I hope this is still around when the Metroid Prime Trilogy comes out. Pre-Order COD4-2, $10 off MP Trilogy + $10 Gift Card (Reward Zone) would be a great deal!
Appears to be the same as this at Amazon for $32.95.
Good Deal! Going to check out the local Gamestop at lunch!
Also, be aware, it looks like this only supports SD, not HD.
Picked up GH:Aerosmith for PS3 for $7.97 and Simpsons for PS3 for $4.99 at the Ocean, NJ Sears yesterday at lunch. There was 2 GH's and 1 Simpsons left.
The Howell, NJ BestBuy had Guitar Hero Aerosmith Guitar Bundle for PS3 for $19.99, the game alone was $9.99.
They also had a big rack of various $9.99 games at the front of the store. Mostly 2008 Basketball Games.
I bought MP1 for $6 at Gamestop and MP2 for $13 new at Target on Final Clearance and said I would play through both before getting MP3.
I only got about 20% through MP1 before picking up a few other Wii Games to focus on and haven't gotten back to it. This is a great deal for me to get all 3...
How are you guys making the printouts of UPC's? I swear I saw a tool/website in a thread once, but cannot find it.
The HD-DVD at my local KMart was still $32. PS2 Memory Card Reader for PS3 was $3.50.
I picked up the Last one at my local KMart (Howell, NJ) and then grabbed another (last one) at the Gamestop down the road. Now I just need to fire up my copy of HotD 2&3!