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  1. C

    World of Warcraft is out!!! Are you playing??

    Wow is the best game out right now... hands down. Lvl 35 Human Paladin on server:Kargath. If your on that server or want to make a character on that server me and my guild are more than happy to help you out.
  2. C

    [DEAD] Resident Evil 4 - GameCube Free Overnight Shipping

    I dont know if its just because I work at EB or what it is but I hate Gamestop. How they do everything is soo terrible. We have 3 employees that are former Gamestop employees and they tell me all these stories about how Gamestop is run. They dont take preorders in the computer? They take pieces...
  3. C

    Convinced PS2's are made to break.

    I dont know... Maybe its just me. I really think that PS2's are supposed to last a certain ammount of time and than just stop so you have to buy a new one. Hardly anywhere offers repair on them too. Another ironic thing. We get a defective PS2 at least twice a week it seems. May not always be...
  4. C

    Regarding Final Fantasy X and X-2

    FF-X2 was sooo the biggest disgrace in gaming since the N-Gage was considered to be affiliated with gaming.
  5. C

    Official Everything Resident Evil Thread (deals, reviews etc

    Have none of you played the demo?! Its insane! Leon is quite the acrobat in this one, being able to jump out of windows and all. I blew 6 peoples heads off with one shotgun blast. I had to pause it after that and set the control down for a second to bask in the glory of what I just did. These...
  6. C

    Games with most disturbing images?

    If The Grudge were a game I wouldnt buy it for the sole purpose that I think it would terrify me to interact with that kind of game. Didnt see too many people talk about the Resident Evils. Some scary parts in every one of those.
  7. C

    What games did everyone get for Christmas?

    Lol I dont really get games for christmas cause I buy my own games working for EB so no one thinks to get me games. I did get a 27 inch flat screen tv for my room though :) I bought myself a sega genesis and a regular NES with 20 games a piece and 2 controllers (plus a light gun) all for 20$ Heh...
  8. C

    how do you feel when you trade in games?

    Heh. Looks as though this forum could use an actual EB games employee. Trading in games to EB or anywhere is both good and bad. My initial reaction to trading in games to my store is wow there not gonna give me crap for that. The only time i trade is for deals and new games that i take home beat...
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