Best Buy Trade-in Thread: 50% Bonus with Pre-order of Rage or NBA 2K12, 9/25-10/1.

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3 (100%)
!!! Promotions available in stores only, and they DO NOT stack !!!
Only the 10% Bonus from Gamers Club Unlocked will stack with these offers.

Current Promos:

- 50% Bonus with Rage or NBA 2K12 Pre-order.
Offer valid 9/25 to 10/01/2011.

- 40% Bonus with Gears of War 3 Purchase.
Get a 40% extra trade-in credit when you pre-order/purchase Gears of War 3. Offer expires 10/01/2011

- Trade 3, Get 30% More.
Trade in 3 games or more and get 30% extra trade-in credit. Offer expires 10/01/2011

- 40% Bonus with any Pre-order.
Get a 40% extra trade-in credit when you pre-order any game. Offer expires 10/01/2011

Link: (click on "Show Promotions available in stores only" on top right)



Check most up-to-date TIV using BB's Video Games Value Estimator.

Check which BB stores do trade-ins here.
In-store trades are now done at the Trade-In Counter at the Gaming Dept.


F.A.Q. Best Buy has a short FAQ here.

:bomb: The values in the Lists do not match the values in the Estimator. What's up with that?
I don't know. It seems the Lists are usually updated on Sundays, and the TIVs are adjusted to reflect the List in a few days. But as trades are made, the TIVs may change and the Lists are not updated frequently. Again, check the Estimator for latest TIV.

The promo says "Trade 2..." or "Trade 3..." but I only want to trade 1 game, will I still get $x amount?
You will get whatever TIV is offered according to the Estimator for each game. The promo is titled "Trade 2" etc to make the giftcards sound more lucrative.

The 2 games I want to trade are worth more than $60 combined according to the Estimator. Does that mean I will only get $60 for the 2 games?
No. You will get whatever TIV is offered according to the Estimator for each game. For example, if your total according to the Estimator is $70, you will get a $70 giftcard.

:bomb: If I locked in a trade online, and the value drops, will I still get the locked in value when I mail it in?
Yes. You will get the locked in TIV as long as you ship it before the "Ship by" date "Your item(s) must be received within 14 days to get the quoted value" (as of 5/2), and your games are received in the condition you declared.

How long do I have after I lock in a trade online before I have to ship it?
30 days. Has been recently changed to "Your item(s) must be received within 14 days to get the quoted value".

Can you lock in the price online then trade it in-store?

Is there a limit to how many games I can trade in?
According to BB: "We will not accept more than 3 games of the same title and platform from a customer (or address) in a year. Please do not submit more than the limit as excess submissions WILL NOT BE RETURNED." Example, you can trade 3 copies of Portal 2 for PS3 and 3 copies of Portal 2 for x360 without problems. Some people have been banned from trade-ins at BB due to the violation of this policy. If you plan on trading more than 3 copies of a game per platform by doing it through various stores, you do so at your own risk and discretion.

:bomb: Can I trade game disc only, or do I need the case and manuals, too?
BB used to be strict about complete copies, but this has changed, and ppl are trading games in store without manuals or cover sleeve for full TIV. If you trade online it's sometimes YMMV. I would advise you to send in complete games (case, disc, manual) since some ppl are reporting only getting 50% of the locked TIV.

I see people talking about getting Amazon giftcards by trading at Best Buy. How are they doing that?
Some Best Buys sell Kindle giftcards which can be used on like regular Amazon giftcards. You will not get the Kindle card with your trade, but you can buy them with your BB giftcard.

When I do a in-store trade, I am asked: to be fingerprinted, to have my photo taken, how much I weigh, etc. What's the deal?
Pawn shop laws regulating trade-ins and resale of used goods varies from state to state or city to city. It is not Best Buy's rule, and varies from store to store depending on where you live.

I went to a store to do a trade-in and they asked for a Best Buy receipt. WTF?
According to BB's own FAQ:
Q: Is trade-in limited to items I bought at Best Buy?
A: No.

I don't know why this happens, but apparently some stores do not have their system setup to take non-BB purchased items at this time. Check the link above regarding stores that do video games trade-ins first.
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[quote name='boneless']Did you keep the shipping packing list on the page with the UPS label or the other one? I'm not sure if there's a difference and which one to send.[/QUOTE]

I just cut out the label and packed the rest in. If I needed a copy, I'll just print another from the web.
I kept the copy that was on the same page as the label and packed the one that came on the second page. I just assumed that was the way it was supposed to work.

That is equivalent to printing from PayPal shipping where the label is attached to a receipt that you cut out and keep (though I don't see the point and wish they'd just save the ink).
[quote name='io']I kept the copy that was on the same page as the label and packed the one that came on the second page. I just assumed that was the way it was supposed to work.

