Best Buy $10 Reward Certificates Pre-order Promo.

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DOOM Release Date: 05/13/2016

Overwatch Release Date: 05/24/2016

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens  Release Date: 06/28/2016

Battleborn Release Date: 05/03/2016

Receive 5 Gold Skins with the "Firstborn Pack" when you Pre-order Battleborn now!

Friends and foes alike will know you were one of the first to take up arms with the Battleborn when you show up to the fight in your exclusive gold regalia.

Pre-order your copy of Battleborn and deck your heroes out with an exclusive in-game title and golden character skins for Thorn, Reyna, Montana, Marquis, and Rath.


Madden NFL 16
Release Date: 8/25/2015
Pre-Order Madden NFL 16
Give your Ultimate Team a head start with 10 Pro Packs and the Playmaker Pack.

Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition Starter Pack

Release Date: 8/30/2015
Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition Pre-Order Bonus
Receive a free Toy Box Takeover game when you pre-order and purchase a Disney Infinity 3.0 edition starter pack.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Release Date: 9/1/2015
Jump into the action with this Day One Edition, which additional game content, such as Adam-ska Special, a silver personal ballistic shield, a Wetland cardboard box, a blue urban fatigues outfit and a Metal Gear Online boost.

Mad Max

Release Date: 9/1/2015
Pre-order Mad Max at Best Buy, and get the in-pack Ripper, an additional fully upgradeable Magnum Opus car body.

Forza Motorsport 6

Release Date: 9/15/2015
Pre-order Forza Motorsport 6 and receive access to an in-game 2014 BMW M4 coupe. The new twin-turbo inline six is a spectacular performer that is grippy and transitions like a trooper. Experience the power of the smaller, lighter motor that offers enhanced handling. While supplies last. Download code will arrive via e-mail on or around release date. Valid e-mail address required. If you choose Store Pickup, the code will also be printed on your store receipt when you pick up the game.


Release Date: 9/22/2015
Pre-order FIFA 16 Standard Edition now and get up to $15 worth of FUT Gold Packs over 15 weeks.*
*Redeem code before October 11, 2015 and login to FUT each week to receive full value. Grants are not retroactive.
Pre-order FIFA 16 Deluxe Edition now and get up to $50 worth of FUT Premium Gold Packs over 20 weeks.* Start your Ultimate Team season with Lionel Messi on your squad for 5 games and use the new "KO" and "BAILANDO ROBOT" celebrations when you pre-order today. *Redeem code before October 11, 2015 and login to FUT each week to receive full value. Grants are not retroactive.

NBA 2K16

Release Date: 9/25/2015
NBA 2K16 Pre-Order Bonus
Pre-order NBA 2K16 to receive your game Friday, September 25, before the standard Tuesday, September 29 release. Plus, get 10,000 virtual currency (VC), and MyTEAM VIP package. While supplies last.

Guitar Hero Live

Release Date: 10/20/2015
Guitar Hero Live Pre-Order Bonuses
Pre-order and purchase to experience what it's like to play with Avenged Sevenfold on the big stage. Bonus content includes premium shows, custom note highways and more. Only at Best Buy: You'll also receive an additional pre-order bonus of a Guitar Hero Live microphone.
Bonus content available from October 20 to November 2, 2015. Internet connection required. For more information, visit

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Release Date: 10/23/2015
Embark on two pulse-quickening missions that will take you into the inner sanctums of London's most influential men. Defend Charles Darwin's discoveries from those who would kill to silence him. And help a friend of legendary writer Charles Dickens to keep a secret that could get him killed. While supplies last. Online and in-store customers will receive their code packed with the game.

Includes 10 exclusive Dreadful Crimes missions.
Pre-order to receive 10,000 Bonus Credits. Join the Family to earn a wide range of Assassin's Creed rewards. Earn credits for being a fan and cash in your earnings for rewards, prizes, and even bigger giveaways. Sign up anytime at * Code to redeem your 10,000 bonus credits will be delivered via email within 72 hours.

