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  1. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    I think we need to come up with a new word.... let me describe the situation... 1)log into steam 2) see a game that is interesting 3) scroll down to read description/add to wishlist 4) read "you already own (said game) I don't recall ever buying it.....
  2. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    You know why I don't own any of the Half-Life games....because I do not want to get sucked into waiting for Half-Life 3 To Hell with the Price!
  3. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    Everyday I look for bundles...and lately I have been disappointed Even the Steam Sales I shy away from because I do not want to buy a game that will be bundled/bigger sale later... Example: Quantum Conundrum is on I get it or wait for it to be potentially bundled or a lower sale...
  4. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    What is it about the Hitman games...I played the second one and really enjoyed it...since then (no matter the price) I have only been as close as a click away from deciding not to anyone of them a must have?
  5. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    Somewhere Gabe is laughing...he has all of us at death's bed talking about consoles....just in time for the Spring Steam Sale..... Brilliance
  6. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    Glad we are back to the regularly scheduled discussions....
  7. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    SO why is it I log into check the Steam Deals and I run into console talk ?????? I fear Gabe's wrath.....
  8. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    No worries... out of curiousity what glitch?
  9. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    Have any of you seen the trailers/ information for Aliens Isolation? wow if they can pull it off....
  10. V

    Steam Deals Thread V11 ~ Let's move along, people...

    Key drop Plain Sight RRQX8-MJQJ8-YAT99 
  11. V

    The Steam Deals Thread v10

    Suddenly I feel like I have been cured or at the very least I don't have a problem.... now where are the bundles?....
  12. V

    The Steam Deals Thread v10

    I could never turn away...where else can you have conversations involving Steam, KFC, and Spoder....
  13. V

    The Steam Deals Thread v10

    Great's gotten to the point I set up a profile on to give away the games I have copies of.... or is it better to post keys in this thread? (opinions please)
  14. V

    The Steam Deals Thread v10

    Hi, I am Valiki and I am a BA (Backlog Addict) I have over 250 games on Steam...i have beat (maybe) 15... Majority of the games I haven't touched a) no time (5kids) b) pc not powerful enough ...and yet I still scour this page for deals and follow all the bundles (yes just got HB 11 /...
  15. V

    The Steam Deals Thread v10

    Don't be too disappointed about Waking Mars....ok game to play on a smartphone, but a waste on the PC
  16. V

    The Steam Deals Thread v10

    Is Dishonored a Steam game or is this through UPlay?
  17. V

    The Steam Deals Thread v10

    I know it was mentioned a page back, but the D&D Master Bundle goes on sale every few months for $5...just keep checking the site :-) I missed the first sale in April than picked it up in June when it went on sale again.
  18. V

    GameFly Daily Deals: Battlefield 3 (360) $20, LOTR: War in the North $10, SC V $20

    And that is why companies will re-release sub-par is no where near the experience that the N64 Goldeneye was...
  19. V

    Skylanders Starter Packs 50% off at Toys R Us!

    Kids love it (and i have fun with it too)...really nice because their mom has Wii and i have ps3 (yeah had to buy two games, but the figures transfer)...great game for separate houses...wonder how that ad campaign would go lol
  20. V

    History of Video Game books

    I agree living through the events and some of the odd tidbits of information are always interesting (like the fact that Ms. Pac Man was a mod two kids made and the company hired them instead of issuing a cease and desist order...thats paraphrasing it). I also enjoyed Masters of Doom also...
bread's done