ALIVE! Total War: Shogun 2 Limited Edition PC $15.99 Newegg Check back for Updates!

Sold out...again!

Glad I ordered this from Dave's ORIGINAL original topic. ;)

I need to just install and play this instead of being distracted into buying more games. :lol:
[quote name='Kaoz']Yes, but that one is in the graveyard, the other two are not.[/QUOTE]

No one has updated those threads to let people know they're in stock now. People who wanted it then will see those threads and be like "that thread is old. It went OOS." and miss out. Lazy posters be needin' to update their old threads or we be missin' out yo.
[quote name='HeSaveDave']No one has updated those threads to let people know they're in stock now. People who wanted it then will see those threads and be like "that thread is old. It went OOS." and miss out. Lazy posters be needin' to update their old threads or we be missin' out yo.[/QUOTE]

They never sold out the third time as far as I am aware, just wasn't enough interest to keep the thread on the front page. No mention of it selling out in the thread.

Good game btw, kinda wish it had a more top down view than it does.
Rome Total War got me hooked on these games but I bought Empire and Napleon during the Steam Summer Sale and haven't really put much time into them so I'm not sure if I'll bite. I like the idea of having the boxed version of a game for a change though :)
bread's done