Best Buy Black Friday Ad 2012

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2 (100%)
:360::ps3: Assassin's Creed 3
:360::ps3: Madden NFL 13
:360::ps3: Forza Horizon
:360::ps3: Borderlands 2
:360::ps3: FIFA 13
:pc: Diablo III

(Doorbuster deals - doors open at midnight)

:wii: Disney Epic Mickey 2
:360::ps3: Medal of Honor: Warfighter
:360::ps3: Darksiders 2
:ps3: Battlefield 3 - Premium Edition
:360::ps3: The Amazing Spiderman
:360::ps3: Need for Speed: Most Wanted

:360: Wipeout 3
:360: Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth
:360: Dance Central 3
:360: Kinect Sports: Ultimate Collection
:360: Dragonball Z for Kinect
:360: Just Dance 4

:360::ps3: GTA4: Complete Edition
:360: Halo Reach
:ds: Kingdom Hearts 3D: DDD
:360::ps3: Sniper Elite V2
:360::ps3: UFC Undisputed 3
Mortal Kombat - Vita

:360::ps3: Dead Island: GOTY
:360: Call of Juarez: The Cartel
:wii: Just Dance 3
:360: AC: Revelations
:360::ps3: Grand Slam Tennis 2
:pc: The Sims 3

Hot Price? (price not listed; online only)
PS3 Ultimate Combo Pack: Killzone Trilogy & Dualshock 3 Wireless Controller - This Ultimate Combo Pack comes with the Killzone Trilogy and an urban camouflage DUALSHOCK 3 Wireless Controller

Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Limited Edition PS Vita Wi-Fi Bundle

Xbox 360 250GB Holiday Bundle - Includes Xbox 360 250GB console, Forza Motorsport 4 game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim download token, Xbox 360 wireless controller, wired headset and one-month trial for Hulu, EPIX and Xbox LIVE.

$199.99 (Doorbuster)
PlayStation 3 250GB Bundle - Includes a 250GB PS3 system, Dualshock 3 Wireless Controller, the Uncharted Greatest Hits Dual Pack and the inFamous Collection.

3DS Holiday Bundle - Includes Flame Red Nintendo 3DS handheld system and Super Mario 3D Land game pre-installed.


Skylanders: Giants Starter Pack - Nintendo Wii

Sony Dualshock 3 Controller
Xbox 360 Wireless Controller
Turtle Beach - Ear Force P11 Headset
Turtle Beach - Ear Force X12 Headset
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[quote name='JKooL']Can you order these online when the sale starts or must you fight the crazy people?[/QUOTE]

Some of the stuff on the list should be available online too (Maybe not the Doorbusters). Thats how I remember it like last year.
[quote name='JKooL']Can you order these online when the sale starts or must you fight the crazy people?[/QUOTE]

I hope so...people line up a week ahead and camp out at my Best Buy, so pathetic. Sure they aren't after the video game deals, but still doubt I could get in on it.

I'm interested in Dead Island: GOTY $8, craps all over Amazon's Dead Island VANILLA $15 "Gold Box Deal"
[quote name='nedstark']guys I saw that bestbuy is going to sell ipod 5th gen with 50$ gift card :) please can anyone confirm that is just not door-buster :([/QUOTE]

Last year they did this with previous gen iPod. But they had limited stock in store, BUT they did have it online which I was lucky enough to snag one.

Oh and CAGers, don't forget that BBY "restocks" mid day on some of their deals.
darksiders 2 is tempting but the first plummeted in price to nothing in a few years and there's no rush to play a single-player only game. dead island goty at 8 is a good price to resale but im not sure if thats worth it. the scum crawls out of the woodworks hard on black friday.
nothing to see really darksiders 2 and assassins creed 3 for that low price already LOL i dont want to hear its because of black friday
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Last year they did this with previous gen iPod. But they had limited stock in store, BUT they did have it online which I was lucky enough to snag one.