Halo 5: Guardians

Release Date: 10/27/2015

Halo 5: Guardians In-Store Event
Pre-order Halo 5: Guardians at participating stores on December 29 and January 3 and receive a Halo 5 poster. You'll also receive a Halo 5: Guardians art book when you pick up your order, only at Best Buy. Those who are 17 years of age and older can also play the beta version of the game at those same locations on December 29 and January 3 from 3 p.m.–7 p.m. local time.
Pre-order Halo 5: Guardians and receive tokens to redeem the in-game multiplayer Longshot Assault Rifle with Recoil Compensator and Athlon Iccus Armor.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Release Date: 11/6/2015
Players who pre-order will receive the NUK3TOWN Bonus Map*, available on PS4, Xbox One and PC via in-box redemption code.

Fallout 4

Release Date: 11/10/2015

Free Fallout 4 Perk Poster
Pre-order Fallout 4 today and get a physical Vault-Tec Perk Poster, fully colorized retro fun for the ultimate Wasteland survivor.

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Release Date: 11/10/2015
Preorder Rise of the Tomb Raider for Xbox One at Best Buy and receive a token to redeem The Sparrowhawk Pack. The Sparrowhawk Pack contains the in-game Sparrowhawk Outfit, White Wood Recurve Bow skin and Master Hunter journal pages. Only at Best Buy. Alone and without precious resources in the Siberian wilderness, Lara crafted an outfit from the furs and hides of animals she has hunted. The outfit will boost Lara's hunting ability, causing animals to scare less easily.
Rise of the Tomb Raider Pop-Up Art Sleeve.
Get a unique and exciting pop-up packaging when you pre-order the game.

Star Wars Battlefront 3

Release Date: 11/17/2015
Star Wars: Battlefront Pre-Order Bonus
Pre-order Star Wars: Battlefront and be among the first players to experience the Battle of Jakku, the pivotal moment when the New Republic confronts key Imperial holdouts on a remote desert planet in the Outer Rim. While supplies last. Download code will arrive via e-mail on or around release date. Valid e-mail address required. If you choose Store Pickup, the code will also be printed on your store receipt when you pick up the game.

Rainbow Six Siege

Release Date: 12/1/2015
Pre-order now and get the gold weapons skin pack.
:xb1: Includes Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for free.  :xb1:
Tom Clancy's The Division
Release Date: 3/8/2016


Redeem this code, "AGENTORIGINS", to unlock your 4 Free Division Agent Gear Sets inspired by the video series! Each gear set will give your in-game Division Agent a unique look and includes skills that will help you take back New York!

Pre-Order your copy of Tom Clancy's The Division for guaranteed Beta access. E-mail delivered within 72 hours of pre-order with registration instructions for the Beta.

Hazmat Gear Set with Pre-Order
Your gear includes a hazmat suit, backpack with increased health, and a POF P416 assault rifle.
[:xb1:]  Play it first on Xbox One in December 2015. [:xb1:][/customspoiler]
What do I have to do to qualify for this offer?
If you are an eligible My Best Buy member, pre-order your copy of any of the qualifying titles for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, Wii U or PC (platform availability varies by title). Not valid with any other offers. No dealers. No rain checks.

  • Best Buy Stores: $5 deposit required to pre-order. Pre-order game by 5:00 p.m. CT on day before street date. Present member ID at time of pre-order and pickup. Purchase and pick up game within 7 days of street date.
  • — Ship to Store: Payment in full required to pre-order. Present member ID at time of pre-order. Pick up game within 7 days of street date.
  • — Ship to Home: Payment in full required to pre-order. Present member ID at time of pre-order. Purchase is processed and shipped on or about street date.
Please Note: If you are not a My Best Buy member or do not present your member ID at time of pre-order, street date and/or store pickup as described in these FAQs, this offer is void.
When will I receive my $10 reward certificate?
For each qualified purchase, you will receive 500 My Best Buy points (worth $10 in reward certificates) credited to your account approximately 20 days after street date or store pickup.
Can I pre-order and purchase multiple copies of a qualifying game and get multiple awards?
There is a limit of one (1) award per My Best Buy member per game title.
Missing bonus points? (Wait out the 15 days before contacting the Best Buy mods for help.)

  • Make a best buy forum account and post a thread here.
Missing pre-order bonus? (Give them 48 hours to email you the pre-order bonus if it is digital content.)

