Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Oh I put my bias up front, I think most dubs are trash and I was impressed with what I heard and it made me interested in seeing how it turns out. Otherwise I was just going to watch the subtitles. If you think I'm biased towards the dub because I backed it you're making a mistake. I never cared for the dub and just wanted one of my favorite shows on blu-ray. This was more for the folks who have the reverse opinion of me and actually want to watch dubs. Of course you're free to feel however you'd like. If you didn't back the show then my update really isn't for you anyways :)
That's fine. Opinions from people who say things like "dubs are trash" don't matter to me anyways. :)

Whew, I've been going through my most wanted purchases for upcoming months and there are some behemoths on the horizon.  I'm going to have to find a way to buy all of these, as I don't want to miss out on anything:

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya UCE

Escaflowne complete

Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion CE

Fate/Zero Box Set 1

Fate/Zero Box Set 2

I really don't like the thought of springing for anything Aniplex but those are nice Fate/Zero LEs...even if they cost double what they should cost.   They should at least retain their value over time if you ever change your mind. 

Honorable Mention goes to:

MSG Zeta box R2


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Also, nice response to Delpha's comments, lol. I'm sure people are going to give you flack for it, but I won't since it's the truth. :p
Yeah, I thought I might get some flack for it, but it looks like I won't. I heard a lot of stories about how hard it was for those folks to succeed when I was out there, so it was annoying to see her comment. Glad you agreed!

I backed Skip Beat, but had to lower my pledge due to some financial issues. Hopefully that promise of a Backerkit comes to fruition soon. Last I heard it was supposed to be up August 1.

Whew, I've been going through my most wanted purchases for upcoming months and there are some behemoths on the horizon. I'm going to have to find a way to buy all of these, as I don't want to miss out on anything:

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya UCE
Escaflowne complete
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion CE
Fate/Zero Box Set 1
Fate/Zero Box Set 2
With the exception of escaflown (never seen it and haven't even looked into it) I have the same list. I am skeptical about fate zero rerelease if it is a 100% carbon copy rerelease I'm in (pricey though) if they move away from the chipboard to the paper cardboard sleeves like all their current releases I may be less likely to jump on it
I really don't like the thought of springing for anything Aniplex but those are nice Fate/Zero LEs...even if they cost double what they should cost. They should at least retain their value over time if you ever change your mind.
I am NOT paying that much for Escaflowne, the TV series. No offense to the series, which I already have in its entirety on DVD, but that's too steep for my wallet. I'm not paying that much for Fate/Zero either. It's a great series, watched it with my good friend and we loved it. But that pricing is also too rich for my blood.

I think I might have already pre-ordered that Haruhi Suzimiya set. While it is a bit pricey, the sheer volume of content easily makes up for the price. And the original DVDs being fairly scarce make this Blu-ray set especially attractive. That one is comparatively a much easier sell.

I'm definitely going to get the Code Geass blus at some point. But I think I'm gonna wait until I can grab them when they're ~$30 per set. Got my FMA Brotherhood sets at the price, same with Steins Gate and got Cowboy Bebop even cheaper than that. It'll go down eventually (I hope).

As much as I love Fate/Zero, no way I'm paying that much for those sets. That's nuts. Geass I may jump in for the current price, but would love to see a price cut around xmas/black friday.

Well, let's see... I pre-ordered both Fate/Zero sets back on Monday as soon as the RS listing changed form OOP to OOS; I'm actually double dipping on F/Z though, as I originally bought the two JP releases a while back. I pledged for the Skip Beat! LE  and both the KS Exclusive and the Collector's box sets in the Escaflowne Kickstarter - the new dubs will be convenient for showing these series to my mother, who I've got hooked on anime now, lol...  I also have the Code Geass CE on pre-order. Fortunately I'm not interested in Haruhi at all, so I can at least save me a little cash there... 

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In for Haruhi, Code Geass, and Escaflowne. Aniplex's business model is complete bull**** and I refuse to support them. <3 FUNimation
Heh, I'm just the opposite - Aniplex is by far my favorite domestic anime distributor, and Funi is one of my least favorite. I have 12 other Aniplex sets on pre-order right now, releasing through the rest of this year - pretty much everything coming out of theirs except God Eater, which I didn't care for. On the other side of the coin, I have stopped buying much of anything at all from Funimation, especially now after they chose not to give Limited Edition releases to Yona, Arslan, or Snow White... LE chipboxes are about the only thing I find worthwhile to buy from Funi. I do have the Escaflowne Kickstarter box sets and Code Geass CE coming from them this year yet - but other than that, I'm only getting Ergo Proxy - and that one is a double-dip just to have as a cheap backup copy to my JP Ergo Proxy Blu-ray Box.

I actually have more Aniplex sets in my collection than I do Funimation - 87 Aniplex vs. 70 Funi - so Aniplex's business model hasn't had any effect on the amount of anime I purchase from them - it's all about the quality of the releases.

I wish I was rich enough to afford that much Aniplex anime.

