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  1. billyok

    CAGcast #753: Boycott This!

    Every time some soft puddle of melted ice cream quits listening to the show because they can’t handle Wombat being forthright with what he believes in, an angel gets their wings. 
  2. billyok

    CAGcast #596: Crocs, Bots, and European Hot Spots

    Funny that Wombat thought Bohemian Rhapsody should have made a few things up to be more interesting: It actually did. The entire timeline of that movie is a total lie. That Live Aid show happened two years before Mercury was even diagnosed with HIV. And the band never really even broke up...
  3. billyok

    CAGcast #576: I Like Toxic Waste

    The philosophical problem with Cheapy's "they should just make it $70" idea*: — it rewards publishers for adding F2P monetization to full-priced games — those publishers will inevitably, gradually still add in-game purchases atop that $70 asking price once $70 becomes the new normal The...
  4. billyok

    CAGcast #518: Sweet Business

    Shipwreck saying the economy of loot boxes will sort itself out and we'll be fine, followed by Cheapy saying $3 (1/20th of the full price of a $60 game) seems like a fair price for a single character skin, is why I'm not confident this will work itself out. Can you imagine telling someone from...
  5. billyok

    CAGcast 500th Episode Semi-Spectacular

    Oh boy, that clip at the end of the first episode. Morning zoo sound effects and all. You've come a long way, folks.
  6. billyok

    CAGcast #484: Name That Outrage!

    It's true. Shipwreck has children in every city in the country. We're onto you, Ship! Love, Your oldest son
  7. billyok

    CAGcast #458: Pokemon Go Away

    I never, ever, ever get tired of hearing people describe their first experience taking on the Wrigley Field bathroom. I'm partial to the Sox, but still visit Wrigley one or two times a year, and I don't drink a drop at Wrigley because I never want to see those bathrooms again.  Glad you had a...
  8. billyok

    CAGcast #455: E3 2016 - Not Brought To You By Mountain Dew!

    Cheapy I love your work but your mumbling and vocal fry abilities have achieved a new plane of painful in recent months. It's hard to listen to with headphones. Use that booming voice! 
  9. billyok

    CAGcast #398: Virtual Reality Reality

    Bagging on Sony for abandoning the Move while saying there's no point in Sony releasing a peripheral that uses the Move as part of its centerpiece. Okay then! Cynicism overload these days with this show. 
  10. billyok

    $9.99 PSN Flash Sale (NA PS3/Vita) going live - Tales of Graces f, P4Arena, Sly Collection, GoW Collection & More

    I loved Lost Planet 3 and have absolutely no idea why critics mostly didn't. Easily the best game in that series and one of the better main characters I've played as in recent years. Excellent storytelling and cast overall, really.
  11. billyok

    Free Game - Adventures of Shuggy(Steam)

    I got this game a few years ago on the 360 and loved it. Extremely unsung gem. Enjoy, everybody. 
  12. billyok

    Playstation Plus 12 months for $35

    When you call people names and act like an ass on an otherwise civil board, you get called out on it. Don't like it? Tough shit. Act like an adult and it won't happen. Not complicated.
  13. billyok

    Playstation Plus 12 months for $35

    Wow. You should see a doctor about that thin skin of yours. Love to dish the vitriol but you melt down when someone dishes back. Oh well, I'll leave you to your tantrum. Sorry to butt in on your message board. Oh, this isn't your message board, it's CAG's? Weird.
  14. billyok

    Playstation Plus 12 months for $35

    Sounds like you're the one whose ass is red. Chill out, he was simply making a (valid) point about simple etiquette. If you didn't get it from SD then just say that -- no need to throw a tantrum like a manchild.
  15. billyok

    CAGcast #359: Prepare for Wingfall

    1. Oculus Rift Dev Kit 2 does use a camera and does measure depth the same way Morpheus does. It even ships with a camera. 2. MGS V GZ isn't a 90-minute play-once game that would be better served by a CGI film.  3. You guys need to add a fourth cast member who, in addition to perhaps serving...
  16. billyok

    CAGcast #349: Our Favorites of 2013

    I cannot imagine what you guys want from games if 2013 was a down year. Might be time to find a new hobby, because this year had everything.
  17. billyok

    CAGcast #348: Peggle Fever Fever

    I'm more of a long-haul kind of guy when it comes to stocks. So that big gain would only have come after a big dive. Watching that needle bounce up and down and every which way isn't appealing to me. Reminds me too much of Peggle. :)
  18. billyok

    CAGcast #348: Peggle Fever Fever

    Would I, though?
  19. billyok

    CAGcast #348: Peggle Fever Fever

    Meh for four guys making something like No Man's Sky, raves for a game where you watch a ball bounce around pegs that is nearly identical to the last game where you watched balls bounce around on pegs. Always enjoy the show, but am I ever glad you guys aren't in charge of publishing games. 
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