  • Follow the instructions listed here.
Authorization Process
When you place an order online, Best Buy authorizes your credit card to make sure sufficient credit is available. A hold is placed on funds equal to your order total until the order is fulfilled.

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Yes, but they allowed me to downgrade to Vanilla and gave me a $30 GC for hassle, so I picked up GOW UE for 1.99. After the trade last week and this they actually paid me $15 to play Madden this year.
I would've gladly bought the regular edition too if they offered me a $30 GC but I was told that I'm pretty much SOL for not getting there early enough. I'm waiting til Friday to see if they get more copies in since I'm not in a hurry to play the game but I'm a big Ultimate Team player, those packs would really be nice. BBY is terrible when it comes to SE/LE/CE preorders.
Anyone else preordered Madden 16 Deluxe Edition and was told that they didn't have enough copies to accommodate all the preorders. I'm sure most of us buy our games from BBY because of the 20% + $10 cert but things like this never happen at GS.
I got an email saying it wouldn't be available until Sept 1st. Followed immediately by an email saying it would be ready to pick up tomorrow (I got both emails yesterday)

Went in today and picked up my Deluxe Edition no problemo. I was kind of hoping it would be delayed pickup and they'd give another promo code as an apology. Oh well.

Is it normal to have the game show in purchase history and not have the 500 showing as pending?
This is normal. Don't think you won't get it. The 500 points will just show up there under the same transaction. Like I said if you preordered at least a few weeks ago, you'll probably get the bonus points this week.
I posted this on the Madden thread but it seems dead so mods feel free to delete the other one if it's violating any rules. Might be good for a laugh so thought I'd share my experience.

So I went in Saturday to do the trade-in. As usual, waited 10-15 minutes for the person in front of me to do the same Madden trade. There was a single employee working the Customer Service desk while three large female CSR's were chatting amongst each other nearby as a line started to form (I see one of these girls almost every time I go there, and she is always doing practically nothing, or as little as possible. She isn't necessarily rude for BB standards, but certainly isn't friendly, which is not a big deal if she was at least competent, which she is not...).

My driver's license expired a few months ago, and can't renew it online so have to do it in person. As much we all love going to the DMV, I've been both busy and lazy, and havent had any issues whatsoever with the license (it's not suspended, just expired), which includes flying domestically. The TSA guy gave me a heads up as a friendly reminder but otherwise didnt care. But Best Buy is another story as we all know trading in a videogame is straight up CIA Homeland shit. 

After the CSR said she couldnt do it cause the "system" wouldnt allow it, I asked for the manager but he wasnt there so a young assistant manager who was closing that night came over (nothing to do w/ the story, but she completely drew her eyebrows on and made them HUGE. It looked so awful I was almost embarrassed for her. Almost..). I asked her to override it considering I have traded in there dozens of times, and how I've not encountered a single problem with my license including TSA until now, and she gave me the usual B.S. and how BB uses some special database blah blah blah. After getting her information, I walk out and drive to GameStop. As I'm trading in DA Inquisition, I share my story w/ the GS employee and we make fun of BB for a couple minutes, while another employee jumps in the conversation and explains how recently she decided to completely stop shopping there due to bad experiences even tho it's right across the street. Meanwhile, the trade-in goes smooth w/o a hiccup (no issue w/ license) and takes about a minute, maybe two max, compared to almost half an hour at BB. They were real chill and the one who was helping me out at the counter was actually kinda hot. 

GameStop: 2 for 2 (signed up for PUR a few weeks ago and my first experience w/ the local GS was excellent)

Worst Buy: 0-for Life

I almost forgot: right when I got home, I went to BB's website and successfully completed an online trade-in for Madden. It initially showed the extra value for GCU, but the final one did not for some reason. Haven't sent it in yet.

Anyway, if the coupon code isn't specific and there's a copy/PDF of it, or if it is unique and someone has an extra one, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 

i read all that!!

but your driver license expired.

They seem to be actually doing their instructed job opposed to the TSA guy?

You seem to be giving bestbuy too much shit over your expired license. "I've been both busy and lazy"

... are you driving around with an expired license?

