Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread V

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Amazon has some great warehouse deals, and most of their used games are in like new condition. Please post specific deals you find via Warehouse deals in this thread. Check latest posts for the newest deals, or click the link below.

(Check here frequently for Playstation Vita's. Please, everyone stop posting how they are in stock every five minutes. The links are located here, so when someone wants to check, they can. Feel free to continue posting about Vita games and accessories that come in stock.)

Wifi Vita
3G/Wifi Vita
FEB Vita


A BIG thanks to the CAG community for continuously posting specific deals!


Amazon Warehouse Deals Storefront - I usually go here just to check out things.

**All titles are available for FSS with orders over $25**
**There is no guarantee how long these will be in stock, so if you see something, better grab it fast**

Link To Items By Price:

$0-$24 Deals
$25-$49 Deals
$50-$99 Deals
$100-$199 Deals
$200-$499 Deals

Browse Games by Console: (These are somewhat broken now, as Amazon has updated their search system and made it even worse)

Nintendo 3DS

PS Vita

Sony PSP

Xbox 360




What is Amazon Warehouse Deals?
Warehouse Deals is part of amazon that has open box, generally like new items.

Is the Amazon Warehouse Deals return policy the same as Amazon's return policy?
Yes, All purchases are eligible for Amazon customer service and 30 day return policy.

I'm using the games sort by console link, and the games will not sort by price properly. What is wrong?
You aren't doing anything wrong, the sort by price feature on Amazon is broken

I'm waiting for a 360, ps3, 3ds, or PS Vita to pop up.. What time do they usually appear?
They can show up any time, the best way to find it is have the item tabbed on your browser, and download an auto refresh app and frequently check it... Sometimes they will not pop up on amazon warehouse deals storefront, you will need to check the "used" section of the item

Why did all the prices of games randomly jump up?
Games on warehouse deals generally go on a cycle. They will get extremely low, great deals.. Then they will jump back up and restart the cycle of falling in price again.

I have a gaming credit and/or an Amazon gift card. Can both of these be applied to Warehouse Deals orders?
Gift cards can be applied to orders made on warehouse deals, however video game credit is only good for items shipped and sold by "", warehouse deals does not count as this.

What was Penny Deals?
In early September of 2011, tons of newer release, more expensive games popped up for 1 penny each. Many CAG members placed orders, expecting them to get cancelled. Some were cancelled, however many CAGS got a large amount of games for a penny each. There has been no confirmation what exactly happened and why these games were sold for a penny.

What condition are products from Warehouse Deals generally in?
Usually, games are re-shrinked wrap and almost in perfect condition. Any game i have personally ever bought has in like new condition. However, some people have reported that games were scratched with stickers on the insert. Consoles are also usually reported in like new or new condition with box damage. Rarely, a console may be missing a key component such as a power brick. Games listed in "acceptable" condition likely have very beaten up cases, or are missing cases, and are in not so great condition, but generally have a working game disc.

Here is an example of a like new handheld (PS Vita) - Thanks Slixshot


Do you have any suggestions that could improve the Amazon Warehouse Deals thread, whether it be the OP (including FAQ's) or the thread in general? Feel free to pm me suggestions!

Previous Threads:

III: - The penny deals craziness
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[quote name='oldboy26']So how often do 3DS' show up and whats a normal price? Looking to get one cheap from Amazon and not a 3rd party seller. Have a $30 gift card balance so hoping to pay less than $90 out of pocket.[/QUOTE]
I got a fire red one for $130 a couple weeks ago. That's the lowest I've seen it.
Anyone know if I can secure a download of Motortorm RC on the Vita without a memory card so I can download it later when I do buy one?
[quote name='ral1121']Anyone know if I can secure a download of Motortorm RC on the Vita without a memory card so I can download it later when I do buy one?[/QUOTE]

once you "purchase" it via playstation network you're entitled to download it at any point in time.
[quote name='mcthatch']once you "purchase" it via playstation network you're entitled to download it at any point in time.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='capsnikerz']got my very good vita 3g today vita had no dead pixles came with AR cards and the 8 gig memory stick[/QUOTE]

Ah, sow ahts the word on cosmetic condition, was it just the box that was facked up afterall?

