Additional Guitar - Guitar Hero 3


5 (100%)
I'm looking to get an additional guitar for Guitar Hero 3 (XBOX 360), but can't seem to find them for sale anywhere. All of the sites I check don't even list a SKU for it. Does anyone know where I can order one new?

I don't think they sell the wireless Les Paul (duh) by itself.

I did see a used one at Gamestop a few months ago, so that may be your best bet.
Did they ever mention what was the reasoning behind not selling it seperately? I think they really really dropped the ball on this one. I would have bought a 2nd guitar on DAY 1 if they had them. Shit, i woulda bought one for myself on christmas, and probably bought a few more as christmas presents. But now, meh i probably wont be buying another one. I want another guitar sure, but its not as heavily played as it once was with my friends. I think they really lost alot of money compared to trying to sell more bundles for a 2nd guitar if thats what they were trying to do.
Your best way to get a new guitar now is to buy GH II or GH III with the guitar. Both work, but obviously the Wireless Les Paul is the better, but the xplorer isnt bad and is usually cheaper. If you really like the Stratacastor, wait for the wireless one in March or whever they decide to release it, but if your looking for an excuse to get either of the GH games, there ya go..
[quote name='sleepy180']Did they ever mention what was the reasoning behind not selling it seperately? I think they really really dropped the ball on this one. I would have bought a 2nd guitar on DAY 1 if they had them.[/quote]

to make sure they could meet demand is why. who didn't want guitar hero III when it came out? :roll:
I'm kinda glad they didn't offer them, actually, because I would have snatched one up in an instant. Now I can save that money using After finally relenting to give the site a try, I should be receiving the GH3 bundle in a couple weeks. :)

I might do a couple more offers to get the wireless strat when it comes out.
I personally gripped up GII black friday for 59.99 and then griped up another GII Explorer for 40 and then brought GIII from gamefly for 40
bread's done