That is equivalent to printing from PayPal shipping where the label is attached to a receipt that you cut out and keep (though I don't see the point and wish they'd just save the ink).[/QUOTE]

cutePDF writer and Adobe reader. You can select what you would like to print with the snapshot tool. I do it to save ink and to have a copy of my ebay labels.
Came back from my local BB and traded in 2 copies of Crysis 2, Eye of Judgement and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam. They gave me 30% bonus on all 4 games for a grand total of $67.xx. I'm lovin this promotion already! Only $1.00 for Eye of Judgement, but what the heck.
[quote name='shivan128']Does the UPC matter when you mail the games in to BB? Halo reach has like 4 different UPC's. Without knowing before-hand which one it was, is locking in the value worth it, or does Best buy even care?[/QUOTE]
Check the back of your copy and verify which one you have, then lock that one in. After all, you don't want to go through 30 or so days of waiting to be credited, only to find out you locked in the wrong one and it got rejected due to wrong UPC or something.;)
[quote name='Rozz']If they want to play the games then they have the option to go out and buy them just like anyone else. If you buy the games then it's your property to do as you wish with them. The "holier-than-thou" attitude portrayed here hardly seems necessary.[/QUOTE]
Just dropping the line here...

I got 2 copies of F3AR through the TRU deal. Intend on keeping one, getting rid of the other, everything else was sold out and I couldn't pass up on a AAA title for 25 dollars...

I'm interested in trading for equal worth for those interested in getting F3AR. Otherwise I'll trade into best buy
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Check the back of your copy and verify which one you have, then lock that one in. After all, you don't want to go through 30 or so days of waiting to be credited, only to find out you locked in the wrong one and it got rejected due to wrong UPC or something.;)

The thing is I locked a couple BO games in and if I lock the other UPCs in now I'd take a $5 hit per copy D:
What happens if I keep the cover art? XD
I wouldn't bother with figuring which UPC is which. People send games without cases and art all the time. And the customer rep I talked to said they just care about getting the game. I asked them about how they wanted to handle my DJ Hero "not for resale" copy and that was his reply.

Then again, I'm on what I believe is week 3 of waiting for them to figure out what to do with that copy of DJ Hero I sent in...
[quote name='strangelove']being to lazy to look through the thread, does this extra 30 percent only apply to certain games, or is it any two or more?[/QUOTE]

We're too lazy to answer you question then.
[quote name='strangelove']being to lazy to look through the thread, does this extra 30 percent only apply to certain games, or is it any two or more?[/QUOTE]

All the games I've traded in so far received the 30% bonus so it's safe to say YES. However it has to be 2 games or more for you to receive the bonus.
[quote name='strangelove']being to lazy to look through the thread, does this extra 30 percent only apply to certain games, or is it any two or more?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']We're too lazy to answer you question then.[/QUOTE]

See...we're even too lazy to finish our words too. :rofl:
It took like, a half hour for them to trade in 6 games in store today. Something about their webpage or whatever not being up or kept crashing.
[quote name='jer7583']It took like, a half hour for them to trade in 6 games in store today. Something about their webpage or whatever not being up or kept crashing.[/QUOTE]

Why wold their webpage crashing make the trade go faster?
[quote name='DerClaw']Why wold their webpage crashing make the trade go faster?[/QUOTE]
Wasn't he suggesting it went slower?
[quote name='jer7583']It took like, a half hour for them to trade in 6 games in store today. Something about their webpage or whatever not being up or kept crashing.[/QUOTE]

When I went to do my trade on Sunday, I told the CSR about the 30% extra and she didn't know about it. So I told her it was on the tradein homepage and showed her where when she swung the cashier screen around. I think they use the website to setup the tradeins like we do, but there's a different process to finish it and makes the giftcards. So yeah, the tradein website is probably used in-store.
[quote name='Rozz']If they want to play the games then they have the option to go out and buy them just like anyone else. If you buy the games then it's your property to do as you wish with them. The "holier-than-thou" attitude portrayed here hardly seems necessary.[/QUOTE]

It's not a "holier-than-thou" attitude. It's the wider perspective that has in mind a scenario in which a person wanting to play the game and take advantage of the deal might find the game out of stock at her/his local store because flippers have bought out the entire stock.