What is this... story time?
When is show and tell
PM for happy ending. If you show me yours, I'll show you mine...

i read all that!!

but your driver license expired.

They seem to be actually doing their instructed job opposed to the TSA guy?

You seem to be giving bestbuy too much shit over your expired license. "I've been both busy and lazy"

Awesome story time, share it with the peace officer when he pulls you over and it is the funny anecdote time.
You kinda sound like someone from either the South or the Midwest.

no al qaeda trading in at BB thats for sure. Nice job BB
The irony? I'm brown..

Yeah seriously. Just because you chose to not renew your license and some people are fine with ignoring the issue when you go places (GS and airport/TSA) does not mean everyone will. They are required to have a valid non-expired ID to do trade-ins. Is it silly, perhaps, but that is not up for debate. The fact that you wanted them to break policy, while you technically were also breaking the law (driving with an expired license) does not make them shitty.

Anyone else preordered Madden 16 Deluxe Edition and was told that they didn't have enough copies to accommodate all the preorders. I'm sure most of us buy our games from BBY because of the 20% + $10 cert but things like this never happen at GS.
I went in this morning and they only had the regular edition. Damn best buy and their in store only promos.

Yeah seriously. Just because you chose to not renew your license and some people are fine with ignoring the issue when you go places (GS and airport/TSA) does not mean everyone will. They are required to have a valid non-expired ID to do trade-ins. Is it silly, perhaps, but that is not up for debate. The fact that you wanted them to break policy, while you technically were also breaking the law (driving with an expired license) does not make them shitty.
If so, then why was I allowed to do an online trade-in on their own website? How come GameStop does not care if it is expired? They prolly handle more trade-ins than BB anyway.

I posted this on the Madden thread but it seems dead so mods feel free to delete the other one if it's violating any rules. Might be good for a laugh so thought I'd share my experience.

So I went in Saturday to do the trade-in. As usual, waited 10-15 minutes for the person in front of me to do the same Madden trade. There was a single employee working the Customer Service desk while three large female CSR's were chatting amongst each other nearby as a line started to form (I see one of these girls almost every time I go there, and she is always doing practically nothing, or as little as possible. She isn't necessarily rude for BB standards, but certainly isn't friendly, which is not a big deal if she was at least competent, which she is not...).
My driver's license expired a few months ago, and can't renew it online so have to do it in person. As much we all love going to the DMV, I've been both busy and lazy, and havent had any issues whatsoever with the license (it's not suspended, just expired), which includes flying domestically. The TSA guy gave me a heads up as a friendly reminder but otherwise didnt care. But Best Buy is another story as we all know trading in a videogame is straight up CIA Homeland shit.

After the CSR said she couldnt do it cause the "system" wouldnt allow it, I asked for the manager but he wasnt there so a young assistant manager who was closing that night came over (nothing to do w/ the story, but she completely drew her eyebrows on and made them HUGE. It looked so awful I was almost embarrassed for her. Almost..). I asked her to override it considering I have traded in there dozens of times, and how I've not encountered a single problem with my license including TSA until now, and she gave me the usual B.S. and how BB uses some special database blah blah blah. After getting her information, I walk out and drive to GameStop. As I'm trading in DA Inquisition, I share my story w/ the GS employee and we make fun of BB for a couple minutes, while another employee jumps in the conversation and explains how recently she decided to completely stop shopping there due to bad experiences even tho it's right across the street. Meanwhile, the trade-in goes smooth w/o a hiccup (no issue w/ license) and takes about a minute, maybe two max, compared to almost half an hour at BB. They were real chill and the one who was helping me out at the counter was actually kinda hot.

GameStop: 2 for 2 (signed up for PUR a few weeks ago and my first experience w/ the local GS was excellent)
Worst Buy: 0-for Life

I almost forgot: right when I got home, I went to BB's website and successfully completed an online trade-in for Madden. It initially showed the extra value for GCU, but the final one did not for some reason. Haven't sent it in yet.

Anyway, if the coupon code isn't specific and there's a copy/PDF of it, or if it is unique and someone has an extra one, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The TL; DR version:

Best buy won't violate their own trade in policy and, probably, my state and counties pawn laws so they suck.
It's like when someone comes to buy alcohol and gives me an expired ID. This thing you're handing me is useless, learn to read and get out of my face. TSA is an abomination, all you've done is provide more evidence. Why doesn't Gamestop care? Because they're awful and greedy.

