Best Buy Front Row Additional Games *Updated 9-25*


20 (100%)
To clear up any confusion, front row games are the games that are displayed at the checkout counters in large blue boxes. All the games have big white stickers with their prices on them. They range in price from 4.99-14.99. These are NOT normal stocked items, nor are they the yellow stickered items found in the normal game section. Some stores are now moving these games into their normal stock sections, but they will still have the white stickers on them. If they do not have a white sticker, they are NOT a front row game.

Etymology of the phrase "Front Row" *******************

The term front row game stems from the name on a receipt for these items. They will all show up with the generic title Front Row instead of their actual names. The term does not specifically have to do with the fact that these games are found in the front row of a store, although that was where they originally were found. If you find a game without a sticker in the front row of a store, IT IS NOT A FRONT ROW GAME. It is only a Front Row game if it has a white sticker with a price tag along with a white upc sticker covering the original sticker.


Ratchet & Clank for 9.99 is a Frontrow Game ONLY. We all know it's 40 on the website. All frontrow games are NOT normal stock games and will not show up online. These prices are good IN STORE only.
**Now for the reading impaired**
=Front Row
= Not Front Row

* Edit 9-25 *
Added a few more games

New items added in green.

19.99 Condemned
19.99 Prey
19.99 World Champ Poker All-In

19.99 Legend of the Dragon
19.99 Happy Feet
19.99 Billy & Mandy

Spider Man
4.99 Powerdrone
4.99 Magic the gathering battlegrounds
4.99 World Championship Poker 2
4.99 The Bible Game
4.99 MX World Tour
4.99 Trigger Man
4.99 TOCA Race Driver 3
4.99 Godzilla Save the Earth
4.99 Demon Stone

4.99 Rogue Trooper
4.99 Syberia
4.99 Just Cause
4.99 Urban Chaos
4.99 Mace Griffin
4.99 Serious Sam II
4.99 Tomb Raider Legend
4.99 Alias
4.99 Hitman Contracts
4.99 Reservoir Dogs
4.99 Cold Fear
9.99 Fantastic Four
9.99 Soul Calibur 2
9.99 Tak 2

4.99 Hajime No Ippo 2 Victorious Road
4.99/9.99 Metal Gear 3
4.99 Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift
4.99 Mojo
4.99 Puzzle Challenge
4.99 One Piece Pirates Carnival
4.99 Future Tactics
4.99 Motocross Mania 3
4.99 Triggerman
4.99 Pro Bass Challenge
4.99 Strike Force Bowling
4.99 Puzzle Challenge
4.99 Duel Masters
4.99 Magix Music Maker Deluxe Edition
4.99 Ghost Recon
9.99 Nano Breaker
9.99 Rogue Ops
9.99 Transformers
9.99 Spawn Armagedon
9.99 Beatdown
9.99 Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
9.99 Ruff Trigger

9.99 Hitman: Blood Money
9.99 Matrix Path of Neo
9.99 Hard Rock Casino
9.99 Blitz the League
9.99 Reservoir Dogs
9.99 Total Overdose
9.99 Primal
9.99 Yakuza
9.99 Red Faction
9.99 Backyard Wrestling

9.99 The Plan
9.99 Clock Tower 3

9.99 One Piece Grand Adventure
9.99 One Piece Pirates Carnival
9.99 Ty 2
9.99 Ant Bully
9.99 Aggressive Inline
9.99 Madden 05
9.99 Rise of the Imperfects
9.99 Super Monkey Ball
9.99 Super Monkey Ball 2
9.99 Fantastic Four
9.99 Spyro
9.99 Crash Team Racing
9.99 Tales of Symphonia

9.99 Zatchbell! Electric Arena
9.99 DragonBall GT Transformation
9.99 Klonoa 2
9.99 Advance Guardian Heroes
9.99 Rayman Hoodlum's Revenge
9.99 Ant Bully
9.99 Cartoon Network Racing
9.99 Ultimate Martial Arts Simulator
9.99 The Amazing Virtual Sea Monkeys
9.99 Spy Muppets: License to Croak
9.99 Rebelstar
9.99 Namco Museum

14.99 Bomberman
14.99 Urbz
14.99 Asphalt Urban GT
14.99 FMA
14.99 Rayman
14.99 Mr Driller
19.99 Super Monkey Ball
19.99 SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters

9.99 Ultimate Block Party
9.99 Crossword Puzzle
9.99 Go! Sudoku
9.99 Puzzle Challenge
9.99 Virtua Tennis
9.99 The Hustle: Detroit Streets
9.99 Death Jr.
9.99 Pinball
9.99 Ghost in the Shell SAC
9.99 Hard Rock Casino
9.99 Gunpey
9.99 Loco Roco
9.99 Astonisha Story
9.99 Ratchet & Clank
9.99 Pacman Rally
14.99 Metal Gear Acid 2

