i got an override today and thursday and both times i didn't even ask for it. The manager just immediately did it as soon as the scan didn't work.
1. Bought 3 PS4 games on Tuesday. $129 with B2G1 (this somehow required an override).
2. Tried to return all 3 on Thursday to re-buy them and use the coupon and get a $5 gift card from the AC4 preorder card.
3. Failed, because apparently the manager in step 1 above just rung up 2 of the three games and just handed my wife the third. The third game was not even on the receipt at all.
4. Ended up returning 2 games for the full $129 above and rebuying those two games for $89 with the coupon... i probably could have gone back and picked up a third on the re-buy to complete another B2G1, but didn't. I got the $5 gift card as well. The coupon didn't scan so the guy at customer service just applied $36.
5. Because of the way he applied the coupon, i was able to return one of the 3 games today for a full $65 (which was rebought by someone else in about 5 minutes).
6. I then got three $59.99 PS3 games, intent to use the coupon and the B2G1. It wouldn't scan, but the cashier called the manager and he just added a $37 credit ($1 too much even though I told him it should be $36). Each of the three games has a return value listed of $40. Total of $86 less the $65 above. Now I have 5 games and a $5 gift card for $110.
7. Goal for the coming week is to try and get a straight exchange done on one of the PS3 games for Lego Marvel PS4 and then return the last for $40.
8. Final tally should be something like PS4 Assassin's Creed 4, PS4 NBA 2k14, PS3 The Last of Us, PS4 Lego Marvel and a $5 gift card for $67. If i can't do the straight exchange, it should be the same games as above for around $87.