Do the free Origin games count? Or the Gamersgate screw-ups? Or the $1.99 BL2 I got from Newegg right after release? I guess the best "normal" deal would have to be Tony's Gamespot Fridays. That Prototype bundle was beautiful.
[quote name='ShockandAww']Amazons $180 Assassins Creed Black Friday Vita Bundle was pretty damn good.
I'll go with the herd though unless someone thinks of a better deal than the $10 Microsoft games.[/QUOTE]
I took advantage of the Amazon PS Vita bundle deal (sold out in less than 2 minutes if I recall?) and Microsoft Store's deals were amazing too. Seeing Forza Horizon for $15 just a week or two after I bought it for $50 with a $20 game credit left me shaking my head!
I'm sure Microsoft Store will win, but I'm going with Amazon's Assassin's Creed Vita Bundle.
Steam THQ collection during winter sale. $25, but it had titles that the Humble Bundle didn't have (Space Marine, Darksiders II, Red Faction: Guerrilla, Dawn of War II and expansions)
I didn't get in on the Vita and I wasn't interested, so that's not the best for me. I ended up getting Microsoft Store games at B&M locations, so not really an online deal for me.
The Last Story w/ Artbook/Soundtrack for $8 from Amazon
Hard to choose between the MS store's BF sale and Amazon's BF Vita deal. Think I'll go with the MS store since there were so many good games to be had for $10 even if I already owned most of them. Also, I don't think glitches should be allowed into the final vote.
Microsoft Black Friday sale was phenomenal. I still have heavy regrets for going to sleep minutes before the sale started. I'm glad I couldn't sleep well and managed to pick up a few games. If I would have caught that sale in time, I would have spent about $400.
Hmm this is a tough one i gotta think about it. The Assasins creed bundle was really good, especially with the bonus's you got, but that MS $10 sale was AWESOME. I still regret not getting 360 copy of Dragons dogma... hmmm tough one