Able to play PS+ games after canceling service


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Just noticed today that the games I got for free with ps+ over the past couple years are still able to be played even though I cancelled service several months ago. Is this normal? I thought they locked after canceling? Did I just get a lucky break or am I missing something?

If you cancel your PlayStation Plus membership you will continue to have access to all of your PlayStation Plus membership benefits until the end of any previously purchased subscription periods. We do not provide refunds for subscription charges previously paid in line with the PlayStation Store Cancellation Policy, unless required by local law.

Once your PlayStation Plus membership ends, content you previously downloaded at no cost as part of the membership (such as Plus Monthly Games) will no longer be available. However, free avatars and content you purchased at a discounted PlayStation Plus price is yours to keep.

If your PlayStation Plus membership expires and you renew it at a later date, you will regain access to content that you have previously downloaded through PlayStation Plus.
It's a Glitch i believe, it happened a few years ago when my brother's free month of plus trial ended and he ended up keeping all his plus games active on his ps4 ps3 n vita. Than like a year n a half later he got a ps4 pro when it came out and re subbed to ps plus.

So you just got lucky
bread's done