Best Buy - 2x Rewards Points Sat/Sun May 5-6

Cool. I didn't get the email, but it's on the RZ site.

I was thinking I would finally get an @Gamer subscription this weekend so I can get the $20 gift card with Max Payne 3, so this will get me a few more points.
5/5 you should be able to stack 2x points with the $10 office store pick up promotion.

Still, can't for the life of me think of anything worth it.
[quote name='Stimes']You get points for trading in games now so this could be a good with the 50% bonus.[/QUOTE]

Now is this automatic or do you need your RZ card? I asked if they needed it and they said no..but they did take my phone number though.
I got GTAIV Complete Edition. Never really liked the main game, but The Lost and the Damned was kind of intriguing. For $19.99 you really can't go wrong for a Game and all it's DLC.
[quote name='DonkeyPunch']Yeah, but is $5 really worth the drive back?[/QUOTE]depends I guess BB is 5 traffic lights from my house so for me yeah plus there's other stuff that people may buy considering the points.

I'd grab the Avengers cartoons with the movie $ combined with the 2X RZ points while the're on sale. Add in a walmart pm & your all set.
[quote name='monkeypoopz']I just got a email saying I get triple points for my birthday... Anybody knows if this promotion stacks?[/QUOTE]
No, it doesn't. One or the other and the triple points is only on 1 item for the birthday. I used mine in Feb. thinking it was a good time to buy the 60 inch plasma I wanted due to the birthday bonus. Got the triple points on the tv itself but nothing else(Geeksquad installation, warranty, mount, etc.). Then a week later, they have a storewide deal like this, double points on everything and triple points on everything for Silver Rewards members(of which I am 1). :cry: Went back that week to redo the whole transaction and ultimately got all the triple points but it was a hassle. Funny thing is, I was better off not having my birthday lol
So would this stack with the RZGC Everyday Bonus Point Promo? Cause I'm thinking about getting a Vita thanks to the promotion BB is running right now.
[quote name='PimpLimp'] So would this stack with the RZGC Everyday Bonus Point Promo? Cause I'm thinking about getting a Vita thanks to the promotion BB is running right now.[/QUOTE]yes
[quote name='DonkeyPunch']Yeah, but is $5 really worth the drive back?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, i love everyone on this site who never factor in the cost of transportation or the time spent.
bread's done