I wholeheartedly disagree.
I’ve been loving the AC series for over a decade. The first had me hooked, and I dove in deep throughout the years collecting everything from statues, art, shoes, if it was AC related, I owned it. Oh and I 100%/platinumed every game too. Put in around 140 hours into Origins as well. Then along came odyssey. Got it launch day October 2, and put 21 hours into it the first week. And I’ve never touched it since. I do follow the official ubi forums to check for the constant patch changes as well.
I just cannot stand the new design, be it the rubber banding like Mario kart, forced level scaling, how you can never get ahead. Shoot someone in the eye with an arrow? That’s -20 damage. Stab a spear through their torso? Nope, doesn’t kill someone. Even at level 70, fighting a wolf is a challenge without superpowers. And don’t get me started on the adrenaline, having to turn into flames to do 2x damage, jumping off 100 meter cliffs without dying, oh yeah and no hidden blade.
I truly have no idea how or why this is titled as an AC game when it has nothing to do with the series. Some have suggested it was just branding to push sales.