Search results

  1. FrankCastleAZ

    No mans sky ps4 9.99 at walmart via online

    It's showing up as $20.13 from a non Walmart seller. Did it get changed that quickly? Or am I missing something
  2. FrankCastleAZ

    Madcatz CM - Brawlsticks $20 - Brawlpads $10 - Driving Wheel 360 $180

    If it's not it's pretty damn close. Honestly I prefer the Sega layouts with the curve as it fits the fingers natural layout more. I never have to worry about the 4th and 8th buttons because I don't use them. -FrankCastleAZ
  3. FrankCastleAZ

    Madcatz CM - Brawlsticks $20 - Brawlpads $10 - Driving Wheel 360 $180

    Still open with for Cyber Monday as well. Might be the last day for the sale. Unsure. Markman might be able to clairfy.
  4. FrankCastleAZ

    Battlefield 3 Premium Edition PC Retail $24.99, instore pickup

    According to = Global stats PC online 51 826 PS3 online 52 206 360 online 27 510 I play on PC though, so the BF scene on PC won't die until 2 years after BF4 is out. And honestly, it's still a better game than any other FPS on the market. Ended up picking it up via Amazon...
  5. FrankCastleAZ

    Madcatz CM - Brawlsticks $20 - Brawlpads $10 - Driving Wheel 360 $180

    I ended up ordering 5 of the WWE 360 Brawlpads for padhacking/dualmodding purposes. Was a whopping $8.99 ground shipping. Unreasonable for 1 $9.99 item but fine for multiples or a high priced arcade stick or two. The Soul Calibur V stick is the highlight IMO as the button layout is perfect. Get...
  6. FrankCastleAZ

    Madcatz CM - Brawlsticks $20 - Brawlpads $10 - Driving Wheel 360 $180

    EDIT- Still available for today (Cyber Monday) Just got a heads up via email on Gameshark/Madcatz sale for BF. Including cheap arcade sticks and controllers. Personal recommendations in Bold Highlights include...
  7. FrankCastleAZ

    Battlefield 3 Premium Edition PC Retail $24.99, instore pickup

    Thanks OP. Didn't have premium. Now I can give BF3 vanilla to a friend. Best online FPS of all time.
  8. FrankCastleAZ

    Amazon: Call of Duty: MW3 Limited Edition Guide $5.03 shipped

    Amazon won't let me order anymore :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( Picked up all of them for a little over $5 each! Will be used as tournament prizes. :-) EDIT- Original post with [img] tags showing photo was deleted. Message me if I've done something...
  9. FrankCastleAZ

    Amazon: Call of Duty: MW3 Limited Edition Guide $5.03 shipped

    Amazon won't let me order anymore :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( Picked up these for a little over $5 each.
  10. FrankCastleAZ

    Brink (360) $5, Operation Flashpoint: Red River (PS3) $10 w/fs & more at Newegg

    LOL! Yeah thanks a lot. Ehh with free to enter tournaments people can't bitch too much. Better than some unwanted non popular character from a McFarlane action figure toy line.
  11. FrankCastleAZ

    Brink (360) $5, Operation Flashpoint: Red River (PS3) $10 w/fs & more at Newegg

    In for 4 copies of Brink for tournament prizes. Thanks OP
  12. FrankCastleAZ

    Arizona Minions, RISE!

    Blame GameSlop.
  13. FrankCastleAZ

    BlazBlue: Continuum Shift EXTEND (PS3) $22.91 at Amazon

    What he said ^^ :-) Not enough fighting games out on LCD arcade machines. Tekken, BlazBlue and SSFIV. Even Arcana Heart 3 and the recently announced arcade version of Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R are both in SD (or at least displayed in 4:3) Also, I'm in for 6 if I can get paid quick...
  14. FrankCastleAZ

    Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition $19.99 on Amazon (GS PM) Backordered

    Wish I would have seen this. I already picked up 8 copies at that disgusting retailer known as GameSlop for the same price earlier today. Thanks anyways OP. I would have much rather supported Amazon. -FrankCastleAZ
  15. FrankCastleAZ

    Arizona Minions, RISE!

    We'll have Gears for casual play on 4 networked 360s the majority of the convention. You helping Anabel? You should help organize an AZ meetup in the video gaming room. I don't really have the time to contact the AZ members that have posted here. If you would like to do that it would be really...
  16. FrankCastleAZ

    Arizona Minions, RISE!

    Okay everyone. Someone pick a CAG meet up time at PCC 2012 in my crew's gaming room. Considering I'll be massively busy running things, I don't know if I will have time at that given point to hang out and chat for long but I'll do my best. Speaking of my crew's gaming room at PCC 2012...
  17. FrankCastleAZ

    Arizona Minions, RISE!

    My crew AZHP will be doing the video gaming room for Phoenix Comicon for the 7th straight year and I promise it will be HYPE! I'll have some big announcements within the next month or so and i'll be sure to post in here to let you all know as soon as possible. I could also potentially help set...
  18. FrankCastleAZ

    Amazon PCDD - $5 DRM Free Ubisoft Games+BOGO

    Bought Supreme Commander, Darksiders and Payday and imported them to Steam. Madly happy about this sale. Props to Amazon for the sale and improvements. I urge EVERYONE to pick up Mirror's Edge as it's an amazing game and worth $5. I hope EA will let Dice make Mirror's Edge 2 after the upcoming...
  19. FrankCastleAZ

    Worst B&M Game Retailer 2011

bread's done