Best Buy GC Offers: 20% off Skylanders Giants Single Characters, $30 off Rocketfish 500GB Hard Drive for PS3


4 (100%)
Save $30 on Rocketfish 500GB Hard Drive for PS3

In Store Coupon:

Save 20% on Skylanders: Giants Single Characters

In Store Coupon:

Markdowns taken from current pricing. Limit 1 offer per My Best Buy Gamers Club membership. Not valid when combined with other coupons or offers. Not valid on pre-owned games, unless the coupon is for a pre-owned game/s. Selection varies by store. Valid only at Best Buy® stores in the U.S. and®. Best Buy employees are not eligible for this promotion. No backorders. No rainchecks. No dealers. No copies. No cash back. No cash value. My Best Buy Gamers Club member ID or claim coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Offer valid 1/19/14 – 2/1/14.

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Is $30 for the 500gb ps3 drive a good deal.  Haven't been following.  Seems like a good price.  I think it was a DotD the other day for ~$60.

Is $30 for the 500gb ps3 drive a good deal. Haven't been following. Seems like a good price. I think it was a DotD the other day for ~$60.
$30 is a good deal for the drive. 500gb drives usually go for $45-$50 on sale at newegg. The gamer's club offer is not active right now, so you might need to wait till morning to get it for $30.

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$30 is a good deal for the drive. 500gb drives usually go for $45-$50 on sale at newegg. The gamer's club offer is not active right now, so you might need to wait till morning to get it for $30.
It's active in my cart. Shows $29.99 when I checkout. I think I will get one for my 120Gb system. I'm wondering if it was another gamers club mistake and it is supposed to be about $50 after coupon.

It's active in my cart. Shows $29.99 when I checkout. I think I will get one for my 120Gb system. I'm wondering if it was another gamers club mistake and it is supposed to be about $50 after coupon.
I guess it just gone live right after I posted. :)

$30 is a good deal for the drive. 500gb drives usually go for $45-$50 on sale at newegg. The gamer's club offer is not active right now, so you might need to wait till morning to get it for $30.
Just worked for me. Was thinking the sale was supposed to end before the coupon goes live. $30 seems a bit too good.
This promo isnt working for me when I add the only GIANT I am missing, Hot Head. Only my GCU is showing up, works fine on the normal size figures. I wonder if it would be any different in store.

Skylanders Promotion either doesn't stack with GCU 20%, or just isn't working.
Not exactly. Im staring at 2 different Skylanders both normally $9.99. The Swap Force character is down to $7.99 with my GCU. My Skylanders Giants regular figure is priced at $6.39 from the promo and GCU. Seems like it takes the 20% off of the post GCU price rather than straight 40% of $9.99

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Not exactly. Im staring at 2 different Skylanders both normally $9.99. The Swap Force character is down to $7.99 with my GCU. My Skylanders Giants regular figure is priced at $6.39 from the promo and GCU. Seems like it takes the 20% off of the post GCU price rather than straight 40% of $9.99
I'm just seeing it at 7.99

Ah I ordered the hard drive since you all scared me thinking that it might be a price error. Thanks again, CAG!

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also got the hard drive. was hoping to find a 1tb for like $40 but havent yet, this will still be a nice upgrade from a 250gb.
blea, why wont the damn xbox HDDs go on sale? Theyre the ones you cant just replace with a regular notebook HDD anyway. Been keeping an eye out for a cheap one for my cousin and an old fat one for myself for a while now

Everyone seems to lean that $30 is a good price for 500GB. I am still on a 80gb phat so this will be nice and then I can actually download some of the games on sale this week before it ends. Also had a $ 5 rewards certificate to use, so this was good. No sales on hdds lately, even black friday didn't have anything special.

30 $ is a great deal for the ps3 hard drive , I snagged one to either swap out and stop balancing what to delete for ps plus games I'm never gonna play or to sell at cost to a guy from work that got his kid a 12 gig ps3 for Christmas not knowing that 12 gigs isn't enough storage . For anybody with a 12 gig ps3 this hard drive comes with a hard drive case/caddy .
Thanks to fellow cag LordVila, who woke my ass up, I grabbed one too. In store pickup at my local BBY

Good upgrade for my 160gb HDD, plus I get a hard drive caddy which I dont have.

So since this comes with a "caddy" can you just hook this up along side your current PS3 and keep the existing hard drive inside it?


Nevermind I misread what the "caddy" was.

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Thanks OP, in for one!  My 120gb was plenty until I subscribed to ps+  2 years ago, it just doesn't cut it. I am having such a hard time saving my gc's for Feb/Mar next ps4-one releases. At least I'll  have plenty of space to hold my ps3 goodies.

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Thanks OP! Picked up the 500GB HD for $20 after using RZ cert. I hardly buy PS3 games anymore since I got the PS4 but 160GB is not enough with all the PS+ games that I've never played. Also just in case anyone is wondering the 20% off on Skylanders Giants stacks with the 20% off GCU.

blea, why wont the damn xbox HDDs go on sale? Theyre the ones you cant just replace with a regular notebook HDD anyway. Been keeping an eye out for a cheap one for my cousin and an old fat one for myself for a while now
MS big accessory sale is usually in March at GS/Amazon (or it has been the last 2 years) but it'll only be $20-$30 cheaper.
What the hell. I had the Rocketfish hard drive in my cart, I enter my credit card CID, I hit submit order...and I get a message that the hard drive was removed from my cart due to high demand. What a bunch of crap, I literally missed this deal by seconds. Every single store in a 50 mile radius is reporting in stock and my order was a store pickup, so I don't know why it was removed. I guess I'll actually have to drive there tonight to get in on this, assuming it's not sold out when I get there.

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Has anybody tried to get the Hard Drive in store after it sold out online? It shows in stock for a lot of BB but not available for shipping.
If I want to transfer all of my old data to the new drive, I'll need an external hard drive, right?
depends on what you want to back up. If its just your saves and stuff like that then no, a flash drive is plenty. Considering it seems you can no longer back up actual games and d.loads anymore for some reason, thats the best way to go.

I was looking at a 1 gb for my ps4 and flipping the 500 gb from the ps4 to my ps3 but this is much cheaper than a 1 gb hard drive.  However still doesnt solve the fact that my ps4 hard drive will get small very fast...

How are you getting the Giant's coupon to reflect in the cart?  The coupon is only print and says 'not available on'.  What am I missing?

bread's done