Furthermore, by artificially raising demand, flippers hamper with market equilibrium and thus are detrimental to the notion of a "free" market in which fair prices reign. So you end up with a paradox of freedom where the freedom of the individual to flip games gets in the way of a "free" market society.
They didn't want to accept my InFamous 2 because it had no bar code (it was from the Hero Edition). Oh well, forget you then BB! Also, they took forever just to ring up 3 games >_<

I took my games to GameStop instead.
[quote name='earvcunanan']They didn't want to accept my InFamous 2 because it had no bar code (it was from the Hero Edition). Oh well, forget you then BB! Also, they took forever just to ring up 3 games >_<

I took my games to GameStop instead.[/QUOTE]

Trade in disc only.
And yeah BB is slow when it comes to processing.
Its crazy how everyone takes gamestop for granted when it comes to how quick they do trade ins...
[quote name='gloveslap415']It's not a "holier-than-thou" attitude. It's the wider perspective that has in mind a scenario in which a person wanting to play the game and take advantage of the deal might find the game out of stock at her/his local store because flippers have bought out the entire stock.

Furthermore, by artificially raising demand, flippers hamper with market equilibrium and thus are detrimental to the notion of a "free" market in which fair prices reign. So you end up with a paradox of freedom where the freedom of the individual to flip games gets in the way of a "free" market society.[/QUOTE]

Flippers, given the fact that they are almost immediately dumping the games back into the market, are kind of a zero sum game for the demand. Obviously, most flippers keep 1 game for themselves, but that's not any different than a random person keeping 1 copy.
[quote name='DudeImGodly']Trade in disc only.
And yeah BB is slow when it comes to processing.
Its crazy how everyone takes gamestop for granted when it comes to how quick they do trade ins...[/QUOTE]

I wish to know about this, as I too had the same problem trying to trade in infamous 2. Unfortunately I had 4 games to trade at the time, and only 3 went through, so I didn't get the 30% extra I would have if infamous 2 went in. If i want to trade in a game, the case really isn't needed? That sounds a little weird. How would it work then?
[quote name='Neg']I wish to know about this, as I too had the same problem trying to trade in infamous 2. Unfortunately I had 4 games to trade at the time, and only 3 went through, so I didn't get the 30% extra I would have if infamous 2 went in. If i want to trade in a game, the case really isn't needed? That sounds a little weird. How would it work then?[/QUOTE]

Wait? You traded in three games and didn't get the 30%? I guess I presumed that anything more than 2 got the 30%, I didn't realize it needed to be "pairs"

I don't know how disc-only works, but I definitely have asked about it and they all say it works. I've started pulling out the manuals in case I ever need them for GS, but I presume you could have just pulled the artwork out of the case and traded it in that way.
[quote name='gloveslap415']It's not a "holier-than-thou" attitude. It's the wider perspective that has in mind a scenario in which a person wanting to play the game and take advantage of the deal might find the game out of stock at her/his local store because flippers have bought out the entire stock.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='gloveslap415']Furthermore, by artificially raising demand, flippers hamper with market equilibrium and thus are detrimental to the notion of a "free" market in which fair prices reign. So you end up with a paradox of freedom where the freedom of the individual to flip games gets in the way of a "free" market society.[/QUOTE]

hahaha WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!! Flippers are part of the market equilibrium, like market makers, taking risks, absorbing excess supply sometimes and feeding into demand at others. Your "free" must mean "idealistic".
Nah, I mean I had the 4 games with infamous, so I traded in 3. The girl at the register just stopped the infamous 2 trade from happening, so the other 3 got traded. Two got the 30% extra(of course one of the two was worth $10 less than the others), so now I'm left with just infamous 2 to trade instead of getting an extra 30% by trading in an extra.

Thinking about buying a 3ds game from a friend for $15, which is what all 3ds games are worth at Best Buy, just to try again and have it go through this time hopefully. Was going to just use one of the $25 games from toys r us, but the deal died as I went to check this morning. :\

Disc only just seems weird. Do I just take it out of the case and go "here"? :p

I can see just taking out the art and giving the case though, that'd probably work. Why the hell did the company do that shit in the first place? It's a special edition of the game, why put "NOT FOR RESALE" on the damn back just because it's packed in a box? Don't think others have done that...
Got some ridiculously good prices for the games I traded in. They do indeed use the website just as we do, and yes, it takes like 10 minutes for the whole trade. Not a big deal considering the value if you ask me.

NBA Jam - $13 (360)
Fable 3 - $15 (360)
NFS: Hot Pursuit - $20 (360)
Portal 2 - $23 (PS3)

+ 30% = $93 total

They only offered $7 for Oblivion GOTY on PS3 though.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Check the back of your copy and verify which one you have, then lock that one in. After all, you don't want to go through 30 or so days of waiting to be credited, only to find out you locked in the wrong one and it got rejected due to wrong UPC or something.;)


I locked in a few copies of Halo Reach before the TIV dropped, but the have not come in from GoHastings yet. I have no idea on the UPC's I receive. Even though the TIV is still higher than what I paid for them, I wanted to see if people actually tried this before and got full credit! I have no problems trading them in-store anyway at the lower TIV. Lesson learned, just to mark off all the UPC's next time.
[quote name='Neg']Nah, I mean I had the 4 games with infamous, so I traded in 3. The girl at the register just stopped the infamous 2 trade from happening, so the other 3 got traded. Two got the 30% extra(of course one of the two was worth $10 less than the others), so now I'm left with just infamous 2 to trade instead of getting an extra 30% by trading in an extra.[/QUOTE]