The TL; DR version:

Best buy won't violate their own trade in policy and, probably, my state and counties pawn laws so they suck.
Pretty much.


Enough said.
Profound post.

Learn how to quote properly before doing so. I did not use dots/period before and after "prolly". Next time I will sue you for libel.

It's like when someone comes to buy alcohol and gives me an expired ID. This thing you're handing me is useless, learn to read and get out of my face. TSA is an abomination, all you've done is provide more evidence. Why doesn't Gamestop care? Because they're awful and greedy.
Ok... How bout this: how you feel about GS, is how I feel about BB.

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It's a dual layered Blu Ray, the system has to spin the disc faster to read it.
Ugh, it honestly makes it really unplayable for me then... Haven't tried any other games since i have not been gaming on my ps4 recently. It just sounds like a really loud blow dryer x2. Just want to make sure if its just me.

Ugh, it honestly makes it really unplayable for me then... Haven't tried any other games since i have not been gaming on my ps4 recently. It just sounds like a really loud blow dryer x2. Just want to make sure if its just me.
No no no no, you have to play it. Just played through the entire game and LOVED it. One of the best games I have ever played. Trust me you will ignore the fan noises when you are into the game. This is the first game that the choices really matter, my palms were sweating and my heart rate was up. It looked fantastic as well just an amazing experience best game of the year so far! Glad I was able to get it during the 50% glitch in May!

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No no no no, you have to play it. Just played through the entire game and LOVED it. One of the best games I have ever played. Trust me you will ignore the fan noises when you are into the game. This is the first game that the choices really matter, my palms were sweating and my heart rate was up. It looked fantastic as well just an amazing experience best game of the year so far! Glad I was able to get it during the 50% glitch in May!
You have good taste in games :)
You have good taste in games :)
The funny thing is I don't like horror movies and games, but this one I knew I would love it from the first E3 trailer. There is something special about this game that makes it so good. The characters, the choices, the setting, etc. make it a 9.75/10 for me.

If so, then why was I allowed to do an online trade-in on their own website? How come GameStop does not care if it is expired? They prolly handle more trade-ins than BB anyway.
Online trades are different from in store, because in store they need to abide by each states local laws, aka pawn laws. They are required to have a valid ID in case they have the police arrive due to a reported theft. Same reason amazon does not need an ID on file.

And to your 2nd point, we all already addressed this. Just because the employees did not care does not make it wrong for BBY employees to care. If a District Manager for GS finds out they allowed you to trade in with an expired license they can get in a lot of trouble. Just because someone does something stupid does not mean everyone else should too...

Ugh, it honestly makes it really unplayable for me then... Haven't tried any other games since i have not been gaming on my ps4 recently. It just sounds like a really loud blow dryer x2. Just want to make sure if its just me.
all ps4 (and xbox one) games are installed to hard drive and the disc is not read except to validate you own the game, it has nothing to do with the disc. some games just are sorta bad at running idle cycles so the CPU and GPU heat up and the fans have to spin more, usually a patch down the line fixes it up. Sometimes I've found shutting down the PS4 (complete shutdown, not sleep) fixes the problem too.

I get the high fan problem once in a while, most recently rocket league and COD BO3 beta both had it.

all ps4 (and xbox one) games are installed to hard drive and the disc is not read except to validate you own the game, it has nothing to do with the disc. some games just are sorta bad at running idle cycles so the CPU and GPU heat up and the fans have to spin more, usually a patch down the line fixes it up. Sometimes I've found shutting down the PS4 (complete shutdown, not sleep) fixes the problem too.

I get the high fan problem once in a while, most recently rocket league and COD BO3 beta both had it.
Yeah, i remember trying the bo3 beta and i had the same loud problem and the ffxv demo. Could be just the games. When im in the ps4 menu its complete silent. I'm just suprised on how loud the ps4 gets when running these game and the fact that it is constant, its just really not enjoyable at all. I guess i'll just put on some headphones and play until dawn that way.