14.99 Splinter Cell Essentials
14.99 Twisted Metal: Head On
14.99 NBA 07
14.99 Micro Machines V4
14.99 Coded Arms
14.99 Killzone: Liberation
14.99 Infected
14.99 Ape Escape On the Loose
14.99 Marvel Nemesis
[quote name='boyboy1080']i saw the ds browser at front lane, it was priced 19.99[/quote]

If that hits $9.99 in the front row I'll buy it.
[quote name='Nemo_Hyde']Saw Samurai Warriors for Ps2 (first one) for $9.99 in a frontlane the other day.... was tempted but....nah.[/QUOTE]

You should buy Warriors Orochi ... or Dynasty Warriors 'X' (replace X with any number, word, metaphor, phrase, a banana, Gundam, Naruto, Jesus).

There is only one Best Buy around me with any front row games. All they have is One Piece Grand Adventure. It's good at least some of you are getting good prices on these games.
my local BB (Independence, MO) have lot front row games. Most of them is CRAPPY titles and new titles showup very slowly or it been purchase by employee's.
it may not be at best Buy, but I saw Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath at in K-Mart front row section for $4.99. Hopefully BB gets in a few copies. From what I heard, it's a very good game.
Just wanted to say they had 3 copies of TMNT In the front row display Although they weren't Front Row Games per-say, They were 4.99 a piece and all for ps2. I also saw Samurai Warriors for Ps2 for 9.99.
[quote name='mkernan']Found a couple at my local Best Buy (Denton, TX) today that aren't on the list on page 1.

Both for Xbox:
Counter-Strike $4.99
Burnout 3 $4.99

There was also a Mortal Kombat marked $4.99 I think, but I can't remember which one it was. I think it was in a greatest hits-type case.[/quote]
It was MK: Armageddon I believe. There was also The Chronicles of Riddick for $9.99. Also, I hope you bought Burnout 3: Takedown because that game is simply awesome.
[quote name='GhostDog']It was MK: Armageddon I believe. There was also The Chronicles of Riddick for $9.99. Also, I hope you bought Burnout 3: Takedown because that game is simply awesome.[/quote]
If it was MK Armageddon it couldn't have been greatest hits. Has anyone else seen this?
[quote name='deathscythehe']If it was MK Armageddon it couldn't have been greatest hits. Has anyone else seen this?[/quote]

Oops, you're right. After looking at the covers I think it was Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.
PSP Ratchet showed up today at Best Buy Westwood. I bought the only copy I found, but it was most definitely not there earlier in the week so they seem to be very slowly restocking.

I was pretty shocked to find it since it seems to be the holy grail of Frontlane games! :)
[quote name='Justin42']PSP Ratchet showed up today at Best Buy Westwood. I bought the only copy I found, but it was most definitely not there earlier in the week so they seem to be very slowly restocking.

I was pretty shocked to find it since it seems to be the holy grail of Frontlane games! :)[/QUOTE]

DARN YOU! Stop keeping my hopes alive! I *hate* it when people give me false hope!

Nice score. Did you get to use the coupon as well?
i nabbed Metal Gear Solid 3 from this a week or so ago at the new store in sherman oaks, CA. $9.99

they only had the one copy though so I got lucky!
nothing in fort wayne also friends been banned from disc replay LOL

called one of the workers a total scam artist and was asked to leave good times , good times
Got lucky today. I went to same bb as above and noticed a copy of Ratchet & Clank (psp) with a white sticker for $9.99. I got the only copy. There were 3 other copies behind it but they didn't have the white sticker on them. They also had Rebelstar Tactical Command (gba) for $9.99, if anyone is interested.

I noticed that CC has R&C for 39.99 in their current ad. This makes my find even sweeter. \\:D/
[quote name='Garon']i nabbed Metal Gear Solid 3 from this a week or so ago at the new store in sherman oaks, CA. $9.99

they only had the one copy though so I got lucky![/quote]

decent price on that game but I think all Toys R us stores have it for $6.98 but you most likely need to get it from behind the counter.
At the Cockrell Hill BB in Dallas, TX I got

WWE Smackdown 2007 xbox 360 12.00
Forza 2 xbox 360 24.00
Planet Puzzle League DS 12.00
Sim City DS 8.00
Virtua Tennis PS3 16.00
Spiderman 3 PS3 12.00

The only game I regret buying is Spiderman 3. Damn that game sucks ass.

