[quote name='trq']Yeah, this. I really wouldn't pick up a PSP right now -- with UMDs obsolete, it's a dead-end. If you're sure you have no intention of ever buying a NGP, then maybe -- otherwise, I'd just wait, buy whatever PSP games off PSN to play on the NGP, and then at least I could relax knowing I was future-proof for a good while. But getting a PSP now is silly, IMO.
I disagree. The PSP isn't lacking for RPGs, but I think you may not have realized just how many the DS has. Saying it's the "go-to console" ignores the Golden Sun games, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, the Fire Emblem games, the Mario & Luigi games, the Dragon Quest games, Radiant Historia, Legacy of Ys: Books I & II, Sonic: Dark Brotherhood (by Bioware!), Sukioden, the Shin Megami Tensei games, the Etrian Odyssey games, that Valkyrie Profile game, Nostalgia, Black Sigil, Phantasy Star 0, Knights in the Nightmare, the various Final Fantasy games, Lunar: Dragon Song, Blue Dragon Plus, and on, and on, and on. Heck, even the Pokemon games are RPGs.
I honestly think the DS has more RPGs than the 360 has shooters. It's unbelievable. Also, I wouldn't consider Vagrant Story an RPG, really, but that game is near and dear to me.

No I do realize the amount of RPGs in the DS library. Sure it may have a crap load but the PSP offers a better quality selection even if its smaller. Alot of the DS RPGs are on PSP too anyway. I dont see the DS playing Final Fantasy 7, 8 or 9, Grandia, Wild Arms 1&2, Legend of Mana, the original Suikoden, Alundra, Parasite Eve 1&2, or the Arc the Lad series. Most of these are 5.99 remember too... PSP has exclusive Y's titles. Y's Seven is worth it alone. Its got the best Lunar imo, its got the better phantasy star series games and Persona series games. Knights in the Knightmare, Valkyrie Profile aswell, and many more that the DS has inferior versions of. PSP also has got the Harvest Moon love a big one, ...Xenogears. Vagrant Story can totally be considered an RPG. I think it is by pretty much everyone. Youve got Brave Story, Disgaea, Crimson Gem saga, Hexyz Force, Half Minute Hero, Jeanne d'arc, Lord of Arcana, Monster Hunter, Phantom Brave, Tactic Ogre, Untold Legends, Valhalla Knights, Valkyria chronicles, Yggdra Union, Z.H.P, CLADUN, Class of Heroes, Justice League Heroes, X-men Legends, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2, and MORE.....
The ones that are sorely missed for PSP are Chrono trigger and the Golden Sun games, but theres nothing you can really do about that. Chrono Cross is due out anytime soon on PSN, so theres that. PSP Also has the original final fantasies.
For all the pokemon and Mario rpgs the the DS has, PSP has exclusive RPGs to make up for the losses. The psp just offers a better, bigger screen & more vibrant graphics, especially for 2d RPGs. Along with the Sleep function it works well. Im sure there are RPGs that I haven't even known of for the PSP. I know I have forgotten to list a lot aswell, those I havn't played. Id go for PSP if you want more serious, and graphically superior RPGs. Its even more Go-to if your new to RPGs, there are a lot of stand alone titles and not a lot of Spin offs that can get someone confused, like the DS has.. Its not quite the size of the library that counts all of the time heh.
Its good to have both, but if you choose just one... simply go PSP.