Amazon sending out 10% off coupon codes for the Playstation Digital Content Store and $5 Amazon Instant Video Credit. [For previous PS4 Buyers]


4 (100%)
Subject Title: Welcome to Playstation 4

Dear Customer,

Thanks for ordering the PlayStation 4 with us, we wanted to thank you with some free credits. Take advantage of your new console with these games and accessories.

First, take 10% off your next digital content purchases on Amazon's PlayStation Digital Content Store. Code must be used before midnight December 31, 2013.

The below credit is redeemable on Amazon Instant Video for $5 towards your next purchase. Code expires midnight January 10, 2014.

Email was sent to me 4 hours ago around 3:15AM EST.

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That's really cool. How come that AC4 page only lists a ps3 digital code and no ps4 digital code, though?
I'm not sure why the digital PS4 version of AC IV is not available but it wouldn't be on sale anyways since the gold box sale doesn't apply to next-gen consoles.

The digital store also price matches PS Vita games.
Killzone Mercenary (Vita) $19.99 before coupon
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time (Vita) $9.99 before coupon

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Grrrr why wasnt Killzone Mercenary digital version on sale on Black Friday when I bought it
Trust me, with the space the game takes ~4GB plus the patches, I think having the card is better. I had a chance to buy the digital version on Friday night but decided against it since I only have a 16GB card and its already full with my PS+ and PSP games. Didn't want to waste 5-6 GB on this game plus patches plus future free/paid DLC.
I bought the PS3 version of Assasin's Creed 4 and then did the upgrade for $10. So $40 isn't as great as $30 but still a deal for those looking for one. I used the $10 that came with my PS4 so I figure it was technically still $30 :)

Trust me, with the space the game takes ~4GB plus the patches, I think having the card is better. I had a chance to buy the digital version on Friday night but decided against it since I only have a 16GB card and its already full with my PS+ and PSP games. Didn't want to waste 5-6 GB on this game plus patches plus future free/paid DLC.
Very true, but I just prefer digital on Vita, and I spent full price for thr Ps4 camera which I did kinda want but really only bought it with Killzone to not pay for shipping which wouldn't had happened with digital. Oh well thats my cool story bro.
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Has anyone gotten the 10% off digital content purchases code to work? I first tried it on a Season Pass for a PS3 game, said the code is not valid. Then I tried it on a digital version of a PS3 game, same message. Lastly, I tried it on a digital version of a PS4 game, same message.

So what does this code actually work on?

Grrrr why wasnt Killzone Mercenary digital version on sale on Black Friday when I bought it
It was. I bought it then for $19.99 digitally.

So... I bought a PS4 launch system (preordered in June the minute it went live on Amazon), and I never received this 10% off code from Amazon. Anyone else in the same boat?

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Amazon sent out a similar email to those that ordered an xbox one yesterday according to my friend that bought one. It was a unique code for 1 year of xbox live gold at $39.99 and free $5 amazon instant video credit.

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It was. I bought it then for $19.99 digitally.

So... I bought a PS4 launch system (preordered in June the minute it went live on Amazon), and I never received this 10% off code from Amazon. Anyone else in the same boat?
Yeah I never got one either. Had multiple friends order PS4s from Amazon as well and AFAIK none of them got it either.

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Amazon sent out a similar email to those that ordered an xbox one yesterday according to my friend that bought one. It was a unique code for 1 year of xbox live gold at $39.99 and free $5 amazon instant video credit.
Talking with Amazon now, they want your email (or someone elses that got this) to confirm, I sent you a PM about it.

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Spoke with a CSR about not getting one, she said it was like a raffle and even if you ordered qualifying items, not everyone would get one. I told her that seemed unfair and she gave me a $15 credit as an "exception". Very happy :)

Amazon sent out a similar email to those that ordered an xbox one yesterday according to my friend that bought one. It was a unique code for 1 year of xbox live gold at $39.99 and free $5 amazon instant video credit.
I had that code for 1 year of XBL for $40, but I never purchased an X1 from Amazon. I did buy a game and a controller from there.

I tried contacting Amazon about this promotion and they told me they never sent out this email.
Just got off a 20-minute chat with them on the same issue. Was told something similar, that they have no record of sending me such an email with the 10%-off promo code and the Instant Video $5 credit. Wasn't able to get it taken care of right then and there but I was promised it would be escalated to their Marketing department. We'll see what they say.

bread's done