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    Steam/Origin etc Buy/Sell/Trade Thread! - READ THE OP! ONE POST EVERY THREE DAYS!

    WANT: Battlefield 4 Base game Battlefield 4 Premium Any BF4 edition HAVE: Paypal
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    Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

    I've been a member for just over 5 years, and I happened to log into the site today looking for blurays and UV codes. I'm glad I did and congrats to all the winners. Still hoping for DI: Riptide. Thanks for the opportunity Tony, CheapyD, and LM.
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    Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

    Was a list already posted? Or is that still to come?
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    Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

    What exactly is the "code fest"? I seemed to have missed something. :(
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    Steam/Origin/Desura etc Trade/Sell/Buy Thread

    [H] Tropico 4 Collection (tradeable) [W] $15 paypal Steam offers
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    Hows this laptop for gaming?

    The ASUS performs the best. The MSI is probably the most bang for your buck and the 2nd best performer. Don't buy the Lenovo. It's a nice machine, but for what you get the MSI or ASUS are better options.
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    Hows this laptop for gaming?

    All 3 perform almost identically. The 675m isn't "old" by any means and actually performs the best out of the 3, but it isn't even noticeable when actually gaming. Very. I have a GTX 460m in my laptop and it plays 95% of the current games on ultra (ex. Tomb Raider) and games like BF3 and...
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    Hows this laptop for gaming?

    Umm... the GTX 670m and GTX 670mx perform almost identically. I do believe it is the 670mx though which is slightly better. My guess, unnoticeably better.
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    Hows this laptop for gaming?

    It will definitely perform better too.
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    Hows this laptop for gaming?

    The i7 is the better processor, but neither of them are going to limit gaming in any way. They are both more than enough for any game on the market. You won't really see a gaming difference.
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    Question about the new Tomb Raider game

    There isn't a rape scene.
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    Hows this laptop for gaming?

    The ASUS laptops are the better performing laptops with the i7s and GTX 670s. You get a little more for the money with the MSIs though IMO.
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    Hows this laptop for gaming?

    If you don't mind refurbished... Or you can spend a little over budget for a new one with slightly better specs.. As far as I am concerned, the ASUS G series or MSI...
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    Hows this laptop for gaming?

    Yes. Google is your friend.
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    Hows this laptop for gaming?

    A GTX 650 and GT650 are two VERY different cards. The GTX 650 is made for gaming and the GT650 is more of a card for multimedia, video editing, CAD, etc. That said, I'm not sure how it stacks up to your desktop. A google search will answer that for you.
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    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    [H] Tradeable games Alan Wake Franchise - $12 Castle Crashers - $10 Paypal [W] Torchlight 2 Crysis 3 Paypal
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    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    [H] Tradeable games Alan Wake Franchise - $25 Castle Crashers - $10 Paypal [W] Torchlight 2 Crysis 3 Paypal
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    AMD Never Settle: Reloaded (FREE! Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Crysis 3)

    If anyone has a Crysis 3 code and doesn't want it I'd like to buy/trade for it at a good price.
bread's done