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  1. S

    Anyone knowledgable of evolution want to help me rebutt this?

    Everyone loves to point to the eye and say look how "perfect" it is, it must have been "intelligently designed". Our eyes are actually not perfect at all. If you actually look at a vertebrate eye (like ours) you will find that the light sensing cells (rods and cones) are actually beneath the...
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    Anyone knowledgable of evolution want to help me rebutt this?

    I guess I qualify to help, as I am a few months away from earning my PhD in Evolutionary Biology. Forgive the lengthy post, here are a few comments to help: 1. The first few pages are all about geology and basically claim that the geologic recod Darwin used is based on assumptions of slow...
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    New to graphic novels and looking for some horror

    I have read the first 2 graphic novels for 30 Days of Night and really liked both. The first is just "30 Days of Night" and the second is "Return to Barrow." My favorite series ever is "Preacher" by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon and while not technically horror (though his best friend is a...
  4. S

    Joe Rogan Confronts Carlos Mencia for Stealing Jokes, Sucking

    I was at the Comedy Store two nights before this happened, and we actually saw most of the comics in that video. As for Ari, he was by far the worst that night. His act was painfully unfunny and half the crowd left while he was up there. If a comic was to steal jokes from anyone, he is a poor...
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    Russian tortoise question

    I am not sure about tortoises specifically, but reptiles in general excrete nitrogenous waste as uric acid rather than urea (like mammals). My guess is if it looks like bird poop, that would be what you are seeing.
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    First Extinction of Large Mammal in Recent Decades.

    There is always potential to save the species, but in this case there are more obstacles than most. I don't think saving them is impossible, just unlikely. The Chinese river dolphin is generally considered to belong to its own family (Lipotidae), and thus its closest living relatives may not...
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    First Extinction of Large Mammal in Recent Decades.

    There are problems with using cloning to save a species. First of all you need a mother to carry the cloned embryo, and these dolphins are very rare even in captivity. Also, the genetic diversity of a species is very important for it's survival in the wild, so if we just try to clone some...
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    Your first online game?

    I don't remember which was first, but I remember playing Mech Warrior 2 with NetMech and the original Diablo on Battlenet.
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    Nightmare come true

    Just make sure your workplace has no rules in place about proxy servers. I worked for a national park and you had to go through some internet security training. To connect to my university library requires a proxy server, but connecting to a proxy server from one of the government computers...
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    Creationism v. Evolution - There's STILL a Debate??

    "It is easy to say that, but Darwin's whole hand waiving argument could easily be invalidated if the variations which dominate survival were nonheritable." But it is a fact (shown by genetics) that there are many kinds of variation that are strictly heritable, thus it hasn't been invalidated...
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    Creationism v. Evolution - There's STILL a Debate??

    Hopefully this answers your questions better: You are missing the point of variation. Though genetics wasn't around in Darwin's time we now understand that genes/DNA are the basis for the characteristics of all living things. There is some environmental input, but your genes determine what...
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    Creationism v. Evolution - There's STILL a Debate??

    Chunk, To quote myself "Evolution can be defined as change over time." You may say that definition is way too broad to be useful, but you are not considering it in the same context as biologists do. Evolution, by that definition, is treated as the fundamental basis and unifying theory of...
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    Creationism v. Evolution - There's STILL a Debate??

    Way back when Chunk wanted to know what kind of debate exists in the biological community about evolution, so here goes an explanation. The definition of evolution is merely "change over time", this is something that anyone can observe in nature. The way it is seen is that evolution is a...
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    What Old School game would you like to see remade?

    I have to agree on Bionic Commando and Crystalis.
  15. S

    Check out this cool site...

    It got ninja in 16, beaver in 20, crocodile in 18, but it couldnt get fossil. Pretty good AI.
  16. S

    Creationism v. Evolution - There's STILL a Debate??

    I am finishing my Ph.D. in evolutionary biology and I can tell you first hand that there is essentially no debate on this matter in the scientific community. We do argue over details of the mechanics of how it works, but no legitimate biologists argue that evolution is not a fact. But then...
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    Now comes the biggest decision in my life thus far....

    It really depends on you, but just a few words of advice from a current UCLA grad student with lots of student loan debt. 1. Check them all out before you decide. You may not like the insane traffic in LA or the hippies at Berkeley. But they both have more to do than Irvine. 2. Consider...
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    Maybe gas is not expensive enough...

    That was an impressive, well thought out reply dtcarson; but I have a few points. Additional taxes may not be best, but something needs to happen to persuade Americans to conserve the very limited oil resources we have (which won't likely last another 50 years). The fact that the average...
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    What Bands Do You Believe Need A Little Recognition?

    Strung Out, they just keep getting better.
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    Kung Fu Hustle

    I saw it last Friday and it was very good. Even my girlfriend, who is not a fan of martial arts movies, enjoyed it. It was definitely worth seeing.
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