Shipped prices are U.S. only. If outside U.S., we can work something out. I may offer a small discount if you want multiple games.
Army of Two - Good condition, complete - 14 shipped
Battlefield: MC - GS copy, complete - 14 shipped
Cabelas Alaskan Adventures - GS copy, complete - 12 shipped
Madden '07 Hall of Fame edition - disc and case are mint, no instructions - 10 shipped
Madden '08 - Good condtion, complete - 12 shipped
Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer - Brand new, sealed - 15 shipped
Flatout: UC - Mint, complete - 15 shipped
FIFA '06 - Brand new, sealed - 10 shipped
NBA Live '06 - Brand new, sealed - 10 shipped
NBA Live '07 - Brand new, sealed - 10 shipped
Saint's Row 2 - Mint, complete - 28 shipped
Spiderman 3 - Good condition, complete - 10 shipped
Splinter Cell: DA - Brand new, sealed
Stranglehold and strategy guide - Both brand new, game is sealed - 20 shipped
Table Tennis - Mint, complete - 12 shipped
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground : Good condition, complete - 12 shipped
Test Drive: Unlimited - Disc Only - 10 shipped
Wireless controller with pc dongle - Brand new, sealed
Dead Space - Low want
Eternal Sonata - Low want
Guitar Hero:Metallica
Lost Odyssey --Low want
Oblivion GOTY
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - HIGH WANT !!!!!!!!!
Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection