Best Independent/Specialty Online Game Retailer 2012

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I'd go with the Humble Bundle people since they're doing a good job of spreading out from the constant weird mobile/indie bundle stuff to do more things like the Double Fine prototype stuff and THQ even had a bundle even if those things might've been from this year.
This is really comparing apples and oranges, isn't it? There's zero overlap on this Venn diagram when it comes to Play-Asia and sites like and the humblebundle/indieroyale/indiegalas of the world.
Love play-asia. They spam my email like crazy when im not buying, but their customer service and selection has been solid for all my needs so far.
Jap-sai (

They're a great proxy service for Japanese imports and used game purchases. I'll email them with items I'm interested in and I'll get a response on price quotes. I've purchased a number of used items including, SNES, PS2, PS3, X360, and strategy guides. The condition of the games are always good.
Play-Asia a way too expensive. Humble gets my vote cause it's super cheap and it goes towards something good.
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