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  1. K

    UPDATED!!! Amazon Black Friday Sales Start Monday, November 22nd

    Any news on if newer releases like the Avatar Collector's Edition, or Scott Pilgrim, or the Grindhouse Collector's Edition Blus will be dropping to $15-$20 like some of the newer stuff did last year?
  2. K

    UPDATED!!! Amazon Black Friday Sales Start Monday, November 22nd

    Back To The Future Blu-Ray Trilogy for $35. i don't know how much cheaper it'll be on Monday, but for those who don't want to wait, or don't want to risk missing out: CLICKY
  3. K

    UPDATED!!! Amazon Black Friday Sales Start Monday, November 22nd

    MMMMMM HMMMMM THIS is what I want to hear more of. Now that the Lightning Deals have been revealed, I want some good info on the rest of the discounts. I have SO many Blus on my Amazon Wishlist, and I'm looking to cut it in half at least.
  4. K

    GS TIV & Promos: Old thread, please check first/last post for new thread link.

    Yeah I started thinking the same thing about my TIV's dropping if I wait for a higher bonus, and most of them are over $12 at the moment so I'd hate to lose those prices. Meh, whatever, I'll take the 30% and be happy. Thanks.
  5. K

    GS TIV & Promos: Old thread, please check first/last post for new thread link.

    So does that mean would it be best for me to just take advantage of the current 7/30%, or is there a chance for another X Number of games/50% deal in the next 2 months? Doubtful right?
  6. K

    GS TIV & Promos: Old thread, please check first/last post for new thread link.

    I have a receipt here where I got an extra 50% + the Edge 10% and I only traded 5 games. It was around March. I have a bundle of stuff to sell right now, and with the 7/30% offer coming to an end in 5 days, I'd hate for a 50% one to come up right after I traded my stuff.
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