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  1. NYC10004

    CAGcast #330: Ultimate Harmony

    Cheapy is right. I would go so far as to say Sonic Generations is the best Sonic game to come out since the last great Sonic games on the SEGA consoles, but the forum gaming communities across the net often become snowballs of vitriolic title bashing irrespective of the quailty of an indivudual...
  2. NYC10004

    Best games under 30$ on demand for Xbox?

    State of Decay (XBLA) -  $19.99 I've been playing it all weekend. It is so damn good!
  3. NYC10004

    XONE - Killer Instict - F2P Character Rotation Each Month - Fulgore 4/9!

    Free with one character to start with and I only have to buy the characters I really want and none of the lame ones I don't. Talk about "first world problems"!
  4. NYC10004

    CAGcast E3 2013

    About the Witcher 2 controls you mentioned. From experience, that was a PC issue. I played the Witcher 2 on both PC and console. It looked better on PC but the controller interface sucked, no matter what you did to it.  Strange thing is even the mouse was horrible, especially compared to the...
  5. NYC10004

    XBOX points expiring 1 year after conversion to local currency

    Are you serious? You think that clarifying something that is not true is defending Microsoft? You think that pointing out that what was said, to have been said, was not said is defending them and their policies? Where I come from it's called basic reading comprehension.
  6. NYC10004

    XBOX points expiring 1 year after conversion to local currency

    ...Typical No man, I'm not defending anything. I'm just sick of people presenting lies as the truth and then acting like complete idiots. If you're going to be mad about something be mad about something real.
  7. NYC10004

    Xbox "Games with Gold" - Dead Rising 2 & Case Zero Free *8/15 - 8/31*

    Once you download it it's yours. Many people I know with 20gb Hard Drives operate this way. Play a game, delete the game, move onto another game, re-download the game if their in the mood. Doing this, there's no reason to even upgrade beyond 20gb.
  8. NYC10004

    XBOX points expiring 1 year after conversion to local currency

    Yeah. It's a first. Day one I'm downloading one game the moment I get home from Best Buy and that will be the way I get my games from then on.
  9. NYC10004

    XBOX points expiring 1 year after conversion to local currency

    That's not how it works. If you stocked up on cards, but you did not redeem them yet, you're totally good. If you just hold onto those as long as you want redeeming them after the conversion you loose nothing if you don't use them and the converted points do not expire. If you were to redeem...
  10. NYC10004

    XONE - Titanfall - From Respawn Ent (Ex-Infinity Ward Members)

    Difference? Biggest Difference would be the X1's 1080p 60fps. I just downloaded the 1.5gb game play vid and as good as it looked the E3 coverage did not do it justice.
  11. NYC10004

    State Of Decay Xbla

    Game looks great. To bad every-time a game like this drops I'm in the middle of finishing another game (Metro 2033).
  12. NYC10004

    XBOX points expiring 1 year after conversion to local currency

    No. Positive I didn't get it wrong. I can read just fine. It's not robbery at all. It's a warning that any points not used on your account will 1. Be transformed into actual currency (like everybody complained they wanted) 2. Will (for some reason) need to be used in 12 months (assuming you...
  13. NYC10004

    XBOX points expiring 1 year after conversion to local currency

    12000 = $150.00 I would seriously use that to purchase 2 games for the XBOX ONE after the transfer and not before.
  14. NYC10004

    XBOX points expiring 1 year after conversion to local currency

    You guys got it wrong... "You will begin using local currency or an Xbox Gift Card (denominated in your local currency) to buy music, games, videos, and more from your favorite Xbox stores. When you use your existing Microsoft Points to initiate a purchase or redeem a Points card with your...
  15. NYC10004

    The Division E3 2013 Trailer and Gameplay Demo

    That all depends on if your playing with randoms or your friends.
  16. NYC10004

    Xbox "Games with Gold" - Dead Rising 2 & Case Zero Free *8/15 - 8/31*

    Or they realized they could do same thing despite how much better XBOX LIVE is.
  17. NYC10004

    Dragon Age: Inquisition E3 2013 Official Trailer

    I use to love Bioware, but not so much after EA aquired them. I didn't feel excited watching this, but I'm still going to pick it up.
  18. NYC10004

    Need For Speed: Rivals PS4/Xbox One E3 2013 Gameplay

    Think I just watched Cheapy playing a Need for Speed game the other day on Youtube. It looked fun.
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