Best Buy sending out 10% off coupon on PS4/Xbox One Games, Accessories, and Xbox Live/PS+ subscriptions. Expires: 2/1/14, Single Use, In-Store Only


4 (100%)

Similar coupon sent out for Xbox One.

It says "Save 10% on any Xbox One game, or Xbox Live product", with the same eligibility date range.
Some CAGs have reported the coupon does stack with the 20% off Unlocked discount.

Just checked. They stack with absolutely no problems.
I bought just one copy of Madden on the PS4 and the 10% discount worked. Got it down to $35 before tax.
Just want to say thanks OP for posting this. I may have missed the email otherwise. Got this to stack w/ the 20% for GCU, but I'm not sure if that required an override or anything. I was dealing with the manager at my store and she may have overridden without saying anything, she's pretty cool.
Went back today, it did stack today at a different store but only on one item.
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Hopefully they are sending these coupon emails out in waves because I haven't received one yet.  Bought 5 Xbox One games there so here's hoping more coupons are on the way.

Has anyone received a coupon since the first emails were sent out yesterday around 5pm Central time?

LOl, i didn't get one either. O'well. it is not like i am going to use it anyway. since i don't own a ps4 , or xbone

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Blah. If ACIV was down I'd get it, but I don't wanna just start grabbing games. Hopefully there's a sale on another X1 game before the month ends
Thanks for confirming it works with GCU sir. Gonna save my coupon for Tomb Raider for sure. Made sure to pre-order the artbook sku and not the regular sku in store today.

I got this email and deleted it because it didn't look like a coupon - I just assumed it was an email for something in the weekly ad. But I recovered the email and printed it. We'll see what use it has.

Of course not a single PS4 camera within 100 miles now...
I did the same exact thing. How did you recover it? I emptied my trash already :(
I've never received a coupon from bb, mystery or the like so I may really have to call and see what's going on with that. I mean only one would at least make me feel better just not as fortunate but 0 to this point is worrying. I do receive promotional emails about sales but that's it
I've never received a coupon from bb, mystery or the like so I may really have to call and see what's going on with that. I mean only one would at least make me feel better just not as fortunate but 0 to this point is worrying. I do receive promotional emails about sales but that's it
Strangely all my coupons and Elite Plus emails have been going to my wife the last couple months. I don't remember linking the accounts or anything. So if you have another email you might check the junk box or something. But like you I still recieve certain promo emails along with the daily deal ones.
I got a PS4 coupon.  Thanks Best Buy for getting the 50/50 wrong.

...Anyone want to trade?  I want the Xbox coupon.

Nothing for me yet. :whistle2:( I was going to get tomb raider from amazon anyway since I have trade credit there and amazon is offering the art book packaging and best buy isn't. Then all my games after that will be from best buy. :)
Best buy is offering the artbook packaging as well. "Pre-order the Definitive Edition to receive special artbook packaging that features never-before-seen concept art."

I think it may have something to do with preordering the system.  The account I used to preorder the PS4 received the PS4 coupon.  Interestingly though, I also preordered an Xbone on the same account but never got the Xbone coupon.  Maybe it's just limiting it to receiving one of the two coupons only.
I might try to use the coupon in a couple of hours and report whether it stacks or not.
What game did you try it on?

Apparently the mobile site really didn't want me to quote. Thanks, CAG.
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Just want to say thanks OP for posting this. I may have missed the email otherwise. Got this to stack w/ the 20% for GCU, but I'm not sure if that required an override or anything.  I was dealing with the manager at my store and she may have overridden without saying anything, she's pretty cool.

Adding my name to the list.  I have a PS4 coupon but I am really looking to trade it for an XB1 coupon.  Send me a PM if interested.

I pre-ordered AC IV from best buy, got everything else from gamestop and amazon.

I tried using the coupon on a PSN card to see if it would work the day the coupon came out (it didn't work). I wonder if my coupon is expired now?

I was looking at my gamers club setting and you can pick one console from the list.  Does that choice determine your coupon?  I can only select one which is silly because I have multiple consoles.

So are these able to be used more than once?  Sounds like I'm reading that from people which is pretty awesome if true. Especially if stacking with the 20% GCU on games. 

My coupon barcode isnt valid. Can someone please PM me/email me a copy of their PS4 10% coupon so I can show them that I have/had one that was valid but cant be used?

Got a Xbox one coupon. Just got a ps4 and I bought all the games I wanted on Xbox ans an extra controller so I wanna trade for a ps4 coupon. Pm me if interested.
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hehe nice try
nice try what? i obviously meant an already redemeeded/used one. you thought that was some kind of clever trick lol?

i just needed to show them proof of it, thats all because they said my reward zone email was the only way to do it unless i had printed proof

bread's done