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    iPhone and iPod Touch Games on Sale

    sent invite iMob: 100382399
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    dunno if anyone has tried this or not but I was sent this so you kiddies can play with it if you want. its kinda useless in this state.. THERE IS A VIDEO ALONG WITH IT THAT SHOWS HOW TO USE IT
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    Well there you have it.. you have no reason to wait.. run along now and find a nice street to play in.. its not firefox
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    rofl.. little history lesson for you since you obviously did no reading over at SD.. My first vip I won was the first week of october. the last time I played consistantly was 1st week of november. From 1st week of nov till first week of dec I played one day for 30 mins and won a vip the 1st week...
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    Listen up you friken IDIOT!.. Dont twist my words around. My "Tips" were no secret.. I posted them in an OPEN FORUM. Is it my fault your mommy dropped you on your head then kicked you down the stairs making you mentally retarded and unable to read and comprehend? NO ITS NOT! Im not here to...
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    Admitted? Its not like it was a hidden secret that we were winning. Its posted in the wiki of the thread.. And its not like there are certain CAG members who have and do the same thing.. This is being turned into a CAG vs SD thing.. its not about that. I read both boards andhave great trades...
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    Interesting theory.... Ill make note of that one
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    Jealous eh?:applause: :applause: :applause:
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    I have a email affidavit for Second Prize: 6-month VIP BLOCKBUSTER Game Pass® Approximate Retail Value $131.94 It may get DQ'ed it may not... Ill trade it for 3 unused gamepack links... if risk vs reward is worth it to you PM me No Notary Required The email affidavit can be filled out and...
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    we already know that. I love how you skirt the issue of how you commit return fraud yet you think it is so bad to play multiples. Let me take a stab at the TRUTH! It irritates you because it cuts down on your return fraud revenue if people play multipes and prevents you from winning
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    The guy is 2 faced.. He commits return fraud on gamepacks then condemns people playing multiples?
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    You dont. I know you don't follow the rules.. especially at walmart where you commit return fraud... so why would this be any differant? Im calling you a LIAR.
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    he's not only greedy he is also a little 2 faced prick
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    hahaha! Your a greedy little Son of a bitch yourself there PAL! You are bitching because others are winning lots of things and you ALSO have won. you need to just shut your mouth ya know? You are doing the EXACT same thing everyuone else is doing.. only problem.. YOU ARE A FAILURE
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    It's already been established you are a 1st class DOUCHEBAG so you might as well just shut up. The truth is.. if you were able to win.. you would be doing what everyone else that wins consistantly does!
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    You also realize these points are old? Ive had them for a while? I played 38 total times in the last MONTH. Its not like I am still playing.. because trust me.. If I was still playing I win 4-6 times PER HOUR EASY!.
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    Wait.. you have the gall to question me about what I am doing? Then ALMOST in the same sentance you admit to return fraud.. Why am I wasting my time even bothing posting to you? IF you must know.. here is what I am doing. I have 5 VIP packages I need to pay taxes on. So I am claiming...
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    Anyone with an excess of UNUSED GP links.. I will trade 1200 points for a link If you dont know who I am or need to verifiy my trustworthiness here is me on SD
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    Ive got a Bowel Movement that I really don't want. If you pay for shipping I will mail it to you
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    Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

    PMed you 10 codes for the link - thx
bread's done