Search results

  1. beeporama

    CAG's Black Friday Bonanza! Win a $200 Gift Card to the Retailer of Your Choice!

    Crap, can I say nothing? Dead Space at $30 would be the winner if I didn't already have it. Otherwise... the only thing I'm looking for this holiday season is a 360 Arcade Pack for my brother. (He's only ever going to play one or two games, so he doesn't need the hard drive.)
  2. beeporama

    Gears of War 2 Deal Roundup

    Wow, I wish this had been front-paged sooner. I just ordered straight-up from Amazon (didn't want the Lancer, not at that price); I could have gotten a freebie! Side note: FYI, the spelling is gypped, because the root of the term is "Gypsy." People who are Gypsy (or descended from) will...
  3. beeporama

    GameStop Buy 2, Get 1 Free Used Games (10/24-10/26) + $500 in Gift Cards Giveaway!

    As I posted in previous entries (and it hasn't changed because new releases have been siphoning off my discretionary spending): Call of Duty 4, Lego Indiana Jones, and Lost Odyssey. Maybe Gears of War for my brother or Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise for my wife...
  4. beeporama

    GameStop Buy 2, Get 1 Free Used Games (10/17-10/24) + $500 in Gift Cards Giveaway!

    I never did get Call of Duty 4 (for the single player) or Lost Odyssey. My wife would like Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise, and my brother Gears of War...
  5. beeporama

    Win an 80GB PS3 and LittleBigPlanet from Goozex and CAG

    beeporama in both places
  6. beeporama

    CAGs Most Ordered in August 2008 - Amazon

    Anecdotally, I think many CAGs got "cheap" because they are insane collector types. (Not unlike me.) So it's not that we aren't willing to spend some money; it's that we are so high-consumption we're forced to find creative ways to add to our collections without breaking the bank. One of the...
  7. beeporama

    HAVE RPGs, guides, RETRO (back to 2600), new stuff on all major platforms...

    Getting cleaned out thanks to Goozex, but I've got a few desperate wants so here's my first bump in a while.
  8. beeporama

    Are component cables a big upgrade?

    I see now. The problem is, you wrote this: If I read plaing as "playing," I would have given you a more useful response. I read it as "planning," as in, you were planning on buying an HDTV. Also, since the Wii should be able to do 480p and you say the picture quality is 480i, that implied...
  9. beeporama

    Are component cables a big upgrade?

    You're getting an HDTV that only does 480i? I don't think 480i or even 480p is technically HDTV , it's EDTV. That Wikipedia link will allude to why you want component cables If you can't easily afford component cables, you are not yet in a place financially to buy a new television. I would...
  10. beeporama

    HAVE RPGs, guides, RETRO (back to 2600), new stuff on all major platforms...

    Hi... you noticed I have Uncharted: Drake's Fortune too, right? The only things I want on your list are PS1 games: FFChronicles and FF7. Maybe we can work something out there?
  11. beeporama

    HAVE RPGs, guides, RETRO (back to 2600), new stuff on all major platforms...

    Bump with a couple of updates.
  12. beeporama

    Recent Flurry of Quality Reprints

    As I said above, video games are an awful investment. "Gamble" is a better word. If you want to make an investment, buy stock, put the money into a high-yield bank account, or buy something with a better chance of appreciating quickly. If you look at even the really desirable classic games...
  13. beeporama

    HAVE RPGs, guides, RETRO (back to 2600), new stuff on all major platforms...

    Bump with even more added awesomeness.
  14. beeporama

    Nothing to see here. Move along, people.

    AWESOME taste in music, man. (I should put my Zune card in my sig, too.) Welcome To Goodbye is one of my favorite albums. Is your username a reference to B! Machine, the band? I'm maybe interested in any of these: :ps3: Call of Duty 4 :360: Stranglehold :ds: Assassin's Creed Altair's...
  15. beeporama

    Recent Flurry of Quality Reprints

    The free market can be funny. Generally, some collectors care about getting "first runs" or "originals" to varying degrees, just as some care about whether a game is sealed, just like some care about whether there is a manual and cover art. If some people care enough, they can drive up the...
  16. beeporama

    HAVE RPGs, guides, RETRO (back to 2600), new stuff on all major platforms...

    I'd rather trade, but I'll sell at roughly the going rate on eBay.
bread's done