Amazon Warehouse Deals Thread XVIII


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Amazon Warehouse Deals Storefront

Browse Games by Console:

Current Gen:
Nintendo Switch
:ps4: PS4
:xb1: Xbox One
:vita: PS Vita
:3ds: Nintendo 3DS

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:ps3: PS3
:360: Xbox 360
:wiiu: Wii U
:wii: Wii
:psp: Sony PSP
:ds: Nintendo DS
  All Other console and handhelds
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:pc: PC
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What is Amazon Warehouse Deals?
From Amazon: Get deep discounts on open-box, like-new, refurbished, or used products that are in good condition but do not meet's rigorous standards as "new".

Warehouse Deals is part of amazon that has open box, new but with damaged packaging product aka "dinger" and trade ins in generally like new condition. They are considered 3rd party by affiliation and as such the "Amazon Warehouse Deals" distinction but are still part of Amazon.
What is AmazonSmile?
From Amazon: AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support.
For more information follow the link below:
About AmazonSmile

Is the Amazon Warehouse Deals return policy the same as Amazon's return policy?
Yes! All purchases are eligible for Amazon customer service and 30 day return policy.

I'm using the games sort by console link, and the games will not sort by price properly. What is wrong?
You aren't doing anything wrong, the sort by price feature on Amazon is broken during restocks and or when pricing algorithm goes haywire. During those times, prices don't adjust and assimilate with the current inventory quickly enough to show the sorting as such

I'm waiting for a ps4, xb1, 360, ps3, 3ds, or PS Vita to pop up.. What time do they usually appear?
They can show up any time, the best way to find it is have the item tabbed on your browser, and download an auto refresh app and frequently check it, and or set alerts... Sometimes they will not pop up on amazon warehouse deals storefront, you will need to check the "used" section of the item

Why did all the prices of games randomly jump up?
Games on warehouse deals generally go on a cycle. They will get extremely low, great deals.. Then they will jump back up and restart the cycle of falling in price again.

I have a gaming credit and/or an Amazon gift card. Can both of these be applied to Warehouse Deals orders?
Gift cards can be applied to orders made on warehouse deals, however video game credit is only good for items shipped and sold by "", warehouse deals does not count as this.

What was Penny Deals?
In early September of 2011, tons of newer release, more expensive games popped up for 1 penny each. Many CAG members placed orders, expecting them to get cancelled. Some were cancelled, however many CAGS got a large amount of games for a penny each. There has been no confirmation what exactly happened and why these games were sold for a penny.
What is this "glitch deals" that I keep hearing about in this thread?
On August 7th, 2014, AWD glitched out similar to how it did around penny deals, except lot of stuff went for cheap instead for a penny. The pricing algorithm went haywire and in the process lot of stuff went for cheap across the AWD spectrum from games to iphones to tablets and everything else in between. The "glitch deal" lasted for maybe a couple of hours and fellow CAGs that were around during that time made out like a bandit. Below is the timeline leading up to the night and the deals that went down on that night.
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How long does it typically take to get refunds for Warehouse returns? Returned a "Like New" monitor that was far too smudged up that was received by them back on January 26. It's been sitting at "processing your refund" for several days now.

How long does it typically take to get refunds for Warehouse returns? Returned a "Like New" monitor that was far too smudged up that was received by them back on January 26. It's been sitting at "processing your refund" for several days now.
I don't do it often, but I usually get the refund a day or two after they receive it, but maybe they're catching up on holiday returns right now.
I don't do it often, but I usually get the refund a day or two after they receive it, but maybe they're catching up on holiday returns right now.
Good call - I'll give it a couple of more days before following up. Thanks!

$22.17 (A) Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Deluxe

I ordered one of these a few days ago under $20 when it was a part of the extra 20% promo. Arrived missing slipcover and the disc was loose but the steelbook was sealed.

Sadly looks like the 20% is dead across the board.
Thanks for pointing this out :) I missed the 20%, but grabbed an Xbox Acceptable version for $23. It arrived today in sealed condition... the clear slipcover has a slight bend on the corner but everything else was sealed and perfect. Time to dive in!
$20.92 Star Wars Battlefront II - Xbox (Renewed)

Got 2 of these from a Gamestop closing for a $1 and both processed for $20.92. You can find these on eBay for $5 - $15.

Also used on for $12 so could use that $5 coupon towards it. (I doubt many stores will even have original Xbox games in stock to use that coupon and you can't use the coupon online)

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Oh the good old days when we use to get these high ass trade in values and only trade pieces of bundles just to get the bare minimum of values. Great times.




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well i bought a (G) "medium mark on disk" xb1x.  giving it a shot at $200

how much is a digital code of 2k20 worth these days?  20ish?

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I would plan on the digital code being used or not included, but you could get lucky
every awd order is a gamble to some degree. A description like "medium mark on disk" and nothing more is the closest thing to a dinger description that we get these days. My question was about the value of the code if it does in fact end up arriving sealed.

