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  1. O

    Best Place to Buy iPhone

    My wife and I are getting new iPhones this week, me a 6 Plus, her a 6, and I was wondering if anyone knew where we should go to make the purchase? Are there any sales, or free gift cards or anything this week?
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    Best Buy [Unlocked] $20 RZ Cert. Pre-order Promo (Splinter Cell: Blacklist, GTA V, South Park: The Stick of Truth)

    I called Best Buy and spoke to the store manager. He agreed to hold a copy of Tomb Raider for me, refund my $5 deposit on the second copy of Crysis 3, and take $20 off the cost of Tomb Raider. I figured I'd update everyone, in case someone else is on the fence about pre-ordering from Best Buy...
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    Best Buy [Unlocked] $20 RZ Cert. Pre-order Promo (Splinter Cell: Blacklist, GTA V, South Park: The Stick of Truth)

    Damn. It would have been really nice if they would have told me that I had 2 copies of Crysis 3 pre-ordered when I picked one copy up. Then I would have realized they didn't ring me up for Tomb Raider, and I could have fixed this 2 weeks ago.
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    Best Buy [Unlocked] $20 RZ Cert. Pre-order Promo (Splinter Cell: Blacklist, GTA V, South Park: The Stick of Truth)

    This is a really long thread, and I can't read through it all, but I've got a question... Best Buy screwed up my pre-orders and managed to charge me twice for Crysis 3, and didn't ring me up for Tomb Raider. I picked up Crysis, and only got one copy, but according to the receipt, I didn't...
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    Blu-ray Glitch List - Titles you might want to avoid.

    There's a bad batch of the Hunger Games on bluray going around. Most of the bad disks come from Best Buy, but not all of them (mine came from Amazon). The problem is that the movie plays fine for about an hour, and at the countdown to the beginning of the games (when they're all standing on the...
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    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    If I won a $200 GS GC, I might actually get Kinect... I wanted it, but the more I hear about it, the more I think it'll be incredibly buggy and non-responsive.
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    Preorder at Amazon, Get a $10 Credit: Halo 3 ODST, Assassin's Creed II, NFS: Shift

    I used the ECA promotional code for both Modern Warfare 2 and ODST... it didn't say anything about not applying, so I'll be pissed if it doesn't work.
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    [CLOSED]Free 100 Microsoft Points Giveaway!!!!

    I just used WMBDM-TCPF4-K2MT4-P6Q6F-FKWJW. It worked, no problem. Thanks!
  9. O Xbox Live 13 month card $29.98 back from the dead

    I finally got one too! I've been trying for the last couple days, ever since it was first announced...
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    Was Prince of Persia White-washed?

    I just got done playing through the game, and I think there's one possibility nobody's suggested... he isn't supposed to be Persian at all. Hell, he isn't a prince, so why does he have to be Persian? Just because of the name of the game? My idea for why they named the game "Prince of Persia"...
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    Man talks during movie, gets shot

    Who said anything about race? All I read was how amazingly stupid people believe that Obama is the next Jesus Christ and will absolve them from any personal responsibility. Unless, of course, you're arguing that saying anything negative about Obama or his supporters is a racial prejudice...
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    CAG Xbox Live Gaming Group (Gamertags, Clans, Game Nights & More)

    Add me to the list too. I tend to play whatever the newest game is, currently GoW2, Fable 2, Saint's Row 2, etc. Tag: Omatsei
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    Mature Clan (Over 25 Gamers)

    I've recently come to realization that I'm stuck in the old days, where people played the single-player game and only played multiplayer if they have friends come over. I play a lot of single-player games, and I like getting achievements, but if an achievement is co-op or multiplayer centric, I...
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    Gamestop Survey

    I'm already a member of e-rewards, but I have a friend who would like to get some Gamestop gift cards... Anyone have an invite that they wouldn't mind parting with?
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    Community Feedback Poll - Game Piracy

    Admittedly, the rest of your post was a little difficult for me to understand, but this definitely needs repeating. What problem is this ban going to solve? A potential one, somewhere down the road? I suppose it's possible that at some point, someone from some company will stumble upon this...
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    Community Feedback Poll - Game Piracy

    I believe his point was that it's still enforcing YOUR sense of morality on other people. If something's ethically wrong, it's up to you to convince that person to change, not force them. If something's illegal, then it's up to those in law enforcement. This site, the nice folks who run it, and...
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    Community Feedback Poll - Game Piracy

    I'm really bothered by the implications here. I'm not going to presume to tell you what to do, but I will say that I first came to this site because it was an open forum for gamers to talk about what they wanted, without fear of (insert corporation name here) deleting posts or banning users that...
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    Community Feedback Poll - Game Piracy

    I haven't read the last 26 pages, nor do I plan to (that's a lot of reading, and I just don't feel like it), but I have to say that I personally would have benefited from reading some early reviews of Too Human, and now I'm really reconsidering my purchase of The Force Unleashed. If it's...
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    [DEAD] Xbox Live GTA IV Sweepstakes - thousands of prizes!

    I also won 1600 points. Woohoo! That'll pay off Braid...
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    Games with the easiest achievements!

    Gamerscores are exactly like getting the high score on a game at the local arcade, only the total score is an indicator of how many games you've gotten the high score on (if you keep that analogy). There are some games I played that weren't fantastic, but I never played any games that I wouldn't...
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