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  1. Scobie

    Happy CAGoween!

    Don't let the bastards get you down. You're not the one who is wrong.
  2. Scobie

    Happy CAGoween!

    Happy Halloween!  Hope everyone is having fun out there tonight.
  3. Scobie

    Humans gone in 30 years? Beginning of Mass extinction

    Marc Morano is a great patriot. If you find yourself concerned about global warming or climate change or whatever crisis these criminals are selling, you should read his book or at least dig more into what he talks about in interviews. When I was very young, they were worried about global...
  4. Scobie

    Does the south have any redeeming qualities?

    You must not have noticed that the power base in the country has shifted.  NYC, LA, and Chicago are over, having been replaced by Florida and Texas.  The rest of the South is in ascendency as are states like Nebraska.  Why?  Less leftist insanity and degeneracy.  God fearing, family loving, hard...
  5. Scobie

    Humans gone in 30 years? Beginning of Mass extinction

    You may be interested in this:
  6. Scobie

    Old School CAGs

    The "yikes" is the collusion of services like Facebook and Twitter to promote the globalist groupthink desired by the very wealthiest of elites and to silence any dissenting voices from what had been billed as free speech platforms for years. Remember when Jack Dorsey said Twitter was the free...
  7. Scobie

    Old School CAGs

    Lol... who *hasn't* been suspended or kicked off of twitter? All you have to do is point out any of the growing number of dumpsters on fire sailing down the river of poo in clown world and a gender confused whack-a-doodle with kool-air hair will shout "off with your head!"
  8. Scobie

    Covid 19 Liberty or Death?

    Here's a provocative documentary looking back at the COVID lockdowns: You may also be interested in the thoughts of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum on how the globalists are using the pandemic to usher us into the UN Agenda...
  9. Scobie

    Humans gone in 30 years? Beginning of Mass extinction

    The Atlantic is a globalist propaganda outfit now run by the Emerson Collective which is one of Laurene Powell Jobs' projects (Steve Jobs widow). They're basically a mouthpiece for the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. The WEF and its founder Klaus Schwab are pushing for a "Great...
  10. Scobie

    Best coffee?

    The Folgers 1850 line is pretty good and a lot cheaper than most snooty gourmet brands.
  11. Scobie

    Old School CAGs

    It all happened so suddenly looking back on it... the bigs like FB and twitter sure did kill the boards. I think we're learning now how that wasn't such a good idea after all. I miss the hijinks on CAG and other forums over the years.
  12. Scobie

    Old School CAGs

    Reminiscing... we used to have some pretty good times on here. For me, that ran from the GBA era on through to the XBOX 360 era. Lots of good memories gaming with CAGs and yucking it up on these boards...
  13. Scobie

    Hello to all... newbie here

    Hey bro! Gosh it's great to see you again! Hope you've been doing well in these intervening years!
  14. Scobie

    Old School CAGs

    Hahaha!!! That's awesome to see you posting again, Banky! Remember when we turned this place on its head with the Wombat Liberation Army? With the red bandanas you drew on everybody's avatar? Fun times...
  15. Scobie

    Damn yall its been a long time

    I miss Circuit City and their $5 clearance sales.  Blockbuster's GameRush had ridiculous sales and promos, too.  Last gen, there was a point where I had (no kidding) about $1,300 in trade credit with GameStop.
  16. Scobie

    Old School CAGs

    WHOA! Good to see you're still around! Still using the old mustache Mario avatar? A 2006 vintage ad. So Thorbahn is doing the twitter feed? How about Martin from up in the Seattle area? How about Dallow?
  17. Scobie

    Old School CAGs

    Any old school CAGs still around? We're talking GameCube/PS2/Xbox era and on? Ryback? Thorbahn? Javeryh? Mike? Strell? Anybody? Anybody?
  18. Scobie

    Hello to all... newbie here

    Good to see people are still hanging out around here after all these years!
  19. Scobie

    Sonic: Lost World

    I picked this up to show support for Sega (and to thank them for buying Atlus), but it may be till the new year before I'm able to play it. Too many great games right now.
  20. Scobie

    Wii U - General Discussion Thread

    I'm having more fun with the Wii U lately than any other system. I'm so back logged with great games for it that I'm frankly glad DK Tropical Freeze got delayed. New Mario is completely brilliant, but Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed Black Flag are great and even CoD Ghosts is a blast. The...
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