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well, the box was beat to oblivion and wasn't sealed. but inside the console and codes have been untouched.  i'll call it a win.  there was a cut off shipping label directly on the slipcover.. so i'm guessing amazon tried to ship it without an outer box and it was (understandably) returned.

that 20% seemed to end way too abruptly this time

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well, the box was beat to oblivion and wasn't sealed. but inside the console and codes have been untouched. i'll call it a win. there was a cut off shipping label directly on the slipcover.. so i'm guessing amazon tried to ship it without an outer box and it was (understandably) returned.

that 20% seemed to end way too abruptly this time
it did end all of the sudden, I was waiting to see if the lower price on the death stranding ps4 console would pop up. then one popped up that was actually lower than any price lately, i added to cart only to see the 20% was over.

it did end all of the sudden, I was waiting to see if the lower price on the death stranding ps4 console would pop up. then one popped up that was actually lower than any price lately, i added to cart only to see the 20% was over.
Hah, I did the exact same thing. That 319 listing had ding potential too.

So I bit on one of the Pokemon Switch Lite systems for around $170 (good deal? Havent been paying attention) in acceptable condition. Got it today and it's missing the box but otherwise looks pretty flawless. Before I take it out and mess with it, does anyone have experience with warehouse deals consoles? They usually have no problems?
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So I bit on one of the Pokemon Switch Lite systems for around $170 (good deal? Havent been paying attention) in acceptable condition. Got it today and it's missing the box but otherwise looks pretty flawless. Before I take it out and mess with it, does anyone have experience with warehouse deals consoles? They usually have no problems?
The PS2 I got from AWD many years ago worked fine. Same with the clearly used 3DS I got. That said anything with AWD is a total crap shoot.

Before I take it out and mess with it, does anyone have experience with warehouse deals consoles? They usually have no problems?
It's a very mixed bag, so hard to make any generalizations. I would just test it out, including online. Format a microsd. Check if the screen is off-color.

I bought my turquoise lite for $140 + tax at the end of jan when they were part of the 20% items. Your pokemon version was not part of the 20%, so yeah seems like a good find assuming you don't care about the box for collectible reasons.

Ended up selling mine locally since it made my hands hurt / cramp.

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It's a very mixed bag, so hard to make any generalizations. I would just test it out, including online. Format a microsd. Check if the screen is off-color.

I bought my turquoise lite for $140 + tax at the end of jan when they were part of the 20% items. Your pokemon version was not part of the 20%, so yeah seems like a good find assuming you don't care about the box for collectible reasons.

Ended up selling mine locally since it made my hands hurt / cramp.
Didn't even consider screen being off color. I don't think I've seen a Switch with that problem.

Don't really care too much about the box but does make me feel better about missing the 20% off, though $140 sounds much better lol.

I'll try it out and see if it's too small and report back. Thanks for the feedback!
So I bit on one of the Pokemon Switch Lite systems for around $170 (good deal? Havent been paying attention) in acceptable condition. Got it today and it's missing the box but otherwise looks pretty flawless. Before I take it out and mess with it, does anyone have experience with warehouse deals consoles? They usually have no problems?
I bought a "like new" PSP a few years ago that came with a cracked screen and defective battery, so yeah...
So I bit on one of the Pokemon Switch Lite systems for around $170 (good deal? Havent been paying attention) in acceptable condition. Got it today and it's missing the box but otherwise looks pretty flawless. Before I take it out and mess with it, does anyone have experience with warehouse deals consoles? They usually have no problems?
Also make sure you try it docked and undocked. I bought a Switch from AWD that worked fine undocked, but would overheat and shut down within 10 minutes when docked.

Pokemon Lite actually works great, seems basically brand new. Might try to pick up another for family if they happen to come back in stock (lol). Does seem to be a bit smaller for the hands than I thought though. Any good case recommendations??
on the last day the 20% was active I took a chance on a $138.86 1TB Jedi Fallen Order xb1 S with the following description:
Used - Acceptable - Large cosmetic damage on item case. Large cosmetic damage on insert. Large cosmetic damage on cover art. Large cosmetic damage on boxed set case. Item may come repackaged. 

Turned out to be another one of those cases where amz tried to ship it originally without an outer box.  The outer slipcover was profoundly beaten and torn but the insides are untouched, including the game code.

Looks like one good quality pokemon switch lite sold by amazon warehouse is available. Comes out to around msrp but that's better than the crazy scalper prices up there atm.
Pokemon Lite actually works great, seems basically brand new. Might try to pick up another for family if they happen to come back in stock (lol). Does seem to be a bit smaller for the hands than I thought though. Any good case recommendations??
Satisyfe grip is the gold standark. Skull&co makes a quality one too
My only complaint about the Satisfye grip is that it angles the screen awkwardly if you hold it how it's most comfortable for my hands and wrists.

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Apparently there is some clearly scammy seller selling used-like new PS4s for $20... 

