eBay or half.com. You get way more than any trade in program.
Amazon is the worst. Resistance 3 = $1.30 when they were selling it for $40... Went to half.com and got $18 on their instant sale program which was removed. Did everybody forget about that? Rayman was getting $30 at one point when the game was $30. Same for Sonic getting $30 as well
[quote name='MSUHitman']GameStop. Could get more even last year with GS promos vs. BB and it doesn't take them an hour to process a trade. This year it's not even close.[/QUOTE]I've never gotten $39-$42 from GS even with 50%(60%) bonus. Now on games that BB already had coupons on sure.
My votes for BB but I'd several trades to GS as well.
I would say it's a toss up for me between Best Buy and half.com. I know some people had problems with half.com, but I didn't, and made a ton of money trading with them.