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The funny thing is I don't like horror movies and games, but this one I knew I would love it from the first E3 trailer. There is something special about this game that makes it so good. The characters, the choices, the setting, etc. make it a 9.75/10 for me.
Just beat it now. 10/10 for me. GOTY right here. Overtook Life is Strange :D
No no no no, you have to play it. Just played through the entire game and LOVED it. One of the best games I have ever played. Trust me you will ignore the fan noises when you are into the game. This is the first game that the choices really matter, my palms were sweating and my heart rate was up. It looked fantastic as well just an amazing experience best game of the year so far! Glad I was able to get it during the 50% glitch in May!
I forgot that glitch applied to pre-orders too. I assumed BB would cancel those. Good to know they didn't.

No no no no, you have to play it. Just played through the entire game and LOVED it. One of the best games I have ever played. Trust me you will ignore the fan noises when you are into the game. This is the first game that the choices really matter, my palms were sweating and my heart rate was up. It looked fantastic as well just an amazing experience best game of the year so far! Glad I was able to get it during the 50% glitch in May!
The funny thing is I don't like horror movies and games, but this one I knew I would love it from the first E3 trailer. There is something special about this game that makes it so good. The characters, the choices, the setting, etc. make it a 9.75/10 for me.
Just beat it now. 10/10 for me. GOTY right here. Overtook Life is Strange :D
At first I was depressed that I had forgotten to preorder Until Dawn with my other half-off-glitch preorders, but my library decided to add it to their catalog so I'll be able to play it for free whenever they get it. :bouncy:

No no no no, you have to play it. Just played through the entire game and LOVED it. One of the best games I have ever played. Trust me you will ignore the fan noises when you are into the game. This is the first game that the choices really matter, my palms were sweating and my heart rate was up. It looked fantastic as well just an amazing experience best game of the year so far! Glad I was able to get it during the 50% glitch in May!
How long is the game?

I bought it and haven't played it yet. I got Madden and Gears yesterday too, so when I finally got ready to play Until Dawn it was dark and late almost fixing to go to bed, then I immediately back to the trailers and said NOPE. haha

maybe today while it's day light.

Its been awhile since I did one of these $10 bonus pre-orders but my son pre-ordered and picked up Madden on my account yesterday. There wont be a issue with the bonus certificate if he mostly paid with a gift card correct?

Yeah, i remember trying the bo3 beta and i had the same loud problem and the ffxv demo. Could be just the games. When im in the ps4 menu its complete silent. I'm just suprised on how loud the ps4 gets when running these game and the fact that it is constant, its just really not enjoyable at all. I guess i'll just put on some headphones and play until dawn that way.
Yea it's weird that some games do it and some don't. Like for me it's when I play MLB 15 it gets crazy loud but if I switch over to something else it quiets down.
Yeah, i remember trying the bo3 beta and i had the same loud problem and the ffxv demo. Could be just the games. When im in the ps4 menu its complete silent. I'm just suprised on how loud the ps4 gets when running these game and the fact that it is constant, its just really not enjoyable at all. I guess i'll just put on some headphones and play until dawn that way.
Yea it's weird that some games do it and some don't. Like for me it's when I play MLB 15 it gets crazy loud but if I switch over to something else it quiets down.
So apparently credit from Batman Arkham Night expires for me in like 2 days. I pre ordered MGS V, but it still shows the $10 certificate on my rewards page and says it will expire? Is my certificate safe?

[quote name="ghost1914" post="12885933" timestamp="1440601160"]Yea it's weird that some games do it and some don't. Like for me it's when I play MLB 15 it gets crazy loud but if I switch over to something else it quiets down.[/quote]

Does this happen more often on disc games than on downloads? I've never really noticed it before.
Picked up Until Dawn, but have yet to open it and play it. The girlfriend is more interested than I am, but after hearing a lot of the feedback here and elsewhere I am a lot more excited about checking it out now. Just pre-ordered Person 4 Dancing All Night Collectors Edition too, wish it came with the $10 rewards cert, but I figured if I am buying it I should pre-order the CE before they sell out. It's all just a waiting game for next week though, I can't wait to get my copy of MGSV. It's my most anticipated game of the year by far. 

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