Only in for $25 this year unfortunately. I try to do $25-$50 a year and I'm on the low end. I might just find a way and donate another $25 so I can keep up with last year's donation.
I know that the target goal was lower this year, but the fact that it was reached within the original time frame with no other website cross promotion is impressive, good job everyone!
Didn't donate anywhere near as much as I usually did the last few years. I had already put my funds toward angel tree kids cause I thought the CAG Child's Play wasn't going to happen.
I'm not even doing this for the prizes, really. I think it's wonderful to be able to come together and do something awesome for a good cause. I might not be able to give much, but I'm glad what little I can give multiplied by number of CAGers out ther can really make a difference.
Good job everyone! I've finally got around to donating since I've had a financial rough start to the new year. But I'm glad to see that we exceeded our goals with another day left.
I threw in a last minute wad that was larger than my first. I don't CAG as much as I used to, but when I do, I CAG hard. Watching Mr. D throwing down his cards almost makes me want to play games like that. But, I mean, my friend from grade school tried to get me to play OG D&D, and I appreciated his enthusiasm and the whole Gygax thing, but I needed a computer to tell me what I could and could not do, not some dude behind a cardboard cover.
Just made my donation I almost forgot like a few others.
I don't post very often but I listen to the CAGcast every week for years and years. The amount of entertainment I have gotten from the cast makes donating the least that I can do to pay back the CAG community.
Thanks Cheapy, Wombat, and Shipwreck plus everyone else that makes this site so great.
I'm so glad this thread got bumped back to the homepage today. Otherwise, I would have forgotten about this and missed out on donating with my fellow CAGs. Thanks for the opportunity, Cheapy!
Really tight on money these days, but found some money to donate before it ends! It's a good cause and I didn't wanna pass it up this year. Thanks Cheapy!