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  1. PseudoMoxio

    The New OTT Experience

    Do we know they're all late 2007?
  2. PseudoMoxio

    Banjo-Kazooie: nOTTs and bOTTs

    I slept in. :-S
  3. PseudoMoxio

    Quit hiding from the OTT Moxio.

    Holy shit, I am awesome at chemistry. 8-)
  4. PseudoMoxio

    So what is everyone doing for halloween?

    Studying until the night, then going to the frats.
  5. PseudoMoxio

    College Essays!

    Honestly, people could give you a huge list of things to do, but essentially it's all about being unique. Which is harder than it sounds.
  6. PseudoMoxio

    OTTcast #1 - The LEGIT Internet Radio Revolution

    I've been spending so much time in the library. :( Time to head back.
  7. PseudoMoxio

    Fat Asian Men love the OTT

    I'm not too big on rap, but I was just thinking of going for the experience.
  8. PseudoMoxio

    Fat Asian Men love the OTT

    All this talk about concerts and stuff makes me wonder if I should go see my school's homecoming with guests like Lil Wayne and Lupe Fiasco.
  9. PseudoMoxio

    Useful OTT # 93

    Got my work-study job. Yay?
  10. PseudoMoxio

    The Real OTTers

    The guy's still upset over his Xbox. :lol: I'm definitely set to graduate within 4 years, no problem. Also, I'm only taking out about $1500 in loans every year, so that won't be hard to pay off. Med school? Not so much. :lol:
  11. PseudoMoxio

    The Real OTTers

    About 4 hours Monday, 1 hour Tuesday, 6 hours Wednesday, 6 hours Thursday, 4 hours Friday. Darn, looks like Wed and Thurs are the worst days after all. :lol:
  12. PseudoMoxio

    The Real OTTers

    My MWF are pretty packed, especially Mondays. Thurs are okay, Tuesday's are only one class at 2:30 PM. :)
  13. PseudoMoxio

    Tips on what to buy for college living

    Is yours a Kensington?
  14. PseudoMoxio

    Tips on what to buy for college living

    The dorm will be heated / air conditioned. They're new dorms.
  15. PseudoMoxio

    Tips on what to buy for college living

    Right, right. I was just curious why Amazon's were so expensive when I could get some good old Made in China brand. :lol:
  16. PseudoMoxio

    Tips on what to buy for college living

    I'm just a bit worried about losing my laptop; definitely my most valuable posession. Haha :)
  17. PseudoMoxio

    Tips on what to buy for college living

    This hasn't been posted, but I'm thinking about getting a laptop lock just in case. Is it alright to just get a cheap one? Ebay ones are around $7 or $8, whereas on Amazon they're over $35.
  18. PseudoMoxio

    Tips on what to buy for college living

    Yeah I'll be buying a small lamp and various school supplies there. A minifridge sounds nice but I will have to ship it back. :( That'll be hard and expensive
  19. PseudoMoxio

    Tips on what to buy for college living

    Bump! Thanks for the suggestions. I will be going to a college far away and will be living in dorms, so yeah.
  20. PseudoMoxio

    Tips on what to buy for college living

    Long story short, I'll be going off to college in about a month, out of state (as in, thousands of miles away). I've already gotten the bare essentials like bedsheets, blankets, clock, etc. and I'll be picking up some stuff when I get to college like a lamp and school supplies. What I'm...
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