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  1. mojorojoe

    Official Bull Moose Music thread! [Bull Moose last post: 07/08/09!]

    Browsing everytime I go is actually pretty fun. You find some pretty obscure stuff at great prices.
  2. mojorojoe

    Official Bull Moose Music thread! [Bull Moose last post: 07/08/09!]

    Browsing everytime I go is actually pretty fun. You find some pretty obscure stuff at great prices.
  3. mojorojoe

    Official Bull Moose Music thread! [Bull Moose last post: 07/08/09!]

    Any chance of the web site having the older titles listed?(such as NES, Genesis etc). I know the bullmoose in scarborough has quite a bit of Snes, Genesis and such. Just wondering.
  4. mojorojoe

    Official Bull Moose Music thread! [Bull Moose last post: 07/08/09!]

    Gotta put the props to bullmoose for selling Lost Odyssey for the xbox 360 for 50 dollars and change.
  5. mojorojoe

    Fable: The Lost Chapters XBOX $5.98 SHIPPED!

    great deal. ordered. thanks op
  6. mojorojoe

    X360 elite: wait or buy?

    I was all hyped up reading this analyst information that the x360 was gonna drop at e3. I'm wondering if I should just wait or try to buy with some sort of coupon deal? Unfortunately I don't see any good coupons or discounts right now.
  7. mojorojoe

    Circuit City Coupons $40 off $200, 10% off - OP updated with new links

    I am curious about the Elite thing too. I wanna get one with this coupon because the whole price drop rumor tanked at e3.
  8. mojorojoe

    Official Bull Moose Music thread! [Bull Moose last post: 07/08/09!]

    Just an FYI Bullmoose has The HItman Trilogy for 17.97(Ps2)! A great pickup for someone who hasn't played them all
  9. mojorojoe

    The Wii Code Thread

    4055-6795-4851-9487 i'd love to be added! pm me if you add me
  10. mojorojoe

    The I have my Wii thread

    Its interesting I didn't camp out..and the Walmart near me was supposed to get 50 and got 15...I got lucky and waited outside Target for 2 hours and ended up with one..#19 out of #33. The wii rocks!
  11. mojorojoe

    Do you think that Wii will sell out on launch in the US?

    Definitely..and the reason I say this is because in going to stores yesterday/today. Parents/Grandparents who were looking for a PS3 find out the Wii is "new" and "cheaper" and they're coming back tomorrow to get it as a hot christmas gift. This is definitely a plus for Nintendo.
  12. mojorojoe

    Necessary to camp out for the wii?

    I'm starting to wonder how accurate those inventory trackers like are. I heard from a target employee near me that his store is getting only 8 wii's. Hes not a gamer so I pray hes wrong and thats the PS3. But it kinda has me in doubt now.
  13. mojorojoe

    New Wii to come out in 2007

    I've never been a huge fan of consoles playing DVD's anyways. Although it does save you room in the ole' entertainment center.
  14. mojorojoe

    It was bound to happen: GameStop not able to fill all PS3 pre-orders

    This whole PS3 launch has been one messed up puppy. The consumers are actually losing more than a spot in line. Imagine how game companies feel. You have a market penetration of 200k US units..and you spent awhile on R&D for the PS3. I have to agree that Sony is to blame but at the same time...
  15. mojorojoe

    Speculation is not over yet!

    Didn't Legend of Zelda come out in 1986? Maybe they'll pack that in for the 20 yr anniversary. If not that..I'm guessing Wii points.
  16. mojorojoe

    Do you think you'll be able to get a Wii on launch day w/o camping?

    When I first posted this I was confident it would be a w/o camping experience. But then I realized the cost. I mean a parent who doesn't buy their kid a ps3 will more than likely opt for a wii. I know grandparents are notorious. They may see the PS3(yeah right ..okay im imagining) and see the...
  17. mojorojoe

    Games you really want for Wii VC but almost definitely won't be there

    Battletoads(nes) - that game was the first to teach me the meaning of anger Shining Force(gen)- That could make it though Golgo 13(nes) Bases Loaded(nes) godzilla: destroy all monsters(nes) teenage mutant ninja turtles(nes) - the non-arcade one klax(gen/nes)
  18. mojorojoe

    Do you think you'll be able to get a Wii on launch day w/o camping?

    I've been thinking about this. They say 1 mil units to the US..and then they said their production estimates are way ahead. I just wonder what everyone else thinks. I almost get the sense you can just buy it and spend the time playing the games instead of trying to track it down. Although I...
  19. mojorojoe

    Wii Pre-Order Thread - Facts, Rumors and Everything In Between They just put up a "preorder details coming soon" under the Nintendo Wii
  20. mojorojoe

    Movie Gallery used deals

    I've seen Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for $19.99. They also seem to carry some rare games like Disgaea in my store shrinkwrapped for 29.99.
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