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    Steam Code MASSIVE Giveaway!!!

    hells ya, I wanna have your baby Cheapy! We'll be rich!!!!!!..... (34/M)
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    New vs used castlevania

    For lord of shadows is there any incentive to buy new? Or is the used copy the same?
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    Computer Science careers and degrees. Need Help.

    my main focus was degrees because basically the GI bill will only fund me if I'm working towards an acreddited degree. But I'll have to look into it, I may be able to play the system. My GI bill pays for about 3 years of benefits.... I may be able to stretch a 2 year degree out to take 3 years...
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    Computer Science careers and degrees. Need Help.

    Long story short after 10 years in the military and getting shafted after reaching for a 5 year goal to be a blackhawk pilot (literally by one day) because people kept messing up my paperwork, I am considering giving up on trying to finish my military career and using my GI bill to go to school...
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    Need suggestions for PC keypad controller please.

    oooh I just found a Flexiglow Cyber Snipa V2, looks interesting All your suggestions are great thanks. these type of items are hard to shop for as its all give and take. My impressions of what I've seen so far: N52 has 2 drawbacks i see: -thumb D-pad (on the fang I actually use all 6...
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    Need suggestions for PC keypad controller please.

    I am currently using an Ideazon Fang (pictured below so you have an idea what im looking for), which has served me extremely well over its last 5 years or so of abuse. And after using this for almost every PC game over the last 5 years I dread going back to my keyboard. Its life is coming to...
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    Official "Donate Games to the Troops in Iraq" Thread

    actually from my understanding it is, hard to prove since you don't get a reciept but keep a list of what you sent and estimated value when you turn in your taxes. Just like when you donate to good will etc, theres a block for donations and they rarely ask for proof but if so keep the shipping...
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    Official "Donate Games to the Troops in Iraq" Thread

    !!!!!!! wow where were you when I was playing in the sandbox!!! props to you!!
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    Official "Donate Games to the Troops in Iraq" Thread

    just a recommendation, I know when we left out of there we left behind a lotta stuff that was donated to us (mags, a few games, dvds etc) with one of the units coming in (not with the unit that replaced us because they JUST got there and were saying aloud how they didnt wanna be there, it sux...
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