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  1. F

    Givin' away 14 DC Universe Online Beta Keys (WWF & WCW Trivia!) *DONE*

    If I do WCW - Konnan will it count then?
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    Target Clearance Thread XVII

    I have been looking to find any Battlefront game on clearance at Target but I haven't had any luck. The target near me has not added any sort of video game clearance since they added the plastic cases for the games.
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    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    I kinda like Gamestop but i love CAG
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    Star Wars: Battlefront

    Ive really enjoyed the Battlefield series and I remember playing a demo of one of them on PSP and I loved it. Im just curious if one of these is the best of the ones offered on the PSP or if just buying the cheapest one would be fine.
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    Star Wars: Battlefront

    I really want to get one of the Star Wars Battlefront games for the psp but I really have no idea which one to get. I'm almost to the point where I don't trust reviews anymore so I am looking for people's personal opinions. Also did they change the gameplay much between the 3 games offered for...
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    Walmart - PSP-3000 Rock Band Pack - $139.00 - B&M Only - YMMV

    My local Walmart still says its 200, I might go and have them scan it if I get a chance.
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    Walmart - PSP-3000 Rock Band Pack - $139.00 - B&M Only - YMMV

    How will we know if amazon will match this? Also is there any information if this will be in the upcoming ad which would lead to places like target doing a price match?
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    Walmart - PSP-3000 Rock Band Pack - $139.00 - B&M Only - YMMV

    I hope to pick this up here in my area today or this weekend. It will be a great early birthday present to myself
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    Walmart - PSP-3000 Rock Band Pack - $139.00 - B&M Only - YMMV

    I tried a few walmarts in my area. All were $199 still. Kinda lame, maybe they will drop soon.
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    The Blockbuster/Gamerush Thread XXI

    Does anyone know if the Guitar Hero's for DS at blockbuster come with the fret or not. I saw some used ones on sale at a local blockbuster and I was just curious if it was the game only or not.
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