(saw this while checking amazon warehouse prices - guessing it's a nice way to get $20 locked up for a few weeks)

Has anyone bought a digital game that comes with a code in an physical box from warehouse deals? Any luck, or should I assume the codes were used then returned?
If I didn't mention it the acceptable grey switch lite I ordered came in dinger condition.  The only visible things I even see on it would be a slightly smushed bottom corner and a crease/dent on the box.  I paid 156.xx I think for it so overall not a bad deal.  Got it for my mother for mothersday but I didn't expect it to come till may so I was surprised when it came friday.  Now to just get her animal crossing.  Zelda will tide her over for the time being since she's a hard core zelda fan.

Wow even all the switch listings are empty on amazon warehouse. I don't think that's ever happened before.
Yeah, it was weird with all the listings in the morning.

They also had a ton of games under $4 too that disappeared quickly. Managed to grab Super Smash Bros. on Wii U for $1.98, Pokemon Sapphire(GBA) for $1.99, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen(PS3) for $3.24 and Mario & Sonic at the 2012 Olympic Games(Wii) for $2.24(why is this $20 used at GS?). Which according to the listings, they all at least have their boxes.

Not sure if it's just them trying to clear space out for "essential" items or what, just weird to see all those games so cheap.

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Yeah, it was weird with all the listings in the morning.

They also had a ton of games under $4 too that disappeared quickly. Managed to grab Super Smash Bros. on Wii U for $1.98, Pokemon Sapphire(GBA) for $1.99, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen(PS3) for $3.24 and Mario & Sonic at the 2012 Olympic Games(Wii) for $2.24(why is this $20 used at GS?). Which according to the listings, they all at least have their boxes.

Not sure if it's just them trying to clear space out for "essential" items or what, just weird to see all those games so cheap.
Reply back if they actually send a Pokemon Sapphire with its OG box, that would be a big shocker tbh

Yeah, it was weird with all the listings in the morning.

They also had a ton of games under $4 too that disappeared quickly. Managed to grab Super Smash Bros. on Wii U for $1.98, Pokemon Sapphire(GBA) for $1.99, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen(PS3) for $3.24 and Mario & Sonic at the 2012 Olympic Games(Wii) for $2.24(why is this $20 used at GS?). Which according to the listings, they all at least have their boxes.

Not sure if it's just them trying to clear space out for "essential" items or what, just weird to see all those games so cheap.
I've always wondered where amazon warehouse gets their used games from - I had assumed the Amazon Trade-In program, but not 100% sure? For example I just traded in Smash Bros Wii U for ~$15 and it wouldn't really make sense for them to sell it for $2? I dunno.

Also, I got bored and checked out the Amazon Warehouse console stock and any items that aren't priced as inflated as the 3rd party sellers sell within like 5 minutes - especially any switch stock, used PS4 pros < ~$350, and Slims < $250.

example, used good priced higher than MSRP, but much lower than most resellers = instantly sold!


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I actually keep up with AWDs and they sell stuff over MSRP all the time, usually much more than $10 over MSRP. Amazon doesn't for new items because they (like most major retailers) are under contract to sell at MSRP but they are under no agreement for used items.

Even those renewed listings selling rare games for $70-$100+.

I don't fault Amazon (or GameStop) for doing so. It's all about making money and people willing to pay for those items.
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Have no clue why.  Although I went back and rechecked the order.  Apparently 2 of them are "renewed", so more curious to see how they are.

Here's what some of them look like on my order page(in the spoiler), so it might be a short glitch or something.  But they seem to be in the middle of shipping.  I'll update my post when they arrive Wednesday.


*Edit- SSB Wii U, Pokemon Sapphire and Mario & Sonic 2012 Olympic games all arrived a day earlier.  However, most of what I got is completely different from the description.

SSB on Wii U was accurate(case & manual w/ disc in very good condition).  Pokemon Sapphire was cart only in a small padded envelope and is likely a bootleg cart(colors on label look like they're bleeding over each other).  Mario & Sonic was disc only in one of those slim black DVD cases they use for disc only Warehouse Deals games(so no case & manual when it was labeled new).  Not only was it disc only, but the disc has sticker residue from a rental sticker around the inner ring of the disc(like Redbox games) and appears to be resurfaced.

Probably not sending back the mislabeled stuff, as it's not worth the trouble(under $5 in refunds).  Might contact CS about the bootleg Pokemon game.  But definitely not going to attempt anymore "renewed" game purchases from Amazon, as that seems to be a flat out lie.

*Edit 2-  Transformers arrived today.  Instead of a used Revenge of the Fallen, I got a sealed Dark of the Moon game with the RotF sticker.   Gonna keep it, as I have never fully played it(have a 360 copy, but this is in better shape).

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Well, most of the order arrived a day early(still waiting on Revenge of the Fallen for PS3).   But beware to anyone looking at their "renewed" crap.  Edited the post above to mention the conditions.

they process trade-ins under renewed listings the same as they do regular listings.  so I wouldn't expect any kind of higher standard while buying renewed items - at least for games

Looks like warehouse got a bunch of used switches in. Prices not that great, but he lites are more reasonable at 160 and the pokemon one isn't seen too much:


bread's done