BestBuy Canada Easter Sale

I noticed MS points cards are 15% off too, I don't think they were part of the sale the last few times, so a 2800 card is $33.99. Not as good as the RCSS Christmas sales, but better than nothing if you need points.
Vita 32GB memory card for $15 off. If I had a Vita I'd grab this.

Ok I'm gonna pre-order Borderlands 2 PC cause you get the 10% off, 800 points, and whatever preorder bonus. It'll be steamworks so doesn't matter if I buy a retail disc or not.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']Vita 32GB memory card for $15 off. If I had a Vita I'd grab this.[/QUOTE] Basically the same price as Costco.
I just got around to pre-ordering Borderlands 2 a few days ago from Best Buy. So I cancelled my order and placed it again for 7$ of savings. Now just got to wait an see if they have any E3 pre-ordering deals again this year.
I've thought about preordering, but I'm waiting until the CE is announced. I'm not a CE kind of guy, but I'll make an exception after playing the first one.
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']I've thought about preordering, but I'm waiting until the CE is announced. I'm not a CE kind of guy, but I'll make an exception after playing the first one.[/QUOTE]

Well I figure that if I feel the need the get the CE when I know what it contains, I can just cancel my current preorder.
I hate these sales. I now have 7 titles pre-ordered, and purchased 3 things that are currently out. Stupid sales..
bread's done