Search results

  1. S

    Any deals on XBL Gold 12 month currently?

    My sub's up next month, and I need to purchase another 12 month card. Any deals going on? Bundles with points cards?
  2. S

    Best deal on 360 wireless controller?

    Any good sales going on? Thanks.
  3. S

    Cheapest price for wireless controller?

    Who's got them for cheapest? Best Buy? Circuit City? Or are they 50 bucks everywhere?
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    DC, VMU, 3 Games FS

    I hate to part with it, but I'm selling my Dreamcast. I'm hurtin' for monay this month. I plan to put it on Ebay, but I figured I'd give someone here first dibs. You get: Sega Dreamcast 2 Controllers VMU (no end cap) Power and A/V cable Sonic Adventure Crazy Taxi Crazy Taxi 2 Web Browser...
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    Screw the Intercooler- check THIS out I'm liking the S-video out. The hub in back is nice too....
  6. S

    Thanks CAG

    I just joined CAG in December, and already I have scored a ton of sweet deals that I wouldn't have otherwise known about. Gears of War 39.99 at Target 1600 Marketplace points free with purchase of 12+1 month Xbox Live subscription card (Best Buy) 4 free XBLA games from Microsoft Free...
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    Xbox 360- Streaming videos to TV from a PC

    Do I have to have Windows XP Media Center Edition to do this? Or are there some third party tools for XP?
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    New way to enter Halo 3 beta: Play H2 online

    Didn't see this posted anywhere else... From Joystiq: I guess you play 3 hours of Halo 2 multiplayer on Live between Midnight February 1, and 11:59 pm Feb 3, then you register on a website. What I'm wondering is, do I...
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    Stupid 360 n00b question- Live Achievements?

    Do you only get these for 360 games? Like say I play Halo 2, theres no achievement points? Are these just for bragging rights, or do they mean something?
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    GoW $39 at Target- Best Buy price matching?

    I've never price matched anything before at Best Buy. Are they jerks about it? I have a bunch of BB gift cards I got for Xmas, and I'd really like to take advantage of the great price on Gears...
  11. S

    Best Xbox 360 peripheral?

    Well, on Xmas I became the proud owner of a new Xbox 360 Pro Bundle with Need for Speed: Most Wanted. W00t! In addition, I recieved abouit 95$ worth of Best Buy gift cards from family, work, etc. I'm planning to buy GoW with some of it, but I was wondering what the best add-on peripheral to...
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