Search results

  1. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

    Yeah, it updated shortly after my last post. I guess i'll just keep an eye on the HP site and hope.
  2. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

    And they're gone. ::sigh::
  3. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

    11 minutes and SLOWLY counting, actually.
  4. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

    A BB near me is now showing "in store only" when it showed unavaibile this morning. Guess I know where I'm jheaded after work...
  5. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

    That's what I get for sleeping and then having a busy day at work. Damn you job!
  6. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

    Has anyone else noticed that the HP website has switched from "Coming Soon" to "Out of Stock?"
  7. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

  8. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

  9. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

    Their stock has been out for a while now.
  10. Z

    HP Touchpad $99.99 / $149.99

    Stupid OnSale. If I hadn't assumed I was getting a Touchpad from them, I might have rolled the dice with Newegg.
  11. Z

    GOG - 20% Fallout trilogy (Fallout 1, 2, & Tactics)

    Remember that you can also redownload it anytime you want, if you don't feel like burning a disc.
  12. Z

    GameStop Game Days! Final Clearance begins 5/3 and lists are in!

    I might have to go hunting for a copy of Valkyria Chronicles now. I don't own a PS3, but I have a roommate moving in next month who does...
  13. Z

    GameStop Game Days! Final Clearance begins 5/3 and lists are in!

    Luckily, this doesn't really happen at the 2 Gamestops near me. The only time I heard it on Sunday was a sarcastic "I have to ask this" and a knowing smile when I said no.
  14. Z

    GameStop Game Days! Final Clearance begins 5/3 and lists are in!

    I bought my car brand new. There were a couple dozen miles on the car when I got it, so I know a couple other people took it on a test drive before I did. Does that make it used? Maybe to some people. I didn't really care, and as long as the disc and inserts look good, I don't care about gutted...
  15. Z

    GS: Buy GH Aerosmith for $9.99 and get wired Xplorer Guitar Free (360)- YMMV?

    I can confirm as well. The douches behind the counter at the first GS I stopped at had no idea what I was talking about, but the second had signs advertising the deal everywhere. I grabbed a copy of the game and a guitar for myself. The lady behind the counter was pretty shocked that it worked...
  16. Z

    GameStop Game Days! Final Clearance begins 5/3 and lists are in!

    I can confirm the GH: Aerosmith+free guitar. I picked one up at the second GS I stopped at today (the first denied any knowledge of the guitar sale) for 9.99, plus Civ: Revolutions for 15. Then I came home and dragged my roommate out to Gs for another copy of GH: Aerosmith so we would have 2...
  17. Z

    GameStop Game Days! Final Clearance begins 5/3 and lists are in!

    Does anyone have a link to the free wired Guitar Hero controller? I looked all over but I can't find anymore info on it.
  18. Z

    Xbox 360 20 gig hard drive

    I've heard a couple people mention really good deals on a reconditioned Xbox 360 20 gig hard drive for really cheap ($20 was the figure I heard). Where are people getting this deal? Am I imagining things?
bread's done