Search results

  1. LoveDivine

    XBL Deals - 12/31-1/6: "LEGO GonD"(-40%)* │ FREE: Sleeping Dogs* │ MM↓: SRIV $39.99, Hydrophobia $2.99

    Damn, missed that, was studying haha. I'll check. I'm sure it's worth $20, but I'd for there to be a fighting game day of the sale and miss a discount.
  2. LoveDivine

    XBL Deals - 12/31-1/6: "LEGO GonD"(-40%)* │ FREE: Sleeping Dogs* │ MM↓: SRIV $39.99, Hydrophobia $2.99

    I ask some advice from you all - How wise would it be to buy Tekken Tag 2 digitally right now? I know a sale just started, but it was marked down to $20 just this month. It's $15 over Amazon, or $20 locally in stores. Should I wait for it to possibly go on sale? I don't have much time to play...
  3. LoveDivine

    new super mario bros wii?

    Sadly you're probably right. However, I've still got my fingers crossed for this game. I'll be buying it this week regardless of price drop.
  4. LoveDivine

    Black Friday Gaming Deals 2009

    Well, BF this year just looks like a Walmart run to see what they have, combined with any surprise Amazon purchases. Does anybody have the full list of discounted Walmart games, or will we just have to wait till BF?
  5. LoveDivine

    Animal Crossing: Wild World

    It's listed under Amazon's "DS deals", but it's still like $33. I guess it's a deal if you consider $40 the normal price (which is kinda strange).
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