My code is:
I added you.Just bought a purple 3ds along with animal crossing and loving it. Feel free to add me 2165-5777-0653 and send me a message.
Added you, too.FC: 3394-4974-7385
Let me know if you add me and I'll add you back.
Right now I'm mostly playing Fire Emblem, but have Mario Kart, SF4, DoA and some other games. Not real sure which ones are multiplayer. Planning on getting Project X Zone, SMT4, and one of the new Pokemon games when they're out.
Looking for animal crossing new leaf friends.
My FC: 0903-2810-9035
3DS Nick: Max
Courageous 1392 - 4120 - 2457
Will start adding people ASAP!
ols 3711-7638-6557
adding em up
My FC: 1805-3410-6662
3DS nickname: DanMii
Added everyone here who wasn't added before.
Hi everyone please add me too! I need buddies..
Name Shawn
Fc; 3737-9533-3905
Thanks everyone!
Added all of you as well.My new friend code is 3196-3608-1934
Added you.My friend code is 1822-0386-4929
Been playing Pokemon Y and Paper Mario Sticker Star. Add me.