Then again, even if I was rich, there is no way in hell I would pay over $100 for 14 episodes, regardless of how many extras there are. I wouldn't even do that for a Gundam release if they included a Gundam model with it.
Are the Funi slipcases truly limited? I know when I ordered YYH not too long ago that they all came with slips but from what I read on other sites, stuff like Chobits and Samurai Champloo didn't if they were bought recently. Kind of hesitant about waiting for Geass to drop in price if it doesn't come with a slip.
Quick question, was there an Evangelion 1.11 release that used a simple slip cover design like 2 and 3?

Also, Haruhi is the greatest show of all time, everyone should own it.

Quick question, was there an Evangelion 1.11 release that used a simple slip cover design like 2 and 3?

Also, Haruhi is the greatest show of all time, everyone should own it.
Sadly nope.

It was first housed in a thin slipbox and then the second release was a regular BD case with a slipcover. But it shared the same art as the slipbox.

Heh, I'm just the opposite - Aniplex is by far my favorite domestic anime distributor, and Funi is one of my least favorite. I have 12 other Aniplex sets on pre-order right now, releasing through the rest of this year - pretty much everything coming out of theirs except God Eater, which I didn't care for. On the other side of the coin, I have stopped buying much of anything at all from Funimation, especially now after they chose not to give Limited Edition releases to Yona, Arslan, or Snow White... LE chipboxes are about the only thing I find worthwhile to buy from Funi. I do have the Escaflowne Kickstarter box sets and Code Geass CE coming from them this year yet - but other than that, I'm only getting Ergo Proxy - and that one is a double-dip just to have as a cheap backup copy to my JP Ergo Proxy Blu-ray Box.

I actually have more Aniplex sets in my collection than I do Funimation - 87 Aniplex vs. 70 Funi - so Aniplex's business model hasn't had any effect on the amount of anime I purchase from them - it's all about the quality of the releases.
Don't you find Aniplex's sets completely lackluster for the price that they are charging? I paid $50-60 each for No Game, No Life; Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun; and Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions collector's editions and they come with more content than Aniplex sets that are 2-3x the price.

Don't you find Aniplex's sets completely lackluster for the price that they are charging? I paid $50-60 each for No Game, No Life; Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun; and Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions collector's editions and they come with more content than Aniplex sets that are 2-3x the price.
As I said, I'm in it for the quality - the quality of the discs themselves, that is. I much prefer AoA's disc authoring practices, with the best PQ, least amount of compression artifacts, highest bitrates, and minimal episodes per disc. I buy a ton of JP imports specifically for this same reason, and AoA is the closest thing we got domestically to the disc quality of Japanese releases.

I do wish AoA would go back to doing more chipboard box sets rather than almost all singles now, but at least their singles come in side-load slipboxes and not those crappy o-card slipcovers with bare, cut edges which I hate so much. Their singles also fit perfectly into those stiff plastic steelbook protectors I buy for a lot of my anime, so they do look great all lined up on the media shelf in their crystal-clear boxes rather than unsightly shrinkwrap. I'm not a fan of trinkets, which just end up collecting dust and hogging up space, so a few art cards or a booklet is OK by me. Also, since I never use an English dub myself, and never watch any on-disc extras, if their releases happen to be lacking those I don't really care. A dub is only useful for me to show anime to friends, but is totally irrelevant to me. In contrast, Funi's poor disc authoring practices leave a lot to be desired; since I watch my anime on a 120" projection screen in my theater, you can really notice a difference.

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I am skeptical about fate zero rerelease if it is a 100% carbon copy rerelease I'm in (pricey though) if they move away from the chipboard to the paper cardboard sleeves like all their current releases I may be less likely to jump on it
Gross. What are the chances that the new batch of Fate/Zero sets don't come in chipboard boxes? If this is the case, that would make this decision really easy.

since I watch my anime on a 120" projection screen in my theater, you can really notice a difference.
Your theater screen is bigger than my living room.

Hell, my computer still uses a VGA cable, my living room TV cable is hooked up via coaxial cable, and my bedroom TV is still a CRT.

So, yea. If I can get a Blu-ray for $20, I don't mind substandard video quality that I will likely not ever notice.
Your theater screen is bigger than my living room.

Hell, my computer still uses a VGA cable, my living room TV cable is hooked up via coaxial cable, and my bedroom TV is still a CRT.

So, yea. If I can get a Blu-ray for $20, I don't mind substandard video quality that I will likely not ever notice.
You should think about saving some of that anime money to upgrade your TV and computer, especially where HDMI offers 48-bit color and looks much better.

And I hear that if you submerge Ranma 1/2 manga in water, they magically turn into BR versions of the anime. It's the Viz family curse.

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You might be spending more money on electricity each year keeping your CRTs around, rather than replacing them with a cheap LED.
Even with the AC on my electric bill is less than $100 a month. I'm not gonna worry about the $5 or so an LED would save me.

And my spending on anime is already drastically dropped since Hastings and MovieStop were about 80% of my purchases.

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Aside from Gurren Lagaan, Aniplex has nothing that interests me so my money is safe.

