatever Please let me know!! thank you. Or where I can buy some. I 've seen ebay and other place all ready.
Got Lunar for PSP and my 3x Goblin Lackeys came in!!! I have extra to so if anyone might want to trade it me up.
Also Got Golden Sun today!! Because of the news on the DS drop.
And my number 1 pick for this week no MONTH!!! This beauty-
The Harmony One it's great!!!
First thing I got this was a replacement for this tv
And got this TV and some speaker stand
Also got marvel vs capcom 3 as a welcome home surpise from the wife