Search results

  1. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Hey Nate .... get yer butt over to the new site as all conversation is now taking place there. Re your scans .... I have converted the ones that we didn't have copies of ad they're now on the new site. However: 1. Off road Challenge needs the front re-scanned as the...
  2. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Hey Nate .... if you're around .... I forgot to grab your scans around with AJNRULES. He just reminded me and I'm grabbing his now but yours are AWOL. Cant access the temp dir. Can you have a look at it so I can get them down? Cheers buddy!!! UPDATE: After a rev up from AJ here's Banjo...
  3. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    I've now scanned 38 manuals onto the PC for processing and converting to pdf's. By the time I'm finished I think there'll be approx 100 high-quality manuals available on the new website. that's one third of the total games released ... not to shabby a start I think.
  4. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Quick Update: I have now scanned another 25 manuals onto my HDD [Gosh I hope I dont get a HDD crash anytime soon]. I am in the process of straightening, cropping, sizing and color correecting these prior to creating pdf manuals for them. It's a time consuming job so expect them when you see...
  5. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    And I thought I was the oldest here. WRONG!!! Stand up and be counted wshbrngr you old fart you !!! :D Yep... I tried to log in/register...same thing happened to me too. Any chance of migrating the forum members onto the new site Snowcone? Good stuff on the Duck Dodgers too.
  6. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Cool. This is gonna be good ......:) BTW. Are you going to keep the FTP at Snack-bar or migrate it into the new site directly? Getting ready to pull out my scanner again and bulk scan another 50 or so manuals. It'll take a while to get them into PDF's so there's no hurry anyway. Not that...
  7. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    I still prefer the " click on the cover to see it" interface of the original site myself as you know exactly whats up for download but I have to say it does look cool except you may want to do something about the static picture as you end up looking at 2 pics at any one time. Maybe making the...
  8. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    I'm exclusively converting n64 boxes and manuals so cant say whats required for SNES covers .... SMMM or Schenley have submitted scans I think and could help there .... but as a rule Snowcone's right about the 300dpi requirment for scanning the boxes. You dont need to take the box apart. As a...
  9. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Looks good. I gather clicking on the different covers will display the relevant pic as per existing site. But ..... I think you need to make manuals also available on the same page. That way a user can get both the cover and a pdf manual from the one search. Maybe they should be listed below...
  10. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Indeed ..... I'm looking forward to seeing the individual pages too. Maybe you could whack up a mock up N64 page with one cover and manual to give us a idea of your intentions. On another topic altogether .... but dear to my heart .... my PAL Dreamcast has given up the ghost and wont read...
  11. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    One thing to think about if we go down the CD case path is that there are two parts .... front and seperate rear/spine .... compared to one combined for a DVD/ GBA/ NDS case. We'd need to work out a format for posting both as one pic if Snowcone only wants one file per game. Or else the upload...
  12. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Holy .... :lol: On a more serious note ... here's California Speed for those who want it ..... Upped to Snack-bar .... And Snowcone .... the idea of integrating the game list so as we add a title it adjusts automatically sounds way cool. It'll save 4tygames the hassle of updating the...
  13. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Damn ... and she's actually got my address. Time to move methinks before a parcel bomb arrives in the post :D
  14. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    I've always been of the opinion that things like PS1 and Dreamcast would be better served by getting hi-quality scans of the original cases as opposed to creating DVD cases. I can see the point for N64 boxes to get better protection than the cardboard offers and the fact that the original boxes...
  15. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Instructions on how to make covers? Yep ...... However, the way we're going at present we'll have all the covers done for N64 really soon now. Once I've paid off the games I just purchased I'll be buying another lot for the cause. wshbrngr has chimed in with some nice covers also recently so...
  16. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    I'd be happy to pitch in ... after all ... manuals, covers, labels etc ... gotta have something else to fill in the time on top of all those eh :) Schenley or SMMM ..... might you guys have some time too? Plenty of info on the games on the interweb ... just a matter of searching it all out...
  17. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    ROFL ..... I checked my imageshack page and it currently stands at 216 images. Taking off a few for misc stuff I think it still comes up on the high side of 200. Jeez .... Still .... I may have contributed a heap more than 100 scans personally taking into account the volume of PAL covers...
  18. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    If you wanted it up fast you could take a simplistic approach something like.... Not much reprograming required .....list on the left altered to show the individual game .... pic displayed could be pulled at random from available covers or default to USA being the most popular and clicking...
  19. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    Dont forget to migrate the ftp server for those manuals I'm uploading too as it certainly made it easier than the html method where large files are concerned. Are you migrating the existing layout? This may be a good time to look at altering the format to a name based structure .... one name...
  20. TheValeman

    N64 game case project - live!

    I'd happily look into it in a few days time when my boxes come in the post. I prefer to tackle these things in a block of time rather than piecemeal. However, the copy you made available is scanned or saved at only 96dpi .... not 300dpi as required in the site docs .... thats why it's so small...
bread's done