Question for Cheapy, Shipwreck, and Wombat...what would you guys say are your top 3 games of this gen? and how about your biggest surprise (good or bad) game of this gen? Thanks guys, keep up the good work!
Over the last week I have traded in 63 games leaving me with 977.55 in store credit. Now if they would just have a 50% trade in deal so I can get rid of some of the 180 games that were under $3 lol
Question for all three of you. With so much talk surrounding the Tupac hologram lately, I was wondering if there was one video game character that you could bring to life in that form who would it be?
Keep up the great work you guys!
I ended up with 6 copies of Madden 11 and 6 copies of Crysis 2. Kept 2 of each and traded in the rest for about 75! Great investment. All my gamestops would only accept 1 of each, so I ended up at a couple of stores!