Oh and CAGers, don't forget that BBY "restocks" mid day on some of their deals.[/QUOTE]

Restocks online or in store?
I don't get some of you guys. Fighting the crowd of crazy people is half the fun on Black Friday. The other half, of course, is getting the stuff you want. But you know, to this day, I have not seen those crazy crowds on Black Friday.
[quote name='solidus_00']I picked up a pair last year since the xbox port on my PX21 stopped working, though I thought it was the cord at the time. I found them to be much more comfortable and cooler on my head than the PX21. I find sound is great especially with the variable bass boost, which I find is a must. I will note I've only used it on my Xbox though, I still use my 21s on the computer and PS3 since I believe you need an extra adapter for the chat to work on those with these.

The only real complaints are first I do find the mic to be flimsy. I'm always so careful with it because I keep thinking it's going to break. They also still have the slight "hiss" that everyone complaints about all the turtle beach headsets, but I only notice it when things are totally silent. It really isn't that bad and thats coming from someone who has ocd on things like that. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'll definitely be picking up a pair then.

[quote name='Fukurou']I don't get some of you guys. Fighting the crowd of crazy people is half the fun on Black Friday. The other half, of course, is getting the stuff you want. But you know, to this day, I have not seen those crazy crowds on Black Friday.[/QUOTE]

I normally would agree with you...but then a couple of years ago I went to Micro Center in Minneapolis. There was a huge line out the door and they were letting people in one by 4:30 PM. I couldn't believe that it was that busy that late in the day.
[quote name='Fukurou']I don't get some of you guys. Fighting the crowd of crazy people is half the fun on Black Friday. The other half, of course, is getting the stuff you want. But you know, to this day, I have not seen those crazy crowds on Black Friday.[/QUOTE]

I have. A fight broke out at the one and only time I waited outside for a major door buster. Circuit City (that dates me) in its last year had some AMAZING deals to try to fluff its sales for the year and had a $750 Toshiba laptop almost $500 off. I was going to college in the fall and decided I was getting one. I show up at midnight and it was 12 per store and I was the 11th there. 10 degrees with sub zero windchill and a guy left to get some coffee. Came back and a fight broke out between him and the 13th person where the cops were called in and 1 guy took out on a stretcher with head fracture most likely ( guy smashed his head into a brick wall).

And that was my one and only door buster experience on the customer side. Have worked a few though.
[quote name='nedstark']guys I saw that bestbuy is going to sell ipod 5th gen with 50$ gift card :) please can anyone confirm that is just not door-buster :([/QUOTE]5th generation is only $5 off (and for the record, that discount is already available on Amazon and Best Buy).

4th model includes the $50 gift card, and it's not under "Door Busters" section, so it should be available both in-store and online.
I wonder if they will do the early online sale for Premier Silver Members like they did last year. Being able to go ahead and do my shopping on Monday was awesome and honestly something they need to continue.
I'll be picking up Borderlands for sure. I'm sad to see no $19.99 Skyrim though. I'm sure it'll pop up as an unadvertised price or a weekly deal before Christmas.
[quote name='Serious McMopy']5th generation is only $5 off (and for the record, that discount is already available on Amazon and Best Buy).

4th model includes the $50 gift card, and it's not under "Door Busters" section, so it should be available both in-store and online.[/QUOTE]

5th gen is $5 off and a $50 GC with it.
Wow, hopefully more unadvertised deals are announced. Nowhere close to being good as last year. As someone already mentioned, I don't trust non music ubisoft titles. By march revelations was around 9$ at various places.
Good thing Dead Island dropped since now its cheaper then it would have been if they had a sale on it stacked with the @gamer coupon. Great prices on the bundles though.
Looking to get an xbox 360 this BF. Glad to see BF be the first to release their bundles. I'm hoping for $200 with a 250gb Xbox Slim that bundle in Halo or Black Ops with a controller :)
Blah. Nothing there excites me. Ass Creed always goes low quickly so I'm not going to pay 35 for Ass Creed 3. Maybe if I saw Dishonored I would jump...maybe.
[quote name='Serious McMopy']Yes, I said that.[/QUOTE]

My bad, by "5th generation is only $5 off (and for the record, that discount is already available on Amazon and Best Buy" I thought you meant that it didn't include the GC.

