Search results

  1. JoshD

    Poll: How many CAGs have had a broken 360?

    How about a question of "I didn't buy a 360 ONLY because of the shoddy construction and extremely high failure rate"? *Check*
  2. JoshD

    The Official Warhawk CAG Clan - Join in!

    Yah sorry East time zone (NYC) ;) thanks
  3. JoshD

    The Official Warhawk CAG Clan - Join in!

    can you ad me as well I have retail version w/ headset (though I can't figure out why it doesn't work when I press in L3) CAG: JoshD Warhawk: LoreNYC btw anyone know why stats aren't saving? Mine seem to be reset every time I log back on
  4. JoshD

    Worst B&M Game Retailer

    Gamestop/EBGames by a landslide The only store where I've ever been and they refuse to sell you games when they first come out if you don't pre-order while still having excess stock. Great business. Oh and the store is a mess (all of them in NYC anyhow) Atleast they TRY to divide by console...
  5. JoshD

    CheapyD's Motorstorm Review - Now updated

    After hearing this review of Motorstorm (the one game that perked my interest at all, not being a huge FPS person) I think I'm going to hold out for the PS3 SLIM. By then it should have more than 1 half-decent game, will most likely drop alot in price, and I will have finished (hopefully) this...
  6. JoshD

    Circuit City videogame markdowns 12/8

    MGa2 is an awesome game despite all the MGS fans who complain it's not MGs. I didn't care much for the execution of the 3D as it wasn't worth the minimal effort to use the 3-d attachment but the game itself is solid. Like the first the mission isn't too long but the game probably has 50 or more...
  7. JoshD

    Wii Nunchuks and Remotes at

    maby this should be obvious but for those of us in the NYC area, the Nintendo Store in Rockefeller Center seemed to have a huge stock of these ever since launch (which doesn't help me get up 5-6 am any day to get the wii itself) but if you want to get xtra wiimotes/nunchucks in advance...
  8. JoshD

    Yoshi's Island 2 - 82%

    How does this compare to the New Super Mario Brothers. I enjoyed that but I never played the original Yoshi's Island. Reveiws seem pretty good but is it worth trying with so many new games out for the holidays?
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