BTW My "like new" is due on the 23rd via lasership (?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????) so ill report in too if anyone else is interested.
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[quote name='strait edge follower']I want a kirby mass attack for under 20 already :([/QUOTE]

I lucked out and got it for $15 at a Blockbuster going out of business last month.
[quote name='Rockinjs']wifi I'm guessing?[/QUOTE]

Well yeah, at that price. :)

I Pre-ordered Disgaea 3, and now I need to hunt for the best deal on an 8G memory card. Until then, it's really just going to be a way to play my PS3 while the wife is watching TV.
^^ Ok just wondering I thought it could have been a 3G/Wifi that would have been a steal

Another $225 like new 3G/Wifi Model just popped up if anybody's looking
The Vita I ordered went to "Shipping Soon" but is still stating March 26, 2012 as the delivery date. I ordered the system on 3/18/2012. Hopefully, it change to "shipped" by the end of today.
[quote name='Masquerade']The Vita I ordered went to "Shipping Soon" but is still stating March 26, 2012 as the delivery date. I ordered the system on 3/18/2012. Hopefully, it change to "shipped" by the end of today.[/QUOTE]

I ordered mine on the 16th with an expected date of the 28th. Yesterday it went to "Shipping Soon" however with the expected date remaining the same, until it actually shipped later in the day. I think you're good for getting it soon.
I got my $187 like-new wifi Vita yesterday. Arrived in absolutely perfect condition, fully boxed with all the packaging and inserts intact. Looked exactly like the one in the video posted a couple days ago. Couldn't be happier.
Man, I regret canceling my $30 order of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend. I told myself I was spending too much on games, but now...
[quote name='apterous']I Pre-ordered Disgaea 3, and now I need to hunt for the best deal on an 8G memory card. Until then, it's really just going to be a way to play my PS3 while the wife is watching TV.[/QUOTE]

Not trying to throw the thread off topic, but I gotta ask how do you do this? I attempted it with remote play, but it just told me my ps3 game 'could not be played on this device'. I tried to google stuff online, but couldn't really find anything.
I love AWD. I've been wanting to play tennis, so I decided to get a book to learn the basic rules and what each move is called and what it means, etc. So AWD had an acceptable copy of Tennis for Dummies (which got good reviews) for $2.46 shipped with Prime. So I bought it and got it yesterday. The book is brand new with just a small crease on the back cover. You can tell it was never read. AWD impresses me with their quality like usual...never had a bad item from them.
[quote name='barrit']Not trying to throw the thread off topic, but I gotta ask how do you do this? I attempted it with remote play, but it just told me my ps3 game 'could not be played on this device'. I tried to google stuff online, but couldn't really find anything.[/QUOTE]

At the moment only certain games work with the remote play. I think Sony will add the ability to remote play any PS3 game at a later date maybe even when they add the PS1 game support.
[quote name='barrit']Not trying to throw the thread off topic, but I gotta ask how do you do this? I attempted it with remote play, but it just told me my ps3 game 'could not be played on this device'. I tried to google stuff online, but couldn't really find anything.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure you can do it with CFW, although apparently it's not very good. Also you can Remote Play PS1 games.
[quote name='clonesniper666']At the moment only certain games work with the remote play. I think Sony will add the ability to remote play any PS3 game at a later date maybe even when they add the PS1 game support.[/QUOTE]

Ok, thanks for the info. I had tried to play Infamous 2 and got the message that it couldn't be played on the device. I checked out the video on 'cross play' ( and it actually shows them pausing the game on the PS3 and starting right at the same exact place on the Vita. It's also Wipeout they are playing, so maybe that's why? I don't know, I'm just still a little murky on the features and can't really find much on it. I'm one of those people that actually reads the manuals too, so I guess I just need to dig around for more info.
bought a like new 32gb memory card for the vita for 75 bucks, but it says "not shipped yet" . delivery estimate march 26th. I am kind of concerned the order might be canceled because amazon rep said they are having " stock issues'

Whos is making it rain $187 Vitas? mah deala
Who's the joker who started a thread for Vitas over on Slickdeals? I find tons of deals there and like the site, but the users there act like constipated, starving sharks towards one another. Maybe I'm naive, but I'd like to keep AWD as a CAG thing, even though I know people occasionally post AWD items there.
[quote name='Achilles00']Who's the joker who started a thread for Vitas over on Slickdeals? I find tons of deals there and like the site, but the users there act like constipated, starving sharks towards one another. Maybe I'm naive, but I'd like to keep AWD as a CAG thing, even though I know people occasionally post AWD items there.[/QUOTE]

So we can post stuff from Slickdeals, but they can't post stuff from CAG?
[quote name='Achilles00']Who's the joker who started a thread for Vitas over on Slickdeals? I find tons of deals there and like the site, but the users there act like constipated, starving sharks towards one another. Maybe I'm naive, but I'd like to keep AWD as a CAG thing, even though I know people occasionally post AWD items there.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='topplehat']So we can post stuff from Slickdeals, but they can't post stuff from CAG?[/QUOTE]

Over at SD, there are hoarders who jump on these Vitas and try sell them for a profit...
[quote name='zizo79']Over at SD, there are hoarders who jump on these Vitas and try sell them for a profit...[/QUOTE]
Those people are here too.

I feel like the last 30 pages or so have been almost entirely Vita to the point where this should almost be renamed the "Amazon Warehouse Deals On Vitas Thread" instead.
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