I'm also not seeing any HDDs for my PS3 which makes me a sad camper. :cry:
[quote name='Gkage']Blah. Nothing there excites me. Ass Creed always goes low quickly so I'm not going to pay 35 for Ass Creed 3. Maybe if I saw Dishonored I would jump...maybe.[/QUOTE]

Im wondering about holding off on ass creed as well cause of that reasoning
I'll be doing most of my shopping online, if I can't get everything I want online i'll just pick it up later that day. The only things I was interested in was Dead Island Goty, GTA IV Complete, Sniper Elite(maybe), and Max Payne3 (FORSURE!!). That's it for me, i'm only looking for games this time around any many aren't catching my eye. OH I almost forgot about the killzone & Dualshock controller for PS3, hopefully they release some more specials. A calm and safe black friday for me this year :D
[quote name='strait edge follower']Im wondering about holding off on ass creed as well cause of that reasoning[/QUOTE]

Don't forget the @gamer coupons that could possibly come soon for the game as popular as it is.
This is probably obvious but don't forget you can still do instore pickups on BF, so you can order your stuff in the morning then pick it up later when things are quieter, I did that last year.
[quote name='renique46']Don't forget the @gamer coupons that could possibly come soon for the game as popular as it is.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, there have been 3-4 times this year where coupon stacks were possible with revelations
Hmm looks like I'll just be getting Dead Island GOTY and grand theft auto complete. Guess i'll once again witness the madness at walmart instead. Wish Matt Lesko would do the gangnam dance on the pallets of stuff as they roll out.
[quote name='Blabadon']My bad, by "5th generation is only $5 off (and for the record, that discount is already available on Amazon and Best Buy" I thought you meant that it didn't include the GC.[/QUOTE]I did, and after rechecking the ad, I was wrong.

5th generation model includes a $50 gift card, along with a $5 discount.

Oh, and to answer the original question, it's Door Buster deal only.

Page 3 (lower right corner)
[quote name='kleant24']I'll be doing most of my shopping online, if I can't get everything I want online i'll just pick it up later that day. The only things I was interested in was Dead Island Goty, GTA IV Complete, Sniper Elite(maybe), and Max Payne3 (FORSURE!!). That's it for me, i'm only looking for games this time around any many aren't catching my eye. OH I almost forgot about the killzone & Dualshock controller for PS3, hopefully they release some more specials. A calm and safe black friday for me this year :D[/QUOTE]

Right now you can get Max Payne from GF for 17.99 with free shipping. Pretty much the same as getting it new because it will come with any/all codes included with new games.
Some good deals but I already have everything that's worthwhile. Hope other places come through with deals on games I've been holding out on.
[quote name='ZeroFlame15']Some of the stuff on the list should be available online too (Maybe not the Doorbusters). Thats how I remember it like last year.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Spyder187']Right now you can get Max Payne from GF for 17.99 with free shipping. Pretty much the same as getting it new because it will come with any/all codes included with new games.[/QUOTE]

Who would pay almost twice the price for a used copy? Also, not all GF games are like new, I've gotten ps3 games with chips on the sides of the disc.
$35 is too much for Assassins creed 3. Worst game of the series and a horrible ending.

Theres 12 sequences. 5 of which you don't play as an assassin. 3 you run around playing hide and go seek as an indian boy. And then do shitty naval missions. And the whole game, you don't even assassinate anybody. It doesn't contribute to anything of the franchise.
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[quote name='drmuerto']WIth BestBuy just down the street from my apartment, I'll definitely be picking up ACIII there.[/QUOTE]

You can open your front door and get right in the line!
[quote name='computingwarren']$35 is too much for Assassins creed 3. Worst game of the series and a horrible ending.


I'd appreciate it if you didn't spoil so much of the game
[quote name='CheapAssHustla']That 3TB external HDD is tempting. I'd rip it out, and throw it into my computer. That's the only thing for me though.[/QUOTE]

I'd really like to see you throw in into your computer.

From like 5 feet away.
[quote name='JKooL']Can you order these online when the sale starts or must you fight the crazy people?[/QUOTE]

Most of the crazy people are online right here!
[quote name='mewman13']I'd appreciate it if you didn't spoil so much of the game[/QUOTE]

No spoilers. Didn't say who you were playing as in characters, or what happened in the story. Spoilers means giving away details of the story. IIRC.

Only spoiler is : You feel like you're playing a overlong boring History channel documentary.
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