The last thing I bought from Funimation was Resurrection F. Maybe that will change if the live action Kenshin (and that supposed rights ownership to live action Parasyte) is any good. Or they decide to release DBZ Kai in full.

Meanwhile, I see Rightstuf is offering HunterxHunter and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure manga bundles this week. I wish they would get to Case Closed already. 

Either you live in a house the size of a shoebox, or Chicago has been screwing me in a way I haven't realized...Probably the screwin'
Not quite shoebox sized, but not too far off. That 120" screen mentioned earlier? If place horizontally it would be nowhere close to fitting in my living room.
So I'm getting back into the game of collecting anime on disc, been well over 10 years since I've bought more than a random set here or there (other than the Ranma limited edition sets)

Basically, here's my n00b question. What exactly is a chipboard set? Can someone post some examples? I couldn't find many examples online or really good pictures. I'm guessing it's just a nicer texture, but a picture or a vid or two would be great.


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So I'm getting back into the game of collecting anime on disc, been well over 10 years since I've bought more than a random set here or there (other than the Ranma limited edition sets)

Basically, here's my n00b question. What exactly is a chipboard set? Can someone post some examples? I couldn't find many examples online or really good pictures. I'm guessing it's just a nicer texture, but a picture or a vid or two would be great.

Chipboard is the material that they use to make the slipbox. So it is just a slipbox really. As far as what they look like, they are the same as the Ranma LE BD's just thicker and bigger.

If you want a good idea of what they look like pretty much the Funi LE's are good to google or the Aniplex ones.

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So I'm getting back into the game of collecting anime on disc, been well over 10 years since I've bought more than a random set here or there (other than the Ranma limited edition sets)

Basically, here's my n00b question. What exactly is a chipboard set? Can someone post some examples? I couldn't find many examples online or really good pictures. I'm guessing it's just a nicer texture, but a picture or a vid or two would be great.


Basically, a set that's made out of cardboard, but the chipboard is a bit sturdier and more solid.

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The limited edition boxes the ranma blu rays came in is a chip board box, I believe.
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Definitely getting the Haruhi and Escaflowne sets that are coming out soon. Hoping Haruhi lands in my lap for my birthday coming up soon haha.

Would the best place to buy them be at Righstuf since I have the membership, or would a place like Amazon eventually lower its price significantly upon release? Sorry for the question, but it's been awhile since I've invested in anime.

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YMMV, but I myself never buy any anime in specialty packaging (chipbox or even slipcover) from Amazon US just to save a few dollars,  because I have major issues with the crap packing they use to ship them in. Amazon is not a anime store, so they just package anime like any other item they ship, fragile or not - it either comes in a flimsy padded envelope, jiffy bag, or multiple items loose bouncing around in a too-big box with no padding whatsoever.  I've had WAY too much anime arrive damaged from Amazon - and half the time the replacements arrive damaged as well.  In contrast, Rightstuf has really nice packaging for shipping, and they're specifically packed to prevent damage, with either snug fitting cardboard forms inside their shipping boxes for multiple items, or at least a mile of brown paper wrapped around a single chipbox item so the box corners of LE's don't get crushed. I'd rather pay a little more simply for the piece of mind in not having to worry if the anime will get to me OK or not.  But then, that's just me... 

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Plus, Amazon charges tax, whereas RightStuf doesn't unless you live in Iowa.
Amazon only charges tax in certain states:

Also, I've found that ordering something else non-anime in the same order that will have to get stuck in a box with both of them in the same order usually fixes the "stick it in a bubble mailer" issue. That does bring up the "box too big issue", though that's much less often for my stuff than I've seen others suffer with.

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It's good. But not worth the price funimation is selling it for. They're reaching aniplex level of prices
Yes, finally someone else thinks this as well.

One could argue that you are getting more for less. Since you are getting both "parts" and the movie.

At least none of you guys backed the stupid KS and paid like $40+ more lol.

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It is one of the best fantasy series ever made. I'd argue only Lodoss War (possibly Negima if they ever did a proper anime adaptation) is better.
U just had to mention Lodos War. Now I'm going to have to buy Escaflowne.

For those that complain about Aniplex prices, myself included. They so master the discs really well. For those of with really good A/V setups, the animation is extremely crisp and audio is very clear. They beat anyone else out there...That being said, those prices on Fate/zero are crazy!
U just had to mention Lodos War. Now I'm going to have to buy Escaflowne
Do note that while Lodoss is LOTR-esque, Escaflowne has a lot more shoujo in it. It also has mecha fights, aliens, gender bending, and one of the real life founders of a modern scientific principle.

Oh, and it is one of the signature scores of the Goddess of Music herself, Yoko Kanno.
Do note that while Lodoss is LOTR-esque, Escaflowne has a lot more shoujo in it. It also has mecha fights, aliens, gender bending, and one of the real life founders of a modern scientific principle.

Oh, and it is one of the signature scores of the Goddess of Music herself, Yoko Kanno.
None of those are bad things.

What do you by founders of modern scientific principle?

bread's done