I traded in 7 games and got 30% bonus on all of them, don't know why that didn't happen for you. As long as it's 2 or more you're going to get that 30% applied.
So I just received my Blops from hastings. The TIV from BB is @ $23 now but I locked them @ $30 each.
But they are different UPCs than the ones I locked in. Should I send them in Case + Disc only and keep the manual and cover art?
I should still get full credit, right?
[quote name='Velo214']wow blops and new vegas and fear 3 just dropped today already, ugh, go back to weekly drops bestbuy![/QUOTE]

I thought fear 3 was 25 to begin with? or was it 27?
[quote name='scarhawk']I think today because when I checked yesterday it was $25. It just keeps on dropping :/
So should I just send in the case + disc?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Velo214']wow blops and new vegas and fear 3 just dropped today already, ugh, go back to weekly drops bestbuy![/QUOTE]

[quote name='vashtheowner']I thought fear 3 was 25 to begin with? or was it 27?[/QUOTE]

Fear was 27 for one day. Blops was 25 yesterday, too.
[quote name='JKSonic']Well that makes it sort of pointless since BO was just 30 not long ago, with the 30% it only puts it back up to 30.[/QUOTE]

What do you want for a game that you could get for 20 bucks new for a couple days this week :)

If you have a bunch of other games, GS is better, since you can get it up to 40% (or 50% if you want to put some towards an e3 game) and it's at 23 there too.
[quote name='arsenal_fan']Where do you find the UPC's for the game you locked in? I'm unable to fiind it.[/QUOTE]

I tried over the weekend, from what I was able to figure out, you can't tell once you locked it in. So unless you remember what order you clicked them, you may have to call and see if dealtree can tell or not.
Bestbuy does give you reward zone points for game trade ins right? I thought I read that they did somewhere, but I cant find anything about it on bing >
Has anyone had any trouble using the Amazon Kindle gift cards for just regular Amazon purchases? I know the OP said that people purchase the gift cards and they work fine. Just wanted to see if anyone ever had any trouble before I buy $100 Amazon Kindle Gift card and it's only good for books haha.
[quote name='CrossFireXT17']Has anyone had any trouble using the Amazon Kindle gift cards for just regular Amazon purchases? I know the OP said that people purchase the gift cards and they work fine. Just wanted to see if anyone ever had any trouble before I buy $100 Amazon Kindle Gift card and it's only good for books haha.[/QUOTE]

For the millionth time this has been asked in this thread, Yes. They work like a regular giftcard.
[quote name='CrossFireXT17']Has anyone had any trouble using the Amazon Kindle gift cards for just regular Amazon purchases? I know the OP said that people purchase the gift cards and they work fine. Just wanted to see if anyone ever had any trouble before I buy $100 Amazon Kindle Gift card and it's only good for books haha.[/QUOTE]

Yes, everyone on this board, the SD board, the FW board, the amazon boards, and even Amazon itself (since the cards specifically say you can get any damn thing you want with them) have been saying that these Kindle cards work on anything at amazon as part of a months-long plan to get you to buy the GC and waste your hundred dollars. Our plan is almost compleeeeeeeeeeeeeet! :applause:
[quote name='DudeImGodly']For the millionth time this has been asked in this thread, Yes. They work like a regular giftcard.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='DerClaw']Yes, everyone on this board, the SD board, the FW board, the amazon boards, and even Amazon itself (since the cards specifically say you can get any damn thing you want with them) have been saying that these Kindle cards work on anything at amazon as part of a months-long plan to get you to buy the GC and waste your hundred dollars. Our plan is almost compleeeeeeeeeeeeeet! :applause:[/QUOTE]

haha sorry guys... I googled around and I saw some random "yahoo answers" style questions. And I know the OP said it. Just I'm sorry, just obviously don't want to load up on book credit ;-) haha. But thanks guys. I promise to always trust you now :p
I've never traded in store @ BB before. Is it a pretty easy process? Do they just send you to the customer service section? Also, disc only game ok now in store?
[quote name='DerClaw']What do you want for a game that you could get for 20 bucks new for a couple days this week :)

If you have a bunch of other games, GS is better, since you can get it up to 40% (or 50% if you want to put some towards an e3 game) and it's at 23 there too.[/QUOTE]

That's true, I guess a lot of people must have done it online, I ordered it right away and just got it yesterday. I was more curious than anything, I bought it to play/beat but just seemed odd it dropped basically right with the 30% deal...I think it was more that then the GoHastings deal.
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