They had a lot of copies of each game I got and a lot more titles not mentioned in the thread ie

Dynasty Warriors Gundam
Armored Core 4
The Bigs
[quote name='djpookie2000']At the Cockrell Hill BB in Dallas, TX I got

WWE Smackdown 2007 xbox 360 12.00
Forza 2 xbox 360 24.00
Planet Puzzle League DS 12.00
Sim City DS 8.00
Virtua Tennis PS3 16.00
Spiderman 3 PS3 12.00

The only game I regret buying is Spiderman 3. Damn that game sucks ass.

They had a lot of copies of each game I got and a lot more titles not mentioned in the thread ie

Dynasty Warriors Gundam
Armored Core 4
The Bigs
Those are YMMV clearance prices, not front lane. This thread is for frontlane games with the 4.99/9.99/14.99/19.99 big white stickers. Those sound like a lot of the same games and prices that are at some of my BBs that are doing the clearance. First I've seen The Bigs though. Too bad I'm waiting on a copy I won. . .

I almost picked up Enclave, maybe I should go back and get it and PM VF5 while I'm there. It had the yellow 4.99 sticker at my BB.

As far as FL games go, I did see:
360 World Poker All In 19.99
Found some new Xbox front Row additions:

Fusion Frenzy Family PH
Tony Hawk Underground PH
Brute Force PH
Oddworld PH
Mechwarrior 2 PH
Scored Malice (XBOX) $5 & Ratchet & Clank: Size matter (PSP) $5 after coupon. Also, SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters (DS) $14.99 or $9.99 after coupon... I heard this game is bad.
[quote name='Masterkyo']SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters (DS) $14.99. Still not sure this is updated version or BUGS version ??[/QUOTE]

I really wish there was an easier way to tell on the box, no idea.

Also this was $19.99 at my BB. Are Front Row games supposed to have YMMV prices?
[quote name='Masterkyo']SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters (DS) $14.99. Still not sure this is updated version or BUGS version ??[/QUOTE]

buy it and if its the buggy version just send it in to get fixxed. i got my buggy copy fixxed in 1 week
[quote name='evophile']I really wish there was an easier way to tell on the box, no idea.

Also this was $19.99 at my BB. Are Front Row games supposed to have YMMV prices?[/QUOTE]

From my experience, the version sold at TRU is the corrected version and that version's boxes are re-shrinkwrapped (i.e. the outer plastic no longer has the neat folds at the top and the bottom). If your version of SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters has the neat factory shrinkwrap (with the folds) then it's probably the glitched one.
I guess I don't fully get the different prices for Ratchet & Clank [PSP]. A few days ago I bought a copy for $9.99. Last night they had 4 copies but they all rang up $39.99. What's the story?
As the first page explains in huge bold print, Ratchet is a frontlane game and still may be in normal stock. It's only $9.99 if it's stickered with the price tag and has the UPC code replacement sticker.
There are 2 different prices because there are 2 different sellers. The $39.99 are from Best Buy. The $9.99 are from the frontlane company.
My BB totally restocked their frontlane selection. For the holidays, they redid the whole checkout line and one of the new things is a frontlane rack. No more blue box. Now we have a whole rack. I didn't get a good chance to look through it but I remember it had a bunch of Xbox PH games for $4.99. I remember Brute Force, Fuzion Frenzy, and MechAssault. Also saw that Ninjabread Man game on thw Wii for $19.99. Also saw Phantasy Star Universe and Prey on the X360 for I think $9.99.
I dunno if I missed somebody saying this or not. Buy I was taking a close look at the $5 off coupons on the front page and on the bottom it says they're valid through 7/08-7/21/07 which has already passed.
Kohl's and Hastings are now using the same distributor as Best Buy for front row games by the register. They all have the same video games so if your Best Buy does not have Ratchet & Clank (PSP) for $9.99 at Best Buy, check either Kohl's or Hastings. At my Best Buy they also have the craptacular Ninjabread Man, Anubis II (This is a sequel?), Rock and Roll Adventures, Dave Mirra BMX Challenge, and Brunswick Bowling ($19.99) for Wii for $14.99 (probably would take a lump of coal over these games). All (Hastings, Best Buy, and Kohl's) have Battleship - Trouble - Sorry - Connect DS Game for $14.99 as well.
[quote name='Perfect*Ending']Found Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins (PSP) for $9.99.

Anyone have any thoughts on it? I am actually considering returning it.[/quote]

I also bought a copy of this game but I got it for about $5 at K-Mart on clearance. It's a good game but kinda frustrating because of the difficulty level. Well worth a purchase for $9.99 IMHO.
bread's done