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  1. S

    Xbox Series S/X Re-stock Thread

    I placed the order and it went through. I'm PRAYING TO MANY GODS that my order doesnt get cancelled.....
  2. S

    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    Realistically as long as the website has 'reasonable' measures to prevent massive guessing remotely 8 or 26 isn't a big difference Teh difference is when you have an offline attack. Where the attacker already has the salted or encrypted passwords. Then it becomes a question of how 'long' will...
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    To be honest if you read the article the person had BAD password security in the first place. Passwords aern't the problem PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    Generally speaking this is just people with terrible terrible password policies. I don't need to hack ubisoft to get your uplay account. I can hack 'random website a' and just try teh username/password combos there. There's a good chance a lot of them will work on other services...
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    Sleep is for the weak!
  6. S

    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    The demo give a good idea of what the core gameplay is like. It's only 100 turns which isn't nearly enough time to really conquer the world but you get a sense of how to manage your empire, expand, combat, etc. If you liked the demo then you'll like the full game, and you might as well get G&K...
  7. S

    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    But I was talking about Agriculturer Simulator 2011 Gold... What are these AC games people keep talking about? Is that like Agriculture Clone or something? The world needs more farming games that's for sure.:)
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    That's not a crap sandwich, its crap bread but with a juicy delicious middle :)
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    It's weird that it says "MAC OSX only" because I don't get that text when I click the game link But whatever, I'm way too busy ensuring Boudica is stomping all over the world murdering her way to victory
  10. S

    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    G&K Purchased, registered in steam, downloading on my *ahem* Mac :) @wompdevil, when you register the game it'll say "G&K Mac retail" but it will begin the G&K download on your Windows box just fine. As I am doing now.... I mean on my Mac! Totally on my Mac! As long as no one sees your store...
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    Is that like UK am or US am? :)
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    *sigh* i guess the G*K deal is dead :(
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    So any chances for more G&K keys for my "Mac" 8-)
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    :( Why is G&K only 33% off now!!!!!! :((((((
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    I'm going just keep mentioning G&K :) What turkey sacrifices are required to get that back up?
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    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    Those are easily remedied by Amazon so it's really not a huge issue.
  17. S

    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    Civ5 is a steamworks game so you need steam to play it no matter waht.
  18. S

    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    Please get more Civ 5 G&K codes!! Please!!! :(
  19. S

    Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought BO was going to show up on